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John Marshall Counselors Amy Carstensen 328-5344 Cindy Cox 328-5343 Brett Ness 328-5342 Mary Sorensen 328-5346.

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Presentation on theme: "John Marshall Counselors Amy Carstensen 328-5344 Cindy Cox 328-5343 Brett Ness 328-5342 Mary Sorensen 328-5346."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Marshall Counselors Amy Carstensen 328-5344 Cindy Cox 328-5343 Brett Ness 328-5342 Mary Sorensen 328-5346

2 Work Military Trades Apprentice Program Proprietary Schools COLLEGE Options After High School

3 Grades in College Prep Courses “the past predicts the future” Admission Test Scores Scores should all indicate potential for college work Grades in all subjects Class Rank Essays/Writing Sample Counselor Recommendation Teacher Recommendation Interview Special Talents, Interests, Skills A “passion” in one area is viewed more worthy than a multitude of activities which are “padding” the resume Community Service/Work/Extracurricular Activities Personality Evaluation Ability to pay Personal Recognition Programs What Colleges Look For…

4 Narrow college choices Does the college have the desired major, minor and sometimes back- up major What is the admission policy? Consider location and size Consider campus activities Consider cost and financial aid Use college sort sites found on counseling web page

5 THE FOLLOWING CHART IS BASED ON GENERAL COLLEGE ADMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS What is your goal? Example Vocational/Technical; Certificate, Diploma RCTC, Dunwoody Community College or Associate Degree RCTC, Normandale Community College Traditional(4year); College/University; Bachelor’s Degree U of M, WSU, Iowa State, Madison “Selective”(4Year); College/University; Bachelor’s Degree Carleton, Northwestern University, Ivy League English4 years (Advanced Levels) Social Studies3 years 3 or more years4 years (Advanced Levels) Mathematics3 or more years *Some require 4 4 or more years Science2 or more years 3 or more years4 or more years Physical Education2 semesters Health1 semester Fine Arts1 year World LanguagesNo Recommendation Specified 2 or more years of a single language 3-4 years of a single language ElectivesChoose electives that will prepare for a career or broaden your interest Choose as many AP classes as possible

6 Junior Year Planning Guide for College Recommended coursework for a GENERAL four-year college: MathAlgebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II Fourth Year Math Strongly Recommended – some schools require math analysis or Calculus senior year English Four years, including speech Science Three years, including at least one of Biology and one of Chemistry or Physics Fourth Year Science Strongly Recommended Social Studies Three years, including at least one of U.S. History and one of World History or Geography Foreign Language At least 2 years within the same language

7 CHECK WITH COLLEGES FOR EXACT REQUIREMENTS Example: University of MN – Twin Cities Math Requirements Mathematics - 3 years* 4 years of math are required for the following freshmen colleges: Management Biological Sciences Science and Engineering Examples of 4 th year math include Calculus (preferred) Pre-calculus Math Analysis Mathematics - 3 years* 4 years of math are required for the following freshmen colleges: Management Biological Sciences Science and Engineering Examples of 4 th year math include Calculus (preferred) Pre-calculus Math Analysis


9 John Marshall Counseling Website  Counselor emails/phone numbers  College Testing (ACT, SAT I/II)  College Application Procedures  Requesting a Transcript  Important Dates  Updated Forms and/or Procedures  Scholarships  STRIVE  PSEO  School Profile  Mental Wellness Links (right click mouse – click open hyperlink)

10 R equire NCAA Clearinghouse application  Web link on JM Counseling web site ACT/SAT scores must be sent directly to NCAA - NCAA Code 9999 Request transcript to be sent from after registering with NCAA on-line NCAA – Division I/II Athletics

11 PSAT October 16 th - 7:40 a.m. at J.M. (2013) ACT Dates - Feb 8 th, Apr. 12 th, June 14 th Writing tests are required for MN Colleges University of WI – Madison Plus many more colleges Suggestion - Have at least one ACT with a writing score SAT Reasoning Test Dates - Jan. 25 th, March 8 th, May 3 th, June 7 th TESTS

12 AP EXAMS May 5 th – 16 th Register in March Cost varies with number of tests taken INTEREST TESTS Strong Interest Inventory- $8.00. Sign up in the Guidance Office See counseling website for interest surveys completed on-line TESTS CONT.

13 SATACT -no science section -science reasoning section -vocabulary emphasized -vocabulary less important -non multiple-choice questions -entirely multiple choice -guessing penalty -no guessing penalty -no English grammar -English grammar tested -math accounts for 33% of score-math accounts for 25% -questions go from easy to hard-easy/hard questions mixed SAT verses ACT The road to college can be a confusing and hectic one. Choosing the right admissions test to take - SAT or ACT - doesn't have to be. While most colleges across the country accept scores from either test, the SAT and ACT are significantly different, and in many ways, they measure different skills. Check with your guidance counselor and preferred colleges, then use the information below to decide which test is right for you.

14 Community Education class – ACT/PSAT/SAT – offered different times throughout the year Kaplan, Sylvan, Huntington $500 - $1,000 MCIS Academic Practice Test Package ACT/SAT/PSAT Test Preparation books available in Student Support Center, Library and bookstores TEST PREPARATION

15 Next step…. Check your grades on skyward, are you on track???


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