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Up-Date on Science and SS February 2015 Faculty Meeting.

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1 Up-Date on Science and SS February 2015 Faculty Meeting

2 Same 5 NYS Social Studies Learning Standards Standard 1: History of the United States and New York Standard 2: World History Standard 3: Geography Standard 4: Economics Standard 5: Civics, Citizenship, and Government 2

3 Course of Study Remains Same 3 GradeCourse of Study Kindergarten Self and Others Grade 1 My Family and Other Families, Now and Long Ago Grade 2 My Community and Other Communities Grade 3 Communities around the World Grade 4 Local History and Local Government Grade 5 The Western Hemisphere Grade 6 The Eastern Hemisphere Grade 7 United States and New York History – I Grade 8 United States and New York History – II Grade 9 Global History and Geography – I Grade 10 Global History and Geography – II Grade 11 United States History and Government Grade 12 Participation in Government Economics and Economic Decision Making

4 Test Development Timeline Spring 2015  Training of item writers Spring 2016  Piloting of new items Spring 2017  Full-scale field testing of items June 2018  Global History & Geography II first administration June 2019  US History & Government first administration 4 Note: the above timeline was presented to the Board of Regents for approval on September 15

5 Social Studies Test Development NYS K-12 Social Studies Framework was approved by the Board of Regents in April 2014 The Field Guide, which will help educators develop local curriculum in alignment with the Framework, was recently released – it includes a sample unit on Reconstruction that is appropriate for 7 th or 8 th gr. NYS Social Studies Resource Toolkit Project is developing resources for classroom use and for professional development 5

6 Social Studies Test Development The Framework divides Global History & Geography coursework into two units  Global History & Geography I (Grade 9: Paleolithic era-1750)  Global History & Geography II (Grade 10: 1750-present) It was recommended to the BOR that the new Regents Exam in Global History & Geography measure student knowledge and skills in the second course only. Staff will proceed with drafting regulations for the Board. 6

7 A Program that Supports Teaching, Learning and Assessment 7

8 A new paradigm for social studies In content-rich subjects, traditionally it has been facts first, thinking later …and it hasn’t worked. * * * * * The C3 Inquiry Arc highlights thinking with a purpose …answering a compelling question Slide from:

9 The heart of the C3 framework--The Inquiry Arc Dimension 1: Developing Questions and Planning Inquiries Dimension 2: Applying Disciplinary Concepts and Tools (Civics, Economics, Geography, and History) Dimension 3: Evaluating Sources and Using Evidence Dimension 4: Communicating Conclusions and Taking Action Slide from:

10 Instructional Shift #1: Focus on Conceptual Understanding 10 Transfer and Connections Facts Breadth of Topics Depth within Topics From Recall Concepts and Content Knowledge To ????

11 Instructional Shift #2: Foster Student Inquiry, Collaboration, and Informed Action 11 FromTo Teacher as Disseminator Students Learn Facts from Textbook Students Retell Interpretations Students Investigate the Social Sciences Using Multiple Sources Teacher as Facilitator of Investigation Students Construct Interpretations and Communicate Conclusions ????

12 Instructional Shift #3: Integrate Content and Skills Purposefully 12 FROM A Social Studies Classroom Where… TO A Social Studies Classroom Where… Students experience an additional nonfiction reading class or textbook focused instruction Students learn to read, discuss, and write like social scientists Students develop literacy skills and social studies practices separately Students develop disciplinary literacy skills and social science practices in tandem Students learn content knowledge Students integrate and apply concepts, skills, and content knowledge ????

13 NYS K-12 Social Studies Resource Toolkit Collaborative project with SUNY Binghamton Resource Toolkit to equip teachers and districts to design curriculum and instruction Each grade level: 1 annotated inquiry Each grade level: 5 “blueprints” (summary of 5 more compelling question inquiries)  Not modules 13

14 Toolkit inquiries By summer 2015, writers will produce: 14 annotated inquiries (1 per grade level K-11; 2 at grade 12) 70 abridged inquiries (5 per grade level K-11; 10 at grade 12) All will be available on-line through EngageNY Slide from:

15 Next Steps… 1.Review the framework 2.Now that field guide is published attend workshops, have SS teachers read deeply 3.Review sample Inquiry lesson to get “feel” for SS Inquiry 4.Remember that this year’s (2014-15) seventh grade students will be the first to take the new Global History and Geography Regents 5.Don’t forget about K-6 6.Think about your two year program for Global, will be required.  Global History & Geography I (Grade 9: Paleolithic era-1750)  Global History & Geography II (Grade 10: 1750-present) 7.Use the new AP US History exams to help get a picture of future Regents exams

16 Science In September 2011, New York State volunteered to serve and was selected by Achieve as a Lead State Partner in the development of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) These standards were finalized in April 2013 Multiple times NYSED asked for feedback and provided surveys from stakeholders across the state The overall conclusion from this feedback when considering NGSS and NY’s current Science Standards was that both sets of standards have strengths and weaknesses

17 Science Strategic Plan Approved Recently the state has approved a strategic plan: the plan is intended as a blueprint to guide the planning and implementation necessary to support newly adopted P-12 science learning standards and assist science education stakeholders at the state, regional, and local levels as they implement science learning standards.

18 Mission of Strategic Plan Create a Statewide learning community to enhance science education and improve student achievement of the New York State science learning standards leading to career and college readiness and a scientifically literate population capable of addressing the needs of society, participating in a global economy, and sustaining the physical and living environment.

19 Vision of Strategic Plan Ensure the teaching and learning of science for all P-12 students by providing equitable access to exemplary teachers, science curriculum programming, instructional practices, and standards-based assessments that are reflective of research and best practices, along with quality resources and support from stakeholders at large.

20 6 Critical Components of Strategic Plan Standards Curriculum Professional Development to Enhance Instruction Assessment Materials and Resource Support Administrative and Community Support

21 New Science Standards Winter 2015  Determine core science content, conceptual understandings, and practices required of all students.  Benchmark student expectations.  Determine architecture of standards document. Spring 2015  Write draft standards. Summer 2015  Post draft standards for stakeholder review and comment. Fall 2015  Revise standards, based on review and comment. Winter 2016  Propose science learning standards for Board of Regents’ adoption.

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