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Industrial Relations Shailaja Karve SIMSR. Industrial Relations  Basically IR is a social partnership between the players.  Industrial relations may.

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1 Industrial Relations Shailaja Karve SIMSR

2 Industrial Relations  Basically IR is a social partnership between the players.  Industrial relations may be referred as the art of living together for purposes of production  The term IR explains the relationships between employees and management which stems directly or indirectly form union-employer relationships

3 Industrial Relations (Contd…)  According to ILO, “IR deals with either the relationships between the state and employers’ and worker’s organizations or the relations between the occupational organizations themselv es.”

4 Some basic facts about IR  Multi-pronged relationships  The relations do not constitute a simple relationships Historical, economical, social, psychological, demographic, technological, political, legal and other variables.

5 IR don’t function in vacuum  Institutional Factors – state policy, labour laws, voluntary codes, collective agreements, labour unions, and employers’ organizations Social institutions – community, caste, family structure, system of belief, etc Attitude to work, system of power status, relative nearness to the centres of power and etc.,

6 IR don’t function in vacuum…  Economic Factors – economic organizations (socialist, capitalist, communist, individual ownership, company ownership, government ownership)

7 IR don’t function in vacuum…  Technological factors – techniques of production, modernization and rationalization, capital structure.  External factors – international relations, global conflicts, and the operations of international bodies (ILO)

8 Thus, IR is… Web of rules formed by the interactions of the government, the business community, and labour, and are influenced by the existing and emerging economic, institutional and technological factors.

9 Industrial Disputes Industrial Conflict – relative concept, Industrial dispute – specific. Definition (ID Act – 1947) Any difference between employers and employers, or between employers and workmen or between workmen and workmen, which is connected with the employment or non-employment or terms of employment.

10 Classifications of Industrial Disputes  Interest dispute – dead lock in negotiations  Grievance dispute – arise from day-to- day operations  Unfair labour practice – interfering with the exercise o the right to organize  Recognition dispute – over the right of TUs to represent a particular class.

11 Types of Industrial Disputes Industrial disputes Strikes Lock-outs Stay-away Sit-down Stay-in Tool-down Pen-down Token or Protest Cat-callSympathy Political Bandhs

12 Tripartite and Bipartite bodies for settlement  4 th labour conference constituted ILC (Indian Labour conference) – Equal representation between government and non-government representatives – To promote uniformity in labour legislations – To lay down a procedure for the settlement of industrial disputes – Discuss all matters of all-India importance as between employers and employees.

13 Other bodies ID redressal  Works committee  Conciliation officer  Board of conciliation  Court of inquiry  Labour court  Industrial tribunal  National tribunal  Voluntary arbitration Conciliation Procedure Adjudication Procedure Arbitration Procedure

14 Grievance Procedures  Feeling of disagreement or discontent on the term of employment  ID Act require every establishments in which 100 or more workmen are employed, the employer shall set up a time-bound grievance redressal procedure.  Model grievance procedure

15 Discipline/Misconduct  Employee self-control which prompts him to willing co-operate with the organizational standards, rules, objectives, etc.  Industrial Employment (standing orders) Act 1946  Disciplinary Action – Natural justice – Impartiality – Reasonable opportunity to show-cause

16 Procedure for Punishment (model)  Framing and issuing a charge sheet  Receiving the explanation form charge sheeted employee  Issuing notice of enquiry  Holding the enquiry  Findings of the enquiry officer  Decision of the disciplinary authority  Communication of the order of punishment

17 Collective Bargaining  Is a mode of fixing the terms of employment by means of bargaining between an organized body of employees and employer.

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