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How Technology and Transportation Change Situation

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1 How Technology and Transportation Change Situation
Urban Epochs How Technology and Transportation Change Situation

2 The Rise of Cities Cities that grew and became important were…
Influential over a very large area (big hinterland!) Highly accessible such as along trade routes (silk road) or coasts as ocean trade routes opened (situation) Places that brought people & ideas together

3 Urban Epochs 5 Epochs (Developed by John Borchert, a Minnesotan Geographer and U of M professor in 1967) Urban Epochs describe time periods where cities provide goods and services in a certain way to a surrounding area (hinterland) in exchange for raw materials The wealth and prosperity is directly tied to the wealth and prosperity of its hinterland This is why most cities are around the best farmland Over time, the ways cities interact with their hinterlands have changed These changes are due to advancements in how we can transport people and goods

4 Sail and Wagon Epoch: 1790 - 1830 Pre-Industrial
Transportation was slow, hinterlands were small Trade was with Europe and domestic Much of interior of US was not accessible Leading cities – big ones on the East Coast – Boston, New York, Philadelphia All major cities have access to rivers / oceans This makes their hinterlands larger!

5 Then comes the 2nd Urban Revolution!
A series of innovations led to major changes in how people make goods – the industrial revolution Food production went up due to mechanization of farming People began flocking to cities to work in factories This is the beginning of the 2nd Urban Revolution

6 Steamboat Epoch: 1830 - 1870 Beginnings of industrialization
Steam powered RR and ships Nationwide transport system begins 1869 – Transcontinental RR completed Industrial cities in North, along Great Lakes and RR lines – Rise of Detroit, Chicago, Pittsburgh Minneapolis and St. Paul emerge here Erie canal (1825) connects MN to global markets

7 Rail Road Epoch: 1870 - 1920 Larger, wealthier hinterland
National metropolitan network emerges Steel industry defines this epoch Golden age of northern, industrial cities Expansion of RR further south and west Telegraph communication increases links Lower St. Anthony Falls Dam, electric power plant, and flour mill – Minneapolis, 1908

8 Auto/Air/Amenity Epoch: 1920 - 1970
Continued improvements in transportation Interstate Highway system More with access to automobiles and air travel Shift begins from industrial (factory) to post-industrial (services) Leads to the rise of suburbs with wealthy living outside of town away from factories Housing boom post WWII Rise of south and west in the US Notice how people begin live further away from the city center as transportation becomes more available to more people

9 High Technology – 1970 - Today
Hinterland is still important, but cities now have a global reach Economic base of cities is now based on information access and distribution Technology and research base Less manufacturing need Continued growth in west and south Even greater access to transportation and rise of suburbs makes cities take up more space (urban sprawl)

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