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Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…. A-G Requirements! Requirements Validations & GPAs HonorsPracticeMiscellaneous 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 5000.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…. A-G Requirements! Requirements Validations & GPAs HonorsPracticeMiscellaneous 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 5000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…

2 A-G Requirements! Requirements Validations & GPAs HonorsPracticeMiscellaneous 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 5000 Points

3 Requirements: 200 Question: How many years of History/Social Science courses are students required to complete in order to meet the A-G Admission Requirement at most universities? Answer: Students must complete at least two years of history/social science, which include one year of world history, cultures and geography and one year of U.S history.

4 Requirements: 400 Question: What is the minimum letter grade a student must receive in an A-G course in order to meet the A-G Admission Requirement at most universities? Answer: A student must receive a grade of “C” or better in all A-G courses.

5 Requirements: 600 Question: How many years of Math are students recommended to take? Answer: Students are recommended to complete 4 years of college-preparatory mathematics that include the topics covered in elementary and advanced Algebra and two- and three- dimensional geometry.

6 Requirements: 800 Question: What does each A-G letter represent? Answer: A: Social Science, B: English, C: Mathematics, D: Laboratory Science, E: Language other than English, F: Visual and Performing Arts, G: College Preparatory Elective

7 Requirements: 1000 Question: How many years of History, English, Math, Lab Science, Language other than English, Visual and Performing Arts are students required to complete of each subject in order to meet the A-G Admission Requirement at most universities? Answer: Students must complete 2 years of History, 4 years of English, 3 years of Math, 2 years of Lab Science, 2 years of Language other than English, 1 year of Visual and Performing Arts, 1 year of an elective.

8 Validations & GPAs: 200 Question: Are all courses completed in high school used for the CSU/UC GPA calculation? Answer: No, only A-G courses completed from the summer before the sophomore year up to the classes completed in the summer following the junior year will be used to calculate the initial CSU/UC GPA.

9 Validations & GPAs : 400 Question: Which A-G course grades are not calculated in the initial CSU/UC admissions GPA? Answer: Grades earned in A-G classes completed in middle school, the 9 th grade, and the 12 th grade are not factored into the initial GPA calculation.

10 Validations & GPAs : 600 Question: What is the benefit of A-G validations? Answer: Validations allow students to receive credit toward the CSU/UC A-G admission requirement for specific A-G classes completed with a “D.” To receive the validation for these specific A-G classes, a student must receive a “C” or better in the second semester or in a higher level class. Ask your counselor or Cal-SOAP advisor for more details.

11 Validations & GPAs : 800 Question: A student earned a “D” in Algebra 1, “C” in Geometry, and “B” in Algebra 2. Has this student met the CSU/UC A-G eligibility requirement for the Math component? Answer: Yes. According to the validation rule, a “C” or better received in Algebra 2 will validate a lower letter grade in Algebra 1.

12 Validations & GPAs : 1000 Question: What is the chemistry validation rule for the CSU and the UC? Answer: The CSU will allow a second semester grade of “C” or better to validate a first semester grade of “D”. The UC will not allow a chemistry validation.

13 Honors: 200 Question: How can students boost their GPA and earn extra points? Answer: Students can boost their GPA and earn extra points by completing A-G approved honors, AP, and IB classes with a “C” or better.

14 Honors: 400 Question: Does receiving a “D” in an AP or honors course allow for extra points in the student’s GPA calculation? Answer: No, a grade of a “C” or better must be obtained in order to receive extra points towards a student’s GPA.

15 Honors: 600 Question: Which of the following best describe International Baccalaureate classes? A: They’re social science classes B: They’re honor’s level classes C: They’re classes for English Language Learners Answer: International Baccalaureate classes are honor’s level classes.

16 Honors: 800 Question: Does passing an AP course or passing an AP exam guarantee college credit? Answer: No, you must check with the university to see what their requirements are for accepting AP courses for college credit.

17 Honors : 1000 Question: Do all honors courses give a student extra points towards their GPA calculation? Answer: No, only classes designated as A-G approved honors classes are eligible for extra points towards the GPA. Refer to the UC Doorways website to see which honors courses are approved at your high school.

18 Practice: 200 Question: If Ally took one year of world history and one year of US history along with 4 years of English is she A-G eligible for the A (history) and B (English) requirement? Answer: Yes, she is A-G eligible for the A and B subject requirements.

19 Practice: 400 Question: If Nicole took AP Spanish, AP Literature, AP Calculus, AP US History, and Honors Chemistry, how many honors points can she receive towards her GPA? Answer: Although all courses are validated for AP and honors extra points, Nicole can only receive 8 points towards her GPA calculation.

20 Practice: 600 Question: If Kevin took 1 year of French and 1 year of Spanish, has he completed the E category (Language other than English) of the A-G subject requirement? Answer: No, the E category can only be fulfilled by taking two years of the same language.

21 Practice: 800 Question: How many different classes can Sam take to make up for the “D” she received in the second semester of Algebra 1? Answer: She can take ? classes; she can retake Algebra 1 or she can take Algebra 2, trigonometry, math analysis, pre-calculus, calculus, or statistics.

22 Practice: 1000 Question: Maya received a “D” in her high school Spanish Literature class and a “C” in the Spanish Literature class she took at the local community college. Will the highest grade be used in her CSU/UC GPA calculation or will both grades be used? Answer: Both grades will be used to calculate her GPA. If she had retaken the same Spanish Literature class at her high school, only the highest grade would be used to calculate her GPA.

23 Miscellaneous: 200 Question: How many extra grade points can you earn from passing approved honors, AP, and IB classes with a “C” or better? Answer: You can earn a maximum of 8 points from passing approved honors, AP, and IB classes with a “C” or better.

24 Miscellaneous : 400 Question: If a class is required for high school graduation, is it an A-G requirement as well? Answer: No, the classes that you need to graduate from high school do not necessarily meet the A-G Subject Requirements (for example, Physical Education).

25 Miscellaneous : 600 Question: Where can I find out if the courses I am taking are A-G eligible? Answer: Course listings can be found at the UC Doorways website: https://doorways.ucop.ed/list https://doorways.ucop.ed/list

26 Miscellaneous : 800 Question: How many times can a course be repeated? Answer: If applying to a University of California (UC) a course can only be repeated once but if applying to a California State University (CSU) it can be repeated as many times as necessary.

27 Miscellaneous : 1000 Question: Does a repeated course allow for improvements in my GPA? Answer: Yes, but a course can only be repeated if a grade lower than a “C” was received. The best grade will be used in the GPA calculation

28 Bonus Question: 5000 Question: What is the rationale of the A-G requirements? List 4 points. Answer: 1.To ensure students can participate fully in the first year program at the university in a broad variety of fields of study. 2.To prepare students for courses, majors and programs offered at the university. 3.To offer students a body of knowledge that will provide breath and perspective to new, more advanced studies. 4.To instill students with essential critical thinking and study skills.

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