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Think Global. Act Local. Phoenix Academy Senior Project 2010-2011 “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” - Ghandi.

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Presentation on theme: "Think Global. Act Local. Phoenix Academy Senior Project 2010-2011 “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” - Ghandi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Think Global. Act Local. Phoenix Academy Senior Project 2010-2011 “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” - Ghandi

2 Think Global. Study a global issue through the lens of “systems” – Environment Climate change, water scarcity – Human Rights/Violence Human trafficking, child labor – Poverty Third-world debt, food distribution – Migration Immigrant rights, refugee resettlement – Education Education as means to fight intolerance, equity of schooling for all people

3 1 st Semester: Think Global 12 Hours Community Service Does not have to connect to Senior Project topic Your advisor will check off these hours

4 1 st Semester: Think Global RESEARCH ESSAY How does the system work? Why is it broken? What’s being done about it?

5 1 st Semester: Think Global GLOBAL FORUMS University of Puget Sound – November 18th Share part one of your research paper. Spread awareness about your global issue Get ideas, resources and connections to help you 2 nd semester as you…

6 2 nd Semester – Act local. 12 Hours Service Learning Project Connect your global issue to a local issue. Work to impact change on that local system! Reflective Essay Write about your research and reflect on your action in part two of your paper. Presentation to Community Present and defend your work to a panel of judges in your final Phoenix Senior Project Exhibition.

7 Global Issue: Environment Topic: Climate Change Essential Question: How does eating locally impact a community’s impact on the environment? Non-fiction Book: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver Action Research: Interview founder of Tacoma Food CoOp Service Learning 1 st semester: L’Arche Farms and Gardens

8 Acting Local: Environment Impacting change/ Service Learning – Write a grant for Tacoma Food Co-Op – Start a garden at Clover Park High School – Organize the first farmer’s market in Lakewood – Continue to work with Clover Park School District to choose more healthy and local food options for the cafeteria – Create a PSA to air on local TV encouraging people in Lakewood to eat local as much as possible

9 Global Issue: Education/Poverty Topic: Relationship between education and poverty Essential Question: How does a person’s education level affect the likelihood that he or she will live in poverty? Non-fiction Book: Three Cups of Tea Action Research: Interview World Vision employees Service Learning 1 st semester: serving at food bank at Little Church on the Prairie

10 Act Local: Education/Poverty Impacting Change/Service Learning -Create a PSA that airs on public TV that promotes the Fresh Start program for young adults at TCC -Use sports to mentor junior high students who have been in trouble at school -Host classes for parents of ESL parents to teach them about how students can get to college -Mobilize people to work for the passage of the “Dream Act” for undocumented immigrants

11 To “pass” Senior Project… Pass part one and part two of your paper with a 2.75 out of 4.0 Pass your Global Forum and your final defense with a 2.75 out of 4.0 Complete 24 hours of service – 12 hours of community service – 12 hours of service learning project


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