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1 Clergy Terms of Service Update – Summer 2010 1.

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1 1 Clergy Terms of Service Update – Summer 2010 1

2 2 What’s this all about? The Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) Measure comes into effect 1 February 2011 Introduces a new way of holding an ecclesiastical office, Common Tenure, which offers: Description of the particular office Regular Ministry Review Engagement in Continuing Ministerial Development Capability and Grievance procedures Access to Employment Tribunal Tenure of office (to 70 in most cases) Clergy Terms of Service

3 3 How are we going about it? Key underlying principles: Wellbeing and the common good Development and flourishing of the individual Redemption and transformation Interdependence and mutual accountability Diversity of gifts and fulfilment of vocation Clergy Terms of Service

4 4 Who will transfer automatically? Priests in Charge Team Vicars Assistant Curates Associate Priests House for Duty priests Residentiary Canons without Freehold Archbishops All new appointments after 1 Feb 2011 Clergy Terms of Service

5 5 Who will be invited to transfer? Freehold Incumbents Team Rectors Residentiary Canons with Freehold Deans Archdeacons Bishops Clergy Terms of Service

6 6 Who is unaffected? Clergy under Contract of Employment Bishops’ Chaplains Clergy Terms of Service

7 7 Appointments (1) Statement of Particulars : Post appointed to When appointed Stipend and Pension Fees Expenses Housing Rest Periods/Holidays Sick Leave, Maternity/Paternity etc. Clergy Terms of Service

8 8 Appointments (2) Role description: Draft proposal Co-operation between parish, Bishop and officeholder Role purpose Qualities and Gifts Evangelism and Social Justice Leadership and Collaboration Worship and Preaching Learning, Discipleship and Nurture Pastoral Care Stewardship and Parish Organisation Spirituality Clergy Terms of Service

9 9 Time-limited Common Tenure Applies to a minority of CT holders for specific circumstances only: A post covering an office holder’s authorised absence from work A post where the office holder has attained the age of 70 A training post A post subject to sponsorship funding A probationary office A post created by a Bishop’s Mission Order A post held in connection or conjunction with another office or employment Clergy Terms of Service

10 10 Pastoral Reorganisation Where Draft Scheme circulated for consultation and Post designated by Bishop as subject to Reorganisation Then if Post ends because of Reorganisation Post holder entitled to compensation limited to one year’s stipend/housing Designation lapses if Scheme not effected within 5 years and office holder reverts to full CT

11 11 Capability / Clergy Discipline Measure Mutually exclusive processes Vital that the procedures are distinguished Capability to help to improve performance CDM to penalise wilful or culpable failure Unsubstantiated anecdotal gossip will not be put through the Capability procedure Envisages an issue that is put on the record “Hearsay” complaints are not excluded, so long as there is substance and clarity to the allegation Clergy Terms of Service

12 12 Grievance Available to all office holders under common tenure - means of addressing grievances relating to the exercise of the office held, including issues relating to: The interpretation and application of terms and conditions of service Housing Ministry Reviews Continuing Ministerial Development (In the case of training posts) Provision of suitable training and experience or the result of an assessment at the end of the training. Clergy Terms of Service

13 13 Bullying and Harassment In the case of bullying, a Diocesan anti- bullying and harassment policy will set out the informal steps which office holders may take before making a formal complaint under this procedure. Clergy Terms of Service

14 14 Timescale Currently – finalising Statement of Particulars Second round of briefings Summer – checking individuals’ particulars Autumn onwards– rewriting clergy handbook and agreeing policies Implementation – 1st February 2011 Early 2011 – invitation to opt in Role Descriptions – from February 2011 Clergy Terms of Service

15 15 Questions? news-nav.asp?page=875 Clergy Terms of Service

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