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Community bus ICT based services for Urban living 1 Tagged IC card Tagged IC pendant (Photo pack) RF gate Attendance management Electronic lock School.

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Presentation on theme: "Community bus ICT based services for Urban living 1 Tagged IC card Tagged IC pendant (Photo pack) RF gate Attendance management Electronic lock School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community bus ICT based services for Urban living 1 Tagged IC card Tagged IC pendant (Photo pack) RF gate Attendance management Electronic lock School Mall Home Vending machine Municipal Library Parking Bicycle rental Spa facilities, etc. Taxi City hall Private car Parking fee payment Go mobile Smartphone Elderly home Shopping refugees home Phone interface Network survey of ICT Demonstration Information Life of local residents depending on ICT: Senior citizens - children and shopping refugees - Disaster drill Nuclear power plant within 30k Information infrastructure that does not depend on the media is strong in the event of a disaster 2013/04/12 糸島市 / 九州大学 1. Summary Model city:Ito shima

2 Commuter town Nuclear power plant adjacent area Aging Regional commercial decline Increasing Elderly people Socially vulnerable center The outcome should be expanded out of this region also. Realization of the need at emergency 2 2. Regional issues and background Itoshima Local residents during the day -The elderly, children, pregnant women,Housewife. Ito shima town of observation: implemented by ICT Observe over the lives of local residents & economy

3 3 ① Emergency evacuation system and maintenance ② The protection of children & elderly people. ③ Elimination of shopping refugees ④ Operational efficiency of public transport ⑤ Emergency services of residents and maintenance 3. Purpose

4 4 ① Emergency evacuation system and maintenance - We confirmed smooth and safe residents evacuation based on the experience of the natural disasters and nuclear accidents we experienced till date to prevent the secondary disasters or any such accident in future. ② The protection of children & elderly - By managing necessary information children and elderly can be located and evacuated fast. Proactive measures have also been taken to prevent incidents and accidents that can cause serious situation in emergencies. ③ Elimination of shopping refugees - In addition, sending the flyers into tablet or mobile phone, to a PC of two-income households, such as who doesn’t have anyone to shop or of elderly, physically challenged person, etc. During the shopping hour, organizing the orders received from the flyer and deliver in accordance to support the shopping difficult persons, i.e., shopping refugees. 4. Business to be carried to an end

5 5 ④ Operational efficiency of the public transport - Settlement of community bus through electronic payment system reduces management costs and improve users convenience. ⑤ Emergency services for residents and its maintenance Even if the residences of Ito shima city take refuge in other regions in crisis, Ito Shima city authority can offer the same public services which are offered within Itoshima in refuge.

6 6 Background and Challenges: For the efficiency of the information systems = ICT is essential. However, it has to be confirmed, that, various services is efficiently performing by ICT. ① Confirmation of rights: ・ It is essential prior to provide a service whether the person definitely have that right or not. ・ It is necessary to prove that the card holders right is protected and also other cannot break the security of his right of service. Challenges: difficult to duplicate, required proof of the right confirmation whether any false replication is attempted or not. 5. Carry out the business of essential part of IC card

7 7 ② Confirmation of identity ・ It is necessary for safety confirmation system to confirm the identity of person. - Required identification (obtain of certificate of residence, commuter pass, to qualify with the membership card, and so on) for equal rights connected to an individual person. - The person who does not know a man in front of has no way of telling confirmation of identity of him. Challenges: We need certification of the individual person which authenticate the person. It is difficult to duplicate and is supported by the system of validation for the duplication. ☞

8 Community bus 8 Tagged IC card Tagged IC pendant (Photo pack) RF gate Attendance management Electronic lock School Mall Home Vending machine Municipal Library Parking Bicycle rental Spa facilities, etc. Taxi City hall Private car Parked machine Go mobile Smartphone Elderly home Phone interface Information observe 6. The service image in business ☞ I can parent to check the status of the children ☞ It is possible to care for the elderly by detecting when you think that there was something The observation of the regular activities of residents

9 9 [ IC card: the means of problem solving ] Tagged IC pendant (Photo pack) S afe you do not want to open only with a special key replication is difficult robust, IC card is like a wallet! Utilization allowed to watch by utilizing the usage information and communication functions The key to the special electronic The Electronic Identification, keys, tickets, ticket, money IC card reader Use information

10 Community bus Shopping refugees 10 Mall Shopping refugees home Local electronic money Order taker On-demand service Peddling

11 Community bus Voluntary disaster drill / emergency evacuation 11 Tagged IC card IC pendant (Photo pack) RF Gate Attendance management Electronic lock School Mall Municipal Library Parking Bicycle rental Taxi City hall Private car Parked machine Home residents Information collection Real-time information grasp (Check) information collection Evacuation directive Release indication Disaster drill Evacuation guidance Evacuation

12 12 ① Symposium ☞ Recruitment of co-participants ② Disaster drill ☞ Wanted cooperation / education cooperation of participants, training cooperation ③ Normal service during demonstration ・ The Children guard ・ Serve elderly ・ Serve shopping refugees ・ Services for elementary school students ・ Community bus IC card service ・ Local electronic money services, etc. ☞ Wanted cooperation / education cooperation of other participants. 7. That would like to ask and cooperation be carried out in the business

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