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Year 8 Mission Explore day Today will be a day of slightly warped and weird adventures.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 8 Mission Explore day Today will be a day of slightly warped and weird adventures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 8 Mission Explore day Today will be a day of slightly warped and weird adventures

2 Geography can be both art and science. It is about curiosity, exploration and discovery and includes anything that happens somewhere (which is everything you care about and more). Geography gives you the power to see places and people in new ways, even if they are imaginary. Geography also helps you to understand and make sense of your world.

3 Time table for the day Startfinish Investigate school8.3010.10 Break Investigate Laverstock10.3012.20 Lunch Invent your own missions1.052.00

4 Space and Place. In Geography we look at Space and Place. Write one sentence to describe what you think each word means. Compare your answers with the rest of the class Investigating in Geography

5 Point to a space in the classroom Write down the name of 3 places in England What do these places have that makes them more than just a space?

6 Place and Space What do you think these are? What is the difference between a place and a space? In what ways are place and space the same? Place is space with people. Discuss

7 Place and Space in School Where is there a space(s) in school? Which spaces do you like? Why? Which place(s) do you like in school? Why? Which spaces and places do you not like? Why not?

8 Let’s get out and about in school Get into a group of 4 or 5. Compare your ideas for places and spaces that have been improved or still need to be improved. Now read your instruction sheet …….

9 All images and screenshots reprinted with permission from mission explore

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