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What is important to you? Climate Change Poverty Oil Fields – Iraq 1991 90% of war casualties are civilians “Landmines have been called 'the perfect soldier'

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2 What is important to you? Climate Change Poverty Oil Fields – Iraq 1991 90% of war casualties are civilians “Landmines have been called 'the perfect soldier' - they never sleep and they never miss.” Nuclear Weapon States USA Russia France China Britain 10,300 20,000 510 550 265 Israel India Pakistan 200 100 to 150 25 to 50 In Hamilton, a single mother with a 7yr old daughter will receive a maximum of $957/month from social assistance. Calculated cost of food = 218, Rent = 696 Amount left over = $43/month REFUGEES

3 HIV/AIDS 950,000 people are HIV+ 500,000 have access to HIV drugs North America 28.5 million people are HIV+ 30,000 have access to HIV drugs Africa

4 MEDICINE SHOULDN’T BE A LUXURY 8000 People will die of AIDS today because treatment is not cost effective


6 As Medical Students and Future Physicians…… We are in a unique position to: Speak out and be heard Raise awareness Build community Access resources

7 Physicians Reaching Out “Numerous physicians have taken it upon themselves to fulfill their roles as medical professionals committed to speaking on behalf of those whose voices cannot be heard” Dr. Samantha Nutt Dr. James Orbinski Dr. Mary-Wynne Ashford Dr. Erik Hoskins Dr. Joanna Santa-Barbara

8 Physicians are in one of the most trusted positions in society. Therefore it is important to have moral character to meet this expectation. “We found a significant decrease in the moral development of medical students over 3 years of medical education” - CMAJ, April 1, 2003;168 (7) How can medical students facilitate this development? Strengthening our Ethical Development

9 Physicians for Global Survival PGS is the Canadian affiliate of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW); Over 60 active affiliates around the world; Recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985 for its work to educate health professionals, political leaders and the public.

10 Out of concern for global health, PGS is committed to working towards the following: PGS provides opportunities for medical students and physicians to incorporate these issues into their career development. Social Justice Environmental Sustainability Prevention of nuclear war Non-violent conflict resolution Physicians for Global Survival

11 What can students do in PGS? Learn about issues not emphasized in the medical curriculum; Share local and international personal experiences; Actively raise awareness; Build a community with people interested in similar issues.

12 What Are We Doing? High school Presentations Discussion Series on health and poverty, environment, and peace Reading Electives Peace and Health Conferences Open letter from concerned medical students on Iraq Medical Student Conferences Music for Peace Concert

13 Why are we here today? Share ideas about how we, as medical students, can incorporate these issues into our training and career development Build a community of concerned physicians across Canada

14 The balance we achieve throughout medical school, reflects the balance we will have in the future. “ Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul” E. Abby “Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world…indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” –M. Mead Making your passions part of your life work


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