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Sentinel Node Biopsy : the way forward Hemant Singhal MS FRCSEd FRCS(Gen) FRCSC Consultant Surgeon Northwick Park & St Marks Hospital Senior Lecturer,

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Presentation on theme: "Sentinel Node Biopsy : the way forward Hemant Singhal MS FRCSEd FRCS(Gen) FRCSC Consultant Surgeon Northwick Park & St Marks Hospital Senior Lecturer,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sentinel Node Biopsy : the way forward Hemant Singhal MS FRCSEd FRCS(Gen) FRCSC Consultant Surgeon Northwick Park & St Marks Hospital Senior Lecturer, Imperial College School Of Medicine These PowerPoint presentations are free to download only for academic purposes, with due acknowledgements to authors and this website.

2 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL Introduction  Who should have it  When  How  Who will do it  What can we hope to achieve

3 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL Background  95% of patients who present with breast cancer have apparently local disease.  Indirect features to suggest systemic involvement axillary lymph node metastasis tumour size, grade vascular or lymphatic invasion Her2neu status or p53 etc

4 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL Preoperative evaluation of axilla  Clinical examination inaccurate, false negative rate of 39-45%  Mammography/ultrasound sensitivity of 70%  CT  MRI  PET  Ultrasound guided FNAC

5 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL Rationale for axillary surgery  Status  Local control  Survival impact (B04) study 10 years 5-6% worse  There is no tumour size so small that one can ignore the axilla upto 20% for T1a

6 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL Issues with axillary clearance  Maybe of limited therapeutic value  80% of patients maybe LN negative  Short term drains, seroma  Lymphoedema  Sensory loss in area of ICB  affects the lifestyle of a third

7 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL Sentinel node concept  Ramon Cabanas  coined the term  lymphatic drainage in ca penis  Donald Morton: malignant melanoma

8 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL Sentinel node concept  First draining lymph node  reflects the status of the axilla  can be identified and sampled

9 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL SENTINEL NODE CONCEPT  sentinel node refers to the "node on watch.”  this node is the first node to receive cancer cells and that if this node is positive, there may be other positive nodes upstream.  The cancer cells don't "skip" and go to higher nodes.  If this node is negative, all the upstream nodes are negative 99 out of 100 times

10 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL After a crime, you don't interrogate a bunch of people who were two blocks away; you focus on eye witnesses at the scene of the crime." —Marisa Weiss, M.D.

11 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL Collective experience  ACS study ~ 5000 patients  ALMANAC ~UK study  18 other sizeable studies  88% LN detection  98% accuracy  7 series with 100% results

12 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL Nuclear medicine aspects  Amount of radioactivity  dose of 0.1 mCi for same-day and 0.4 mCi for day-before injection  Preop scintigram useful initially know that there is a localised SNB abnormal pattern - Rotters, IM, breast

13 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL Site of injection  SLN identified by intraparenchymal subdermal intradermal subareolar injections


15 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL Surgical aspects  Identify blue lymphatics  track hot node  intraop palpation for involved node  gross disease can block localisation





20 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL Inaccurate results  The scenario of a negative (non-cancerous) sentinel node and positive (cancerous) additional nodes in a patient can occur for several reasons, including:  The timing of the dye injections  The type of dye/tracers used  The presence of more than one sentinel node  The way in which the initial node was sectioned or stained in the pathology lab

21 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL Poor candidates  palpable lymph nodes  Locally advanced breast cancer  multi-focal breast cancer  previous breast surgery (including breast reduction)  previous radiation therapy to the breast

22 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL American College of Surgeons recommends  at least 30 snb followed by complete axillary node dissection,  with an 85% success rate in identifying the sentinel lymph node(s)  and a 5% or lower false positive rate.

23 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL Tips & Tricks  Map with probe  3D mental map  Allow adequate time after blue dye inj  LN is invariably lower than you think  Persevere

24 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL Can we stop after negative SNB  Axillary relapse, most studies have median FU that is too short  melanoma about 3-4%  expect 1% for breast  0.4% at median fu of 84 months Singhal 1996, MSKCC

25 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL Should you go back after SNB+  39% have further involved nodes  this may be obvious at first op  intraoperative analysis cytology 10% false negative frozen section



28 MARCH 2005 HEMANT SINGHAL The important question  "HOW MANY lymph nodes are positive?"  not just "ARE lymph nodes positive?"

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