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‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police Extremism.

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Presentation on theme: "‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police Extremism."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police Extremism

2 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police Extremism: Lesson Objectives To be able to identify examples of extremism and violent extremism. To be aware that extremists can come from any community. To understand that ‘extremists’ cannot be judged by appearance and media stereotypes, but by their actions.

3 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police Task You are going to be shown a number of photographs. For each photograph, write down your first impressions of either the person or the scene in the picture.

4 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police Photograph 1 Photograph Scanpix/camera press: colourised by Mail on Sunday).

5 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police Photograph 2 Photo taken from:

6 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police Photograph 3 Photo taken from:

7 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police Photograph 4 Photo taken from: ing_point/special/islam/30805 90.stm

8 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police Photograph 5 Photo taken from:

9 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police Photograph 6 Photo taken from: northwest/series2/warrington_b omb_terroism_post_traumatic_ stress.shtml

10 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police Photograph 7 Photo taken from: Hearst/pictures/The-19th-Annual-Ifp-Independent-Spirit-Awards- Arrivals-134809

11 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police What were our responses to… Photograph 1

12 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police What were our responses to… Photograph 1 What if I told you… This photograph shows Osama Bin Laden, second from the right, on holiday in Sweden in 1971,with his family. In later life he became an Al Qaeda leader and was responsible for planning international terrorist attacks against The West, including the September 11 th attacks where planes flew into the twin towers.

13 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police What were our responses to… Photograph 2

14 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police What were our responses to… Photograph 2 What if I told you? Anthony Fatayi- Williams was born on January 1979, He studied at Bradford University. He had two sisters and a girl friend who remembers his positive outlook in life. Anthony was declared ‘missing’ on 7th July 2005 and it was later discovered that he had been on a number 30 bus that was blown open by a suicide bomber in Tavistock Square.

15 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police What were our responses to… Photograph 3

16 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police What were our responses to… Photograph 3 What if I told you… Brain Keenan was born in 1942 in Northern Ireland. He grew up in a family where no one was really political. In the 1970s, he joined the IRA and, with others, organised bombings in Belfast and later England. Later, he became involved in the Northern Ireland peace process. He died in 2008.

17 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police What were our responses to… Photograph 4

18 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police What were our responses to… Photograph 4 What if I told you? Brian Keenan was born in 1950 in Belfast. In 1986, he was working in Beirut, Lebanon, as a teacher when he was kidnapped by a militant Islamic Jihad group. He was taken to a secret underground prison, where he was held blindfolded for several months. He was moved and later held with other hostages. His captors were all in their 20s and Brian says: “ These are people who want to be heard, who feel in their skins, the exclusion of the world and so turn against it.” He was released in August 1990.

19 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police What were our responses to… Photograph 5

20 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police What were our responses to… Photograph 5 What if I told you? Nicky Davison aged 19, grew up in County Durham, in the North East of England. He was convicted and sentenced on three separate charges of possessing records useful in committing or preparing acts of terror. He was part of an organisation called Aryan Strike Force, which was plotting terrorist attacks. He and his father had been producing a dangerous chemical weapon, a poison known as ricin.

21 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police What were our responses to… Photograph 6

22 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police What were our responses to… Photograph 6 What if I told you? Jonathan Ball was killed in a bomb blast in 1993 in Warrington. Bombs were planted in waste bins in Warrington’s busy shopping centre, by the IRA. Many were injured or killed. Jonathan’s father speaking ten years after his death said, “It’s hard not to be bitter: they took something away that you were living for.” The bombers have never been caught.

23 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police What were our responses to… Photograph 7

24 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police What were our responses to… Photograph 7 What if I told you… On 4 th February 1974, 19 year old Patti Hearst was kidnapped from her apartment in California by the Symbionese Liberation Army. They demanded a prisoner exchange; when these demands failed, they demanded that $70 of food was distributed to every needy person in California. This amounted to $400 million. However, Patti became committed to the SLA cause and became involved with their extremist activities, including bank robberies. She joined the SLA and took on the name Tania. She was convicted of bank robbery on March 20 th 1976. She served 7 years of a 35 year sentence and had her sentence commuted by Bill Clinton in 2001.

25 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police Answer the following questions Have any of the stories surprised you? Why could we not tell from their photographs the types of atrocities they had been involved in? Did their photographs of when they were younger, give any indication of what they would choose to be involved in? Can we tell from first impressions what people are really like? Were there any individuals where the label ‘terrorist’ surprised you?


27 ‘Prevent’ Teaching and Learning Resource © Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Cleveland Police To Finish – A reflection How does this make you feel? Are there any lessons we can learn from these women?

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