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2 THE CONTEXT OF GLOBAL MODERNITY Canada is an industrial-mobile society  the global economy and labour force is dependent on external migration, and has manifested itself in rich ethno- racial diversity. Canada is an industrial-mobile society  the global economy and labour force is dependent on external migration, and has manifested itself in rich ethno- racial diversity. The challenge of inclusion and fairness in the workplace lies along ethnic and racial and gender lines. The challenge of inclusion and fairness in the workplace lies along ethnic and racial and gender lines. Liberal democratic values support provisions that minorities are not marginalized in society Liberal democratic values support provisions that minorities are not marginalized in society Canada has introduced workplace strategies to adapt productive processes to the new realities of an ever changing world. Canada has introduced workplace strategies to adapt productive processes to the new realities of an ever changing world. Foster - Canada's Employment Policy in Global Modernity

3 OUTLINE Canada’s workplace inclusion strategies and steering tools for strengthening the social dimension of globalization  (i) Affirmative Action; (ii) Comparable Worth (as one of stakes fairness); (iii) Employment Equity, and (iv) Diversity Management. Foster - Canada's Employment Policy in Global Modernity

4 GLOBALIZATION AND THE CANADIAN WORKPLACE Globalization has shaped the political opportunities and agendas of Canadian workplace stakeholders. Globalization has shaped the political opportunities and agendas of Canadian workplace stakeholders. For instance, the introduction of ethno-racial antidiscrimination as a formidable ‘workplace issue’ is a relatively recent development on the Canadian scene directly connected to global transnationalism. For instance, the introduction of ethno-racial antidiscrimination as a formidable ‘workplace issue’ is a relatively recent development on the Canadian scene directly connected to global transnationalism. In addition, Canadian labour relations are also characterized by the longstanding gender equality struggle of the Canadian women’s movement, which has succeeded in making various forms of gender discrimination in the workplace into a contested territory ( for example, sexual harassment, occupational segregation, glass ceilings, etc). In addition, Canadian labour relations are also characterized by the longstanding gender equality struggle of the Canadian women’s movement, which has succeeded in making various forms of gender discrimination in the workplace into a contested territory ( for example, sexual harassment, occupational segregation, glass ceilings, etc). Foster - Canada's Employment Policy in Global Modernity

5 REDUCING DISPARITIES & BRING PEOPLE INTO THE ECONOMIC MAINSTREAM  Canada has introduced workplace strategies to tackle national inequality related to –  (1) “reducing disparities” on the basis so race and gender [barrier-free strategies], and also,  (2) “mainstreaming diversity” – bring people who are not necessarily disadvantage by racial or gender or other structural barriers into the economic mainstream” [difference inclusion strategies].. Foster - Canada's Employment Policy in Global Modernity

6 INCLUSION STRATEGIES IN CANADA  Our Goal: We are going to analyze of the strengths limits and challenges of affirmative action, employment equity management, comparable worth (as one of stakes fairness); diversity management in the context of global modernity.  I am going to first talk about “employment equity management” and “diversity management”  The concept of employment equity can be interpreted as a commitment to equality through institutional inclusiveness – [group specific harm reduction model].  The concept of diversity management can be interpreted as the responsibility of taking action on coordinating the performance of a group of employees from different backgrounds in the workplace – [non- race and non-gender specific model]. Foster - Canada's Employment Policy in Global Modernity

7 DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYMENT EQUITY MANAGEMENT  Difference between diversity management and employment equity management is related to contrasts between a focus on a “difference inclusion system” and a focus on a “barrier free system”  Conceptually, diversity and employment equity have some distinct values (Inclusion vs. Fairness) goals (Variety vs. Representation) and approaches (Attitude change vs. Systemic changes)  What they have in common is they can be used in human resource planning, development, implementation and evaluation of policies and procedures. Foster - Canada's Employment Policy in Global Modernity

8 EMPLOYMENT EQUITY MANAGEMENT MODEL Employment equity: a set of practices designed to identify and eliminate discriminatory practices that create unfair or unequal employment opportunities and to provide opportunities in employment to increase the representation for historically disadvantaged groups. Employment equity: a set of practices designed to identify and eliminate discriminatory practices that create unfair or unequal employment opportunities and to provide opportunities in employment to increase the representation for historically disadvantaged groups. A)special measures and the accommodation of differences. A)special measures and the accommodation of differences. B)employment equity refers to the quality of results not the equality of treatment. B)employment equity refers to the quality of results not the equality of treatment. Foster - Canada's Employment Policy in Global Modernity

9 FOUR DESIGNATED GROUPS FOR EMPLOYMENT EQUITY PURPOSES: [A]Aboriginal peoples, [B]Persons with disabilities, [C]Members of visible minority groups, [D]and women. Foster - Canada's Employment Policy in Global Modernity

10 THE THREE PURPOSES OF EMPLOYMENT EQUITY LEGISLATION [A]To "eliminate systemic discrimination" (institutional barriers that limit access to valued resources for reasons other than ability) in order to take advantage of the most capable. [B]To "remedy" the effects of "past discrimination", and [C]To achieve a "representative workforce"; Foster - Canada's Employment Policy in Global Modernity



13 DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT MODEL Shortly after the enactment of the federal Employment Equity Act in 1986, the concept of diversity management began to gain traction in an association with the theory of ‘the business case for diversity’ Shortly after the enactment of the federal Employment Equity Act in 1986, the concept of diversity management began to gain traction in an association with the theory of ‘the business case for diversity’ [[[ Purpose: to ensure a open access workplace that is non-race and non-gender specific]]] [[[ Purpose: to ensure a open access workplace that is non-race and non-gender specific]]] Diversity management uses and inclusive definition of diversity in which any and all differences are considered as part of the diversity project. Foster - Canada's Employment Policy in Global Modernity

14 STRATEGIC BENEFITS OF EFFECTIVELY MANAGING WORKPLACE DIVERSITY   Theorized the idea of a diversity inclusion system as a new business direction which had the potential for increasing productivity, expanding the customer base, increasing market share and maximizing profits.   Greater creativity and improved problem-solving.   Better insight into the needs of a diverse customer/client base.   Enhanced ability to attract the best talent in a diverse labor market. Foster - Canada's Employment Policy in Global Modernity

15 THE BUSINESS CASE FOR DIVERSITY A) A) Inclusiveness and respect B) B) Contribution of individual uniqueness C) C) Principle of merit D) D) Alignment of diversity with organizational goals Foster - Canada's Employment Policy in Global Modernity

16 THE CONFERENCE BOARD OF CANADA’S “REPORT ON DIVERSITY” (2006) Authors Cowan, Huggett, and Parris compiled inaugural benchmark data on diversity-related priorities, policies, practices and achievements in Canadian organizations. The report found that: Authors Cowan, Huggett, and Parris compiled inaugural benchmark data on diversity-related priorities, policies, practices and achievements in Canadian organizations. The report found that: 1. Canadian organizations say they value diversity but have not yet fully committed their policies, practices and resources to driving diversity to the core of their operations. 2. The majority of Canadian organizations rank diversity as a priority, but 42 per cent of them have no strategic plan to foster it. Foster - Canada's Employment Policy in Global Modernity

17 THE CONFERENCE BOARD OF CANADA’S “REPORT ON DIVERSITY” (2006 Con’t) 3.Most organizations surveyed have yet to achieve basic representation rates that match or exceed Canadian labour force availability rates for the four diversity groups designated by the employment equity act— aboriginal people, members of visible minorities, persons with disabilities, and women. 4.Even though 80 per cent of the organizations surveyed fall under the Employment Equity Act, none of them meet the labour market availability of all four groups. Foster - Canada's Employment Policy in Global Modernity

18 Canadian Companies Strategic View of Diversity % Yes Include valuing diversity in the company’s Include valuing diversity in the company’s mission or values statement 36.6 mission or values statement 36.6 Have a clear understanding of how diversity Have a clear understanding of how diversity is linked to bottom-line business goals 22.6 is linked to bottom-line business goals 22.6 Align diversity strategy with the business Align diversity strategy with the business strategy 21.9 Have an internal diversity/inclusiveness Have an internal diversity/inclusiveness committee or council 37.4 Do senior executives participate in the Do senior executives participate in the internal diversity committee 28.2 Does the internal diversity committee Does the internal diversity committee participate in strategic business planning 7.3 Foster - Canada's Employment Policy in Global Modernity


20 CONCLUSIONS: WHAT IS THE BIG PICTURE TODAY? Employment Equity Management is characterized by  a barrier-free system focused on group specific harm reduction for the purposed of creating a level- playing field in Canada’s working environment. Employment Equity Management is characterized by  a barrier-free system focused on group specific harm reduction for the purposed of creating a level- playing field in Canada’s working environment. Diversity Management is characterized by  a difference inclusion system focused on non-race, non- gender specific integration for the purpose of creating an environment to mainstream diversity. Diversity Management is characterized by  a difference inclusion system focused on non-race, non- gender specific integration for the purpose of creating an environment to mainstream diversity. Although workplace inclusivity policies have promoted some redistribution of resources within workplaces and within society as a whole, the conscious and subconscious resistance of White privilege, as well as poor regulation and enforcement of the legislation have resulted in minimal progress toward a de-segregated and anti-discriminatory workforce. Although workplace inclusivity policies have promoted some redistribution of resources within workplaces and within society as a whole, the conscious and subconscious resistance of White privilege, as well as poor regulation and enforcement of the legislation have resulted in minimal progress toward a de-segregated and anti-discriminatory workforce.


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