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A-G Requirements A Road Map to College and Beyond.

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Presentation on theme: "A-G Requirements A Road Map to College and Beyond."— Presentation transcript:

1 A-G Requirements A Road Map to College and Beyond

2 A-G Requirements? It aligns with graduation requirements for high school Prepares you to be college and career ready Provides rigor for an enriching learning experience

3 A: History/Social Science 4* semester units required Classes you can take next year Modern World History & Geography 1, 2 Advanced World History 1, 2 AP European History**

4 B: English 8 semester units required Classes you can take next year English 3, 4 ESL 5, 6 Advanced English 3, 4

5 C: Mathematics 6 semester units required (8 recommended) Classes you can take next year Geometry 1, 2 Advanced Geometry 1, 2 Intermediate Algebra 1, 2 Advanced Intermediate Algebra 1, 2 Pre-Calculus 1-2 Honors Pre-Calculus 1-2**

6 D: Laboratory Science 4 semester units required (6 recommended) Classes you can take next year Chemistry 1, 2 Honors Chemistry 1, 2 AP Chemistry 1, 2**

7 E: Language Other than English 4 semester units required (6 recommended) Classes you can take next year French 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, Honors 7-8**, AP (1)** Spanish 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, Honors 7-8**, AP (2)** Japanese 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, Honors 7-8** American Sign Language 1-2, 3-4, 5-6

8 F: Visual and Performing Arts 2 semester units required Classes you can take next year - Art 1, 2 - AP Art History 1, 2** - Design and Mixed Media 1, 2 - Video Production 1, 2 - Drawing and Painting 1, 2 - Piano 1, 2 - Choir 1, 2 - AP Music Theory 1, 2** - Jazz Ensemble 1, 2 - Orchestra (String) 1, 2 - Theater 1, 2 - Technical Theatre 1, 2

9 G: College Preparatory Elective 2 semester units required Classes you can take in 11 th - and 12 th -grade Any Visual and Performing Arts class (after 1 st year) Computer Science Principles of Engineering

10 But wait…There’s more! Choosing between AP, Honors, or Regular? The benefit of taking rigorous courses Being above average Need at least a “C -” in A-G classes to fulfill requirement How have you been able to do that? Completing Assignments Attendance

11 Challenge! “Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.” ~General Patton

12 Game Time I will number you off and appoint a designated area for everyone with the same number to gather in. When directed, please go to your designated area and get ready work as a team.

13 Directions for Your Team 1. In your group, one person will be holding the whiteboard and whiteboard marker at all times. Rotate the whiteboard and marker after each question. 2. After you see the question, talk with your team and come up with one answer. Then write down the answer on the whiteboard. Be careful of wandering eyes! 3. When I give the cue, show your answer! 4. Use your notes (only if you have to).

14 Question #1 Which A-G subject area requires 6 semester units but recommends 8 semester units? ANSWER: MATHEMATICS

15 Question #2 How many semester units are required for a foreign language (i.e. another language other than English)? ANSWER: 4 SEMESTER UNITS

16 Question #3 How many semester units are recommended for a foreign language (i.e. another language other than English)? ANSWER: 6 SEMESTER UNITS

17 Question #4 If I have a D in Advanced Algebra, that course will count towards my UC/CSU eligibility. True or False? ANSWER: FALSE

18 Question #5 What is a course that you can take here at Scripps Ranch but is NOT considered an A-G course?

19 Question #6 What is a class that you can take next year at Scripps Ranch that you can also get college credit for?

20 Conclusion Questions? Now are you ready for the rigor of high school?

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