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Heathcote School Year 10 Curriculum 2013. Core English Language English Literature Mathematics Science PSHCRE PE Core.

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Presentation on theme: "Heathcote School Year 10 Curriculum 2013. Core English Language English Literature Mathematics Science PSHCRE PE Core."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heathcote School Year 10 Curriculum 2013

2 Core English Language English Literature Mathematics Science PSHCRE PE Core

3 Choice Art & Design Drama Expressive Arts Music Catering DT Graphics DT Textiles DT Resistant Materials ICT History Geography RE GCSE PE Psychology Triple Science French German Spanish Business Studies

4 Controlled Assessment Coursework has been replaced by ‘Controlled Assessment’ Assessment carried out and assessed by teachers under controlled conditions Externally moderated

5 English Baccalaureate ‘Gold Standard’ initiative from the Government Supported by business and Universities Students must study: ▫History and/or Geography ▫A Modern Foreign Language  French  German  Spanish

6 Core Curriculum

7 English 5 hours per week Two GCSEs ▫English Language ▫English Literature Controlled Assessment completed under exam conditions

8 Mathematics 4 hours per week One GCSE Possibility of an additional GCSE Entirely assessed by exams

9 Science 5 hours per week 2 GCSEs: ▫Science ▫Additional Science Controlled Assessment – Investigative Skills Assessment (ISA)

10 PE 2 Hours per week Study two areas of study from the National Curriculum Some students will have the opportunity to study courses such as the Sports Leaders Award

11 PSHCRE Personal Social Health Citizenship Religious Education

12 Choice Curriculum

13 Design and Technology Limit of only one DT subject: ▫Graphics ▫Textiles ▫Resistant Materials ▫Catering Can select more in preferences, but only one can be allocated

14 The Arts Drama Expressive Arts Music Art & Design

15 ICT GCSE in ICT New course

16 PE GCSE PE Practical coursework 60% Theory exam 40%

17 Humanities Taught as separate Options: ▫History ▫Geography ▫RE taught in the Core curriculum but also offered as a GCSE in the Choice curriculum ▫Psychology ▫History or Geography needed for EBacc

18 Modern Foreign Languages French German Spanish Must take one Modern Foreign Language for EBacc

19 Triple Science Taught as three separate GCSEs Timetabled from core Science time plus one Option block.

20 Making Choices…

21 Who to talk to… Teachers Older students Parents Form Tutor Learning Manager Mr Bailey

22 Now consider… Amount or type of assessed work English Baccalaureate Opportunities for post-16 Opportunities for employment Your enjoyment!

23 Options Form Option AOption BOption COption D History Tri. ScienceDT: Graph Geography REDT: R. Mat. French ICTDT: Textiles SpanishGermanDramaCatering ArtExp. ArtsBus. StudiesHistory MusicICTPsychologyICT Bus. StudiesPECoPEArt CoPEPE 1. 2.

24 Options Form Option AOption BOption COption D History Tri. ScienceDT: Graph Geography1 REDT: R. Mat.1 French ICTDT: Textiles SpanishGerman1DramaCatering ArtExp. ArtsBus. StudiesHistory MusicICTPsychology1ICT Bus. StudiesPECoPEArt CoPEPE 1. 2.

25 Options Form Option AOption BOption COption D History Tri. ScienceDT: Graph Geography1 REDT: R. Mat.1 French ICTDT: Textiles SpanishGerman1DramaCatering ArtExp. ArtsBus. StudiesHistory MusicICTPsychology1ICT Bus. StudiesPECoPEArt CoPEPE 1.German 2.Geography

26 Options Form Option AOption BOption COption D History5 4Tri. Science4DT: Graph8 Geography1 5RE6DT: R. Mat.1 French6 3ICT3DT: Textiles2 Spanish4German1Drama5Catering7 Art2Exp. Arts6Bus. Studies2History4 Music3ICT2Psychology1ICT5 Bus. Studies7PE8CoPE7Art3 CoPE7PE6 1.German 2.Geography

27 Options Form All subjects listed Order each column 1 to 8 Allocations begin after deadline Thursday 28 th March 2013

28 Option allocations Completed during April Allocations finalised after MATs (Summer Half Term) Students informed before end of Summer Term

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