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Brookfield, WI November 8, 2007 Alex Inman Whitfield School Educational Collaborators Preparing For Your One-to-One Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Brookfield, WI November 8, 2007 Alex Inman Whitfield School Educational Collaborators Preparing For Your One-to-One Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brookfield, WI November 8, 2007 Alex Inman Whitfield School Educational Collaborators Preparing For Your One-to-One Program

2 Topics Why One-to-One Computing? Practical Pedagogical Designing the Assessment Planning the Program

3 Why One-to-One Computing? A collaborative group of corporate, research and education leaders created a list of basic and applied skills then surveyed employers to assess the readiness of our workforce as they leave U.S. schools. We are not ready

4 Workplace Readiness Crisis Deficiency Written Communications.......... 27.8% Writing in English.................. 26.2 Leadership...................... 23.8 Excellence Information Technology Application... 46.3% Diversity.......................... 28.3 Critical Thinking/Problem Solving........ 27.6 English Language................... 26.2 Lifelong Learning/Self Direction.......... 25.9 Reading Comprehension............. 25.9 Oral Communications................ 24.8 Teamwork/Collaboration.............. 24.6 Creativity/Innovation.................. 21.5 Four Year College Graduates Source: Are They Really Ready To Work? Conference Board, 2006

5 Workplace Readiness Crisis Deficiency Written Communications............ 47.3% Writing in English................... 46.4 Lifelong Learning/Self Direction......... 27.9 Creativity/Innovation................. 27.6 Critical Thinking/Problem Solving....... 22.8 Oral Communications............... 21.3 Ethics/Social Responsibility........... 21.0 Excellence Information Technology Application... 25.7% Two Year College/Technical School Graduates Source: Are They Really Ready To Work? Conference Board, 2006

6 Workplace Readiness Crisis Deficiency Written Communications............ 80.9% Professionalism/Work Ethic........... 70.3 Critical Thinking/Problem Solving....... 69.6 Oral Communications............... 52.7 Ethics/Social Responsibility........... 44.1 Reading Comprehension............. 38.4 Teamwork/Collaboration............. 34.6 Diversity......................... 27.9 Information Technology Application.... 21.5 English Language....................21.0 Excellence No skills are on the Excellence List for new entrants with a high school diploma. High School Graduates Source: Are They Really Ready To Work? Conference Board, 2006

7 21 st Century Skills Global Awareness Civic Engagement Financial, Economic, and Business Literacy Learning Skills Information and Communication Technology Literacy Source: Assessment of 21 st Century Skills, Partnership for 21 st Century Skills, 2005

8 1-to-1 Computing as a Partial Strategy In 2003, 4% of school districts were starting 1:1 initiatives. In 2006 24% of school districts were in the process of transitioning to 1:1 initiatives Where tracked, 88% showed positive academic results Most superintendents and 67% of technology directors believe TCO is “important” or “very important” Source: America's Digital Schools 2006, The Greaves Group, 2006

9 Why One-to-One Computing? Because it furthers your mission Does your school have a mission statement? Do people know what it is? Assess yourself based on your mission Assess your teachers based on your mission Base your need for one-to-one program on all or part of your mission statement All of this helps your program attain quicker ubiquity and depersonalizes the pressures of change

10 Designing the Assessment Start at the “end” What do you want your program to look like? Where, when, how will the laptop be used? What does a classroom look like? What is typical teacher behavior? What is typical student behavior? What is typical administrator behavior? How will you assess? Benchmarks and Longitudinal Trend indicators

11 Planning the Program The Decision Process Program Design Infrastructure (Connectivity, Servers, Storage, Backup, Classroom Devices, Electrical, and Technical Support) Curricular Support Communication Policies Image Design and Update One-to-One Rollout, and Assessment of Your One-to-One Program

12 Decision Process Who is involved in the research and recommending body? Who is involved in the decision making body Total cost of Ownership Analysis Gartner K-12 TCO tool Constituent support

13 Program Design Laptops? Tablets? Windows? Mac? Linux? Lenovo? The other guys? How will you roll them out? Lease or buy? Tuition? Fee? Off-sets? Financial Aid? Lots of choices to make This is only PART of the process

14 Infrastructure Wireless Login servers Anti-virus E-mail Printing Storage Classroom Devices Help desk Break/Fix More to come on this!

15 Curricular Support Lower Anxiety Tech Skills Development Technology Integration Development Problem/project based learning training Share successes AND failures Time! Consider your schedule Consider meeting times for teachers

16 Communication Communicate decision and rationale Communicate on-going progress Provide feedback channels Develop communication pieces to help new people join your technologically heightened community

17 Policies Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) to cover laptop going home AUP to cover desktops and general use computers Technology in place to enforce your policies Is policy reflective of your mission statement Design policies to be positively stated, when possible Be sure to cover liabilities

18 Image Design and Update System for gathering software needs Consider the tools to: Design the image Deploy the image Update the computers post imaging Customize each image after deployment Manage the computers after deployment

19 Roll-out Set the tone for your program Involve all the constituents Students Teachers Parents Administrators Develop critical skills Cover documentation and self-help strategies

20 On-going Assessment We've come full circle! What is the baseline? What are the goals? What are the trends? What changes do we need to make in our assessment parameters? How do we communicate our findings?

21 Learn More Visit Whitfield's Linux Laptop Blog Contact Educational Collaborators Take the free online one-to-one readiness assessment

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