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Engineering and Applied Science Tribunal Jan 27 th, 2014 General Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering and Applied Science Tribunal Jan 27 th, 2014 General Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering and Applied Science Tribunal Jan 27 th, 2014 General Meeting

2 Tribunal Officers President:Mason Stout Vice President:Open Associate Vice President:Nathan Ball Treasurer:John Lewnard Secretary:Carlo Perottino Senators: Andrew Griggs Hannah Kenny

3 Tribunal Executives Career Fair: Tim Schafermeyer, Andrew Griggs Collegiate Affairs:Nathan Ball EWeek:Maggy Zorc, Alison Hayfer FELD:John Lewnard Luau:Chris Katuscak Recognition:Ken Okoye Public Affairs:Maddie Adams SOCC:Nathan Ball Special Events:Scott Blincoe Technology:Tim Schafermeyer

4 Meeting Agenda Vice President Elections Engineering Ambassadors

5 VP nomination Scott Blincoe Alison Hayfer


7 The face of the College of Engineering and Applied Science for prospective students. A student-led collective of engineering students passionate about CEAS and UC A service-oriented student organization for CEAS recruitment, as well as alumni relations Who are CEAS Ambassadors? COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE

8 We recruit students! We give tours! We let students shadow our classes! We host families at FREE lunches at CenterCourt, MarketPointe, or StadiumView We host open houses for tons of families at once We give student panels We sit in on department talks We work together with CEAS administration We rep CEAS! We host free hot chocolate days and social events! Because you’re cool! What do CEAS Ambassadors do? COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE

9 Being able to share your awesome experiences at CEAS and UC with prospective students Showing faculty that you’re committed to the University by giving back Good food at our bi-weekly meetings and a fancy banquet dinner Developing your interpersonal communication skills by giving tours, panels, presentations, etc. Free lunch for hosting families at the dining halls What are the best parts of being a CEAS Ambassador? COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE

10 Passion for and a good attitude towards CEAS and UC and life What does it take to be a CEAS Ambassador? COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE

11 Send your resumé to : Thaddaeus Voss : How YOU can become a CEAS Ambassador COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE


13 Officer Reports

14 Secretary Please sign in at the back of the room Must attend and sign in at minimum of 4 meetings each semester to having voting rights Carlo Perottino

15 Senator’s Report Senators: Andrew Griggs Hannah Kenny Election Packets are available for pickup in the Tribunal Office (652 Baldwin) or the Student Government Office. Packets are due February 10th. Committee Meeting Times: –Academic Affairs: Wednesdays after Senate –Public Affairs: Wednesdays after Senate –Campus Life: Sundays, 5pm in 435 ERC –Strategic Plan: Thursdays, 5pm 417 TUC

16 Committee Reports

17 Interest/Questions? Email us at Chairs: Maggy Zorc Alison Hayfer - Engineering Week is a nationally recognized week dedicated to the positive contribution of engineers - Celebrated every year at UC! Events include: → EWeek Team Events → Engineering Blood Drive → Date Auction → Banquet and Award Ceremony Under the Sea! February 16-22, 2014

18 Interest/Questions? Email us at Chairs: Maggy Zorc Alison Hayfer -Sign up forms are now active on the Tribunal Website -Date Auction Entry forms due at 5pm on Jan 29 th -Date Auction Proceeds form due at 5pm on Jan 29 th -Team and Event Sign-ups due 5pm on Feb 5 th -EWeek Banquet will be on February 22 nd at the Newport Aquarium -Ticket sales will be Feb 10-14 -Transportation provided to and from Newport -Talk to us after the meeting for info on how you can help!

19 Sit down with a professional of your choice –Example backgrounds: GE, P&G, Duke Energy, 5/3 Bank, L-3 Fuzing & Ordnance, Turner Construction, ADVICS 20 minute resume critique and discussion Student sign-up opens next Monday, Feb. 3rdStudent sign-up Great opportunity to network and prepare for the career fair! Resume Review Day Friday, February 14th 9a-3p 8 th floor Rhodes Hall Questions? Contact us at

20 FELD Next meeting: –Thursday, January 30th –7:30pm – 8:30pm in 643 Baldwin –Free Pizza! –Main topic will be E-Week. There will likely be a feed of the UC vs. Louisville game on the projector as well for those who want to watch. Habitat for Humanity Service Event – February 15 th and March 1 st from 8am-4pm Email with questions or to be added to the FELD Mailing President: Dane Sowers

21 Recognition Professor and TA of the Semester nominations –Due April 9 th Outstanding Senior Awards – Applications available NOW! Featured Student Groups Look for Recognition Committee announcements on the Ebullet! Need people to serve on recognition committee. –Read POTS and TAOTS nominations help select winner. Read scholarship applications. Help choose Outstanding Seniors. Help with keeping records and publicizing our winners. –MINIMUM commitment. Easy committee requirement! Chair: Ken Okoye

22 SOCC Photo Contest –Email photo and description to –Photo and description need to be in by Feb. 10th Flyers –Help take down flyers after meeting –Counts as ½ of committee requirement –If you want to put up flyers that do not meet the posting board requirements Put the flyers in the Tribunal Office to be stamped Email me at Committee Chair: Nathan Ball

23 Special Events Spring Intramurals! Based on feedback, will form two teams: –Coed 7 v 7 Soccer in Gettler Stadium –Coed 10 player Kickball on Sheakley Field Expect an email in coming days for sign-ups –Only sign-up if you can make the commitment Will create additional teams if needed Schedules have not been posted, but will send out information once it’s received

24 Special Events Upcoming Events: –Matthew 25 Ministries Service opportunity: Saturday, March 22, 11 AM – 1 PM –Jets Egg Drop Competition More info come –Relay For Life Service opportunity: –Fundraisers before event –Relay event: Friday, April 4 - Saturday, April 5

25 Next Meeting February 10 th, 2013 Location: 525 Old Chem 5:30 PM Visit us at our office – 652 Baldwin (513) 556-5439

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