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TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Work package 4: Data Acquisition.

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1 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Work package 4: Data Acquisition RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM, GERMANY Steffen Bender, Tilman Mieseler, Till Rubbert Leading Participant:

2 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Content Pilot site „Upper Regen Region“ IGMS Data quality Terms Sampling Analytics

3 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Content Pilot site „Upper Regen Region“ IGMS Data quality Terms Sampling Analytics

4 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Pilot site „Upper Regen Region“ in Bavaria

5 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Pilot site „Upper Regen Region“ in Bavaria Šumavacatchment Upper Regen Region

6 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Pilot site „Upper Regen Region“ in Bavaria

7 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Pilot site „Upper Regen Region“ in Bavaria located at the border to the Czech Republic partially well investigated (e.g. LOWRGREP) general conditions: Nature Park, touristical centers, agricultural land use, local water supplies highest mountain of Bavarian Forest: „Großer Arber“ catchment area of the river „Schwarzer Regen“

8 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Content Pilot site „Upper Regen Region“ IGMS Data quality Terms Sampling Analytics

9 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM IGMS Integrated Groundwater Balance Monitoring Station

10 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Intended outputs of the IGMS completion of measuring networks evaluation of interpolation methods water balances climatic water balance soil water balance groundwater balance


12 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Content Pilot site „Upper Regen Region“ IGMS Data quality Terms Sampling Analytics

13 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM What is quality ? According to DIN 55350, part 11: Term of Quality Assurance and Statistics „Quality is the totality of characteristics of a product, action or function which is related to the qualification for completion of prevailing requirements.“

14 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Hydrogeological work concerning protection of soil and groundwater - goals: compliance with regulations - legislative provisions, standards, guidelines, recommendations - state of the art Working in the laboratory - goal: guarantee of analytical methods and results which are accepted by law - comparable, verifiable, confidential Quality Assurance

15 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Terms Accreditation Acceptation and certification of competence DIN EN 45 001 bzw. ISO 17 025 (technical evaluation) Certification ISO 9001-9003 (non-technical evaluation)

16 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Sampling campaigns water samples (1) DIN EN ISO 25667, T2: instruction of sampling procedure DIN 38402: -part 11 : sampling of waste water -part 12 : sampling of stagnant water -part 13 : sampling of groundwater -part 14 : sampling of natural and potable water -part 15 : sampling of brooks, rivers, streams DVWK-Regel 128/1992 : collection and scale of investigations for groundwater samples DVWK-Merkblatt 245/1997 : horizontal orientation of sampling in wells

17 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Merkblatt Slg LfW Teil 3, Nr.3.6-2 Merkblatt Slg LfW Teil 1, Nr.1.4-1 Merkblatt Slg LfW Teil 1, Nr.1.4-2 monitoring of groundwater, surface water and seepage water near waste recycling sites scope of a chemico-technical water analysis concerning questions of water management (hydrochemistry of groundwater and potable water) guidelines for water sampling at pumping tests Sampling campaigns water samples (2)

18 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Sampling - kind of sampling bottles (glass, PE,...) - cleaning of sampling bottles - sampling volume - conservation of samples - filtration or non-filtration (size of filter, tandem-samples) DIN EN ISO 5667-3 Hydrochemical compositions - sampling - part 3: Conservation and handling of samples (ISO 5667-3:1994); German Version EN ISO 5667-3: 1995 (A 21) - minutes of sampling (location, circumstances, alteration of the sample)

19 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Examples for analysing methods

20 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Analytics Terms (1) Precision Accuracy

21 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Reproducibility: Dimension of conformity of analytical results at identical investigated objects under equal conditions (method, laboratory, personnel) Comparability: Dimension of conformity of analytical results at identical investigated objects, at different times and under different conditions. Analytics Terms (2)


23 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Questionnaire Data acquisition in the field and laboratory Natural conditions frame of test site summary of important studies monitoring strategy Data evaluation unidentified data regionalized data (scaling effect) Administration section Further problems or obstacles

24 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM Questionnaire(25.09.2003) Natural conditions Frame of test site Summary of important studies Monitoring strategy Data evaluation Unidentified data Regionalized data (scaling effect) Administrative section Further problems or obstacles Guadiana River Bělá River Pasvik River Nestos River Šumava catchment                                    available    good information few informationno information

25 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP4 - RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM We look forward to a good continuation of work!

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