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Age as a Diversity Issue in the Workplace

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1 Age as a Diversity Issue in the Workplace

2 Important Dates 1903 Colorado: no one may discharge because of age
NY: age (18-60) added to statute re discrimination in employment Congress: ADEA passed (40-65) Congress: mandatory retirement (70) eliminated Older Workers Benefit Protection Act US Supreme Court: don’t have to be replaced by someone under age 40 2000 State gov’t agencies protected from being sued for money damages

3 Growth in US Workforce 1970s-1980s 30% 1980s-1990s 12% 1990s-2000s 7%

4 Growth in US Workforce by Age 2000-2010
% % % % % %

5 Retiring Retirement Create a Culture that Honors Experience
Offer Flexible Work Introduce Flexible Retirement

6 Honor Experience Recruitment techniques Interviewing techniques
Training and development Culture

7 Flexible Work Part-time schedules Telecommuting Job sharing
Compressed workweeks Redesigned career paths Reduced hours

8 Flexible Retirement On-call cadre of experienced people
Leaders on demand Retiree Casuals Resource Re-entry Centre

9 Questions What differences are there in what attract older and younger workers? Older workers are one group who might help companies keep their workforces at full strength; what other groups might contribute to this effort? What attitudes and policies inhibit the effectiveness of companies’ strategies for hiring older workers? Why might older workers be particularly interested in flexible work schedules and assignments? What advantages do firms obtain by creating flexible work schedules and assignments for older workers?

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