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GENESIS OF A MINISTRY Planting the Nazarene Church in The Turks and Caicos Islands.

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Presentation on theme: "GENESIS OF A MINISTRY Planting the Nazarene Church in The Turks and Caicos Islands."— Presentation transcript:

1 GENESIS OF A MINISTRY Planting the Nazarene Church in The Turks and Caicos Islands

2 Turks & Caicos Government  Overseas British Territory  Official language: English

3 Turks and Caicos Geography  30 different islands  8 inhabited  South of Bahamas  Near Haiti and Dominican Republic

4 Turks & Caicos Population  45,000 inhabitants  Immigrants from Haiti, Dominican Republic and Cuba  Islanders (about 50%) call themselves “Belongers”  Mainly Protestant Christianity; 11% Catholic

5  New ministry strategy  Leaders planned to enter 10 new nations in 10 years  Turks and Caicos Islands was at the top! Genesis: Mesoamerica Region Holy Spirit powerfully at work!

6  Jeremiah and Nathalie from the Bahamas  Nathalie served her Nazarene Church for 20 years  In 2008, Jeremiah’s job transferred to Turks and Caicos Islands Meet the Sweetings

7 Nathalie’s Heartbreak  Nathalie cried every day for a year  Comforted by her Bible and prayer The Lord told her: “I want you to start the work in this place.”

8 Seeds of a Church  They started a youth basketball ministry  Many young men accepted Christ  Next, a Nazarene church plant in their home

9  God told her to preach at an abandoned lot  Haitian immigrants were living nearby  They emerged from bushes to hear her Nathalie Obeyed God

10  25 people accepted Christ  30 meet in their home weekly  In 2012, the Church officially entered Turks and Caicos Islands The Church Grows 158 th World Area!

11 Ministry Milestones Baby Dedication with Nathalie and Missionary Joel Tooley Baptisms with Nathalie and District Superintendent John Wildgoose

12 Nathalie’s Prayer Requests  Tent and chairs for more worship space  Van to pick up attendees  Worship music equipment

13 Prayer Answered  Tent and chairs were delivered in June

14 “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

15 PowerPoint Courtesy of Sondra Hanlon Productions, LLC

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