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HR Initiatives in the NHS

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Presentation on theme: "HR Initiatives in the NHS"— Presentation transcript:

1 HR Initiatives in the NHS
Roddy Wells

2 Improving Working Lives
Agenda for Change Knowledge and Skills Framework

3 Improving Working Lives
Three levels Seven Standards Focus groups External Assessment

4 Measurement Pledge Practice Practice Plus

5 Standard 1 – HR Strategy and Management
High quality HR service to all Develop a workforce plan to support service delivery Implement Agenda for Change Achieve IWL Practice Plus

6 Standard 2 Flexible Working
Job Share Term Time Only Home working Career/Carer Breaks Annualised/Compressed Hours

7 Standard 3 Healthy Workplace
Health and Safety Committee Incident Reporting Health and Safety Training Employee Assistance Programme

8 Standard 4 Communications and Staff Involvement
Staff Brief Weekly bulletins Intranet sites Staff Benefits

9 Standard 5 Flexible Retirement Childcare and Carers Support
Child Care Vouchers Salary Sacrifice Holiday Play Schemes Support to Carers

10 Standard 6 Equality and Diversity
Race Equality Schemes Subsequent Action Plans Black Minority Ethnic Leadership Programmes

11 Standard 7 Training and Development
Individual Learning Accounts Develop Mentoring Management Development Links to KSF (More later)

12 Staff Survey HR Strategy and Management WORK Training and Development
Flexible Working and Child Care Communication and Staff Involvement LIFE Flexible Working Healthy Working Equality and Diversity HR Strategy and Management


14 Agenda for Change (The NHS Job Evaluation Scheme)
One Million employees affected All staff except Doctors and Directors Effective from October ‘04

15 PAY STRUCTURE Whole system built on Job Evaluation scheme
16 factors covering knowledge and skills, responsibilities, effort and working conditions Capable of rating all jobs in NHS 500 original Benchmark jobs Benchmark jobs used to develop pay structure

16 Job Evaluation A system for comparing different jobs
The basis for grading jobs in a new structure Measures jobs not people Logical, consistent and transparent

17 Job Evaluation Developed in partnership between management and unions
Designed specifically for the NHS Uses equal value and equality principles and practices

18 Knowledge and Skills Communication and Relationships
Knowledge Training and Experience Analytical and Judgement Skills Planning and Organisational Skills Physical Skills

19 Responsibilities Patient and Client Care Policy/Service Development
Financial and Physical Resources Human Resources Information Resources Research and Development Freedom to Act

20 Effort and Environment
Physical Effort Mental Effort Emotional Effort Working conditions

21 Process Job Description Person Specification Matching Panel ( 3 or 4)
National profiles Up to five variances, but not Knowledge or Freedom to Act Scoring Matrix

22 Panel recommendation Consistency check Assimilation Appeal if warranted but only about process

23 Pay Structure 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 Pay Band Gateway
Incremental Pay Points Development Development Gateway


25 Knowledge and Skills Framework ( KSF)
Outline for every post 6 core dimensions 24 Specific Dimensions Evidence

26 Core Dimensions – Four Levels
Communication Personal and People Development Health, Safety and Security Service Improvement Quality Equality and Diversity

27 NHS KSF - Main Purpose Provide an NHS-wide framework that can be used consistently across the service to support: personal development in post career development service development

28 The NHS KSF and the appraisal process
KSF outline developed for each post Individual is matched against the KSF outline for their post Personal development plans agreed and supported Individual supported to learn (in a variety of ways) Evaluation of learning

29 Personal & People Development Health, Safety & Security
Core Dimensions NHS KSF Communication Equality & Diversity Personal & People Development Service Improvement Quality Health, Safety & Security

30 Information & Knowledge Estates & Facilities EF 1-3
24 Specific Dimensions NHS KSF Health & Well-being HWB 1-10 Information & Knowledge IK 1-3 CORE Estates & Facilities EF 1-3 General G 1-8 Facilities

31 Principles of Framework
NHS KSF will support development for all staff Development is personal - linked to own needs against the requirements of the post NHS KSF will be used at recruitment, induction, and throughout individuals’ working lives

32 Information for Reviews
Clear links to what the individual does at work Use what is already available (eg observations of work, records, staff supervision notes) Same information as would be used in a good quality appraisal system

33 Gateway Reviews Foundation gateway review against subset of full KSF outline for the post 2nd gateway review against full KSF post outline Build on the information gathered over time Involve information from others (besides individuals and their managers) e.g. 360o feedback, information from colleagues

34 The NHS KSF - Summary Identifies the knowledge and skills that people need to apply in their post Helps guide development Provides a fair and objective framework on which to base review Provides the basis of pay progression in the service

35 KSF Cycle Stage 1 Joint review of work against the
demands of the post and any agreed objectives and targets Stage 2 Jointly prepare PDP. Identify L&D needs and how these will be met. Stage 4 Joint Evaluation of L&D and its application Stage 3 L& D by individual supported by manager

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