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The plan…. Objectives Review – Climate and physical features Show Map of Africa Climate – Complete Mr. T’s Climate Tour Bantu – Reading and Comprehension.

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Presentation on theme: "The plan…. Objectives Review – Climate and physical features Show Map of Africa Climate – Complete Mr. T’s Climate Tour Bantu – Reading and Comprehension."— Presentation transcript:


2 The plan…. Objectives Review – Climate and physical features Show Map of Africa Climate – Complete Mr. T’s Climate Tour Bantu – Reading and Comprehension Questions

3 Objectives Students will learn about the physical geography of Africa Students will find out about the Bantu and their movements across the continent


5 Review

6 Latitude vs. Longitude Equator and the Prime Meridian?

7 What are these?

8 Tropical

9 What are these?

10 Climate vs. Weather

11 What are these?

12 Polar

13 What is this?

14 Practice Follow along with your worksheets. Fill in the boxes when appropriate.

15 With your host: I pity the fool that doesn’t learn the world’s climate regions!

16 Climate Zones Review time, Sucka! Tropical = Low Latitudes Temperate = Middle Latitudes Polar = High Latitudes

17 How it works! OK, listen up! Use your Tour sheets to follow along with the “T”! For each region, I’ll talk about what it is, its vegetation, and where you can find it. Only fools use the book to answer the questions while I talk!

18 First up, the Low Latitudes! That’s “Tropical” people!

19 Low Latitudes Tropical Wet Hot & humid all year High rainfall, over 60 in/year Located along the equator

20 Low Latitudes Tropical Wet Vegetation: Rainforests Very diverse (trees, vines, exotic flowers) Green year round b/c of rain

21 Low Latitudes Mr. T’s Top 3 Destinations: Amazon River Basin EcuadorCongo River Basin

22 Low Latitudes Tropical Wet/Dry Hot all year Dry season in winter Wet season in summer

23 Tropical Wet/Dry Vegetation: Similar to tropical rainforest Dense tree and ground cover Savannah Low Latitudes

24 Mr. T’s Top 3 Destinations: India West AfricaSoutheast Asia

25 Take the Mr. T Challenge! 1. What region can you find grasslands? 2. What region sees rainfall every day? 3. What region has pronounced wet & dry seasons? Time to think!

26 Now for the Middle Latitudes! It’s where you live, fool! You know, in the Temperate Zone.

27 Middle Latitudes Arid Climate Desert Hot & dry all year Receives less than 10 inches of rain a year.

28 Middle Latitudes Arid Climate Vegetation: Plants adapted to heat & drought (I.E. cacti)

29 Mr. T’s Top HOT Spots: Atacama DesertGobi Desert Sahara Desert Middle Latitudes

30 Semi-Arid Climate Located on the margins of deserts Unpredictable rains, but more than a desert

31 Middle Latitudes Semi-Arid Climate Vegetation: Similar to desert Can support grasses (Steppe)

32 Mr. T is STEPPE-ING out: African SahelMongolia (Northern & Central Asia) Middle Latitudes

33 Marine West Coast Climate Found in coastal areas Influenced by sea/ocean Mild & wet year round Cities here commonly see heavy fog!

34 Middle Latitudes Marine West Coast Climate Vegetation: Variable mix of evergreen & deciduous forests

35 Mr. T’s Marine Hangouts: SeattleLondon Middle Latitudes London fog makes my gold chains hard to see! Arrrgh!

36 Middle Latitudes Humid Subtropical Climate Hot, humid summers Cool/cold winters It’s home!

37 Middle Latitudes Humid Subtropical Climate Vegetation: Dense deciduous forests Trees cycle w/ seasons

38 Mr. T Loves Golden Fall Leaves! Southeastern United States (including Virginia) Middle Latitudes I pity the fool who don’t like gold leaves!

39 Middle Latitudes Humid Continental Climate Hot summers Cold winters Consistent rain Continental interior regions

40 Middle Latitudes Humid Continental Climate Vegetation: Dense grasslands with trees interspersed Great agriculture soils (I.E. grains)

41 Mr. T’s World Breadbaskets: NA MidwestUkraine Middle Latitudes

42 Mediterranean Climate Hot, dry summers Mild, wet winters Located along coasts around 30° latitude

43 Middle Latitudes Mediterranean Climate Vegetation: Grow grapes, olives, citrus

44 When Mr. T’s Dying for Grapes: CaliforniaItalian Peninsula Middle Latitudes

45 Take the Mr. T Challenge! Time to think! 1. What region provides fertile soil for grains? 2. Virginia is located in what region? 3. What is the most rain that falls in a true desert?

46 Now for the High Latitudes! Ho ho ho! Okay, elves, let’s go! The Polar Zone: where Santa lives.

47 High Latitudes Sub-Arctic Climate Very cold w/little rainfall Brief summer

48 High Latitudes Sub-Arctic Climate Vegetation: Vast conifer forests: Taiga

49 High Latitudes Mr. T Cruises the Conifers in: Central & Northern Canada

50 High Latitudes Sub-Polar Climate Bitter cold winters Very brief summers Permafrost – ground frozen solid all year

51 High Latitudes Sub-Polar Climate Vegetation: Little plant growth Lichens, moss, & ferns

52 High Latitudes Mr. T Pounds the Permafrost: N. Canada & Alaska

53 High Latitudes Polar Ice Cap Climate Bitter cold all year long Temps never average over freezing Located around the poles

54 High Latitudes Polar Ice Cap Climate Vegetation: No plant life on the surface (life dependant on plankton) Ground covered in ice all year

55 High Latitudes Mr. T Freezes His Mohawk Off: N. Pole Ice Sheets Antarctica

56 Take the Mr. T Challenge! 1. What region is known for permafrost? 2. Where can you find conifer forests? 3. The polar caps are covered in what all year long? Time to think!

57 WAIT! I never said we were through. There’s one more region that’s found everywhere! It’s called Highland, and only fools forget it!

58 All Latitudes Highland Climate Can be found in all 3 zones Climate based on elevation (higher up = cooler) Windward side of mountains get more rain

59 All Latitudes Highland Climate Vegetation varies with elevation

60 Low Latitudes Mr. T’s Top 3 Destinations: Andes Mtns, Rocky Mtns & the Himalayas

61 Why is this information important? How do the climate and physical geography influence the movement of people?

62 Africa and the Bantu Social Studies booklet pages 16-18

63 Bantu Left west Africa >2000 years ago Great migration across the whole of Africa – What is migration? >200,000,000 Bantu, today

64 Africa’s Physical Geography What are on both sides of the equator? What’s the weather like there?

65 Africa’s Physical Geography What surround the rain forests? What sort of animals live there?

66 Africa’s Physical Geography What can be found north and south of the savannas? The _______ _______ is the largest ________ in the world.

67 Africa’s Physical Geography Along the eastern edge of Africa runs a band of ______, deep _______, and rugged ________. How does geography affect the way of life in Africa? – Can you grow crops in the desert? Why or why not?

68 Africa’s Physical Geography The Mbooti survive in the _____ _____ by _____ _____ and _____ _____.

69 How do Africa’s physical features affect how people live? Reading Check pg 17 Write down the answer, it may be on your next exam^^

70 Bantu Migration How long did the Bantu migrate? What is sub-Sahara Africa? What happened to the old clay and wooden buildings? Iron tools?

71 Bantu Migration What are told by traditional African storytellers? What 3 jobs did most Bantu do? What is a clan? How are their family histories traced?

72 Bantu Migration Why did the Bantu move? What changed as they moved? What did they have to do to survive?

73 Bantu Migration What happened if they moved to a new place and people were already there? What skill did the Bantu have? How was it useful for them?

74 Which skills did the Bantu bring with them? Reading Check pg 18 Write down the answer, it may be on your next exam^^

75 Describe the important physical features of Africa. Review Questions pg 18 Write down the answer, it may be on your next exam^^ Over how many years did the Bantu migrations occur?

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