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UK Foundation Training 15 th June. UKFPO Overview  The UKFPO - what, who and how?  Work streams for 2009/10  Surgery in Foundation.

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Presentation on theme: "UK Foundation Training 15 th June. UKFPO Overview  The UKFPO - what, who and how?  Work streams for 2009/10  Surgery in Foundation."— Presentation transcript:

1 UK Foundation Training 15 th June

2 UKFPO Overview  The UKFPO - what, who and how?  Work streams for 2009/10  Surgery in Foundation

3 Promoting safe and effective care 1.Operational Framework 2.Foundation Learning Portfolio 3.Career Management 4.Academic Foundation Programmes 5.Community placements 6.Foundation Recruitment 7.Stakeholder Engagement

4 Who do we serve? UKFPO provides information, guidance and support for:  14,500 junior doctors  7,200 medical students  50,000 consultants and GPs  26 foundation schools


6 UKFPO OFFICE TEAM Janet Brown Project Director Keryn Churchward Recruitment Project Team Manager Joanna Dingle Project Support Manager (PT) Sharon Witts Project Manager Natalie Southall Administration Manager Carrie Moore Director of Strategy and Communication John Mitchell Communications Manager Lucy Geen Communications Officer UKFPO Office Team 7.6 FTE

7 UKFPO Special Advisors = 2.5 FTE Derek Gallen National Director Stuart Carney Deputy National Director Justin Allen Special advisor (Quality & GP) Kim Walker Special Advisor (Recruitment) Melanie Jones Special Advisor (Careers) James Fishwick Special Advisor (Operational) Paul O’Neill Special Advisor (Med Schools Council) Kate Emmerson & James Murphy Special Advisor (Foundation Doctor) Emily Finnigan & Tom Kelley Special Advisor (Medical Student)

8 UK Foundation Programme Office (Director: Professor Derek Gallen) Foundation School Directors Sub-Committee (Chair: Professor Derek Gallen) Med Student Board (Chair: CM) Conference of Postgraduate Medical Deans (COPMeD) 4 UK Health Departments (DH England: Lindsey Proctor) Foundation School Managers Forum (Chair: JF) Academic Sub-Group (Chair: SC) Careers Managers Forum Rules Group (Recruitment) (Chair: DG) QAFP Working Group (Chair: JA) FP Standing Committee (Chair: Professor Derek Gallen for COPMeD) Portfolio Content & Security Group (Chair: SC) UKFPO Governance Structure Foundation Docs Advisory Board (Chair: CM) UKFPO Committee/GroupGroup with joint responsibility FP Excellence Group (Chair: JA)

9 External representation  UK-wide  AoMRC FP Curriculum Sub-Committee  COPMeD  COGPED  Portfolio Management Group (COPMeD)  Recruitment to F1 Steering Group (MSC)  “Tomorrow’s Doctors” revision group (GMC)  England  E-LfH Foundation Executive (DH)  MMC Senior Management Team  MMC Programme Board

10 Curriculum Review 2010 Achievements  DH commissioned AoMRC to review FP assessment  Secured funding to support AoMRC in review and revision of the curriculum Objectives  Implement a common assessment suite across the UK  Implement 3 rd edition of the curriculum from Aug 2010

11 Operational Framework Review 2010 Achievements  Established editorial board & project plans to run in parallel with curriculum review  Agreed status of document with regulators  Implement revised document from Aug 2010

12 Academic Foundation Programmes Achievements:  “Rough Guide to Academic Foundation Programmes and Compendium of Academic Competences”  Academic FP recruitment process significantly improved  Sharing notable practice in academic programmes event Objectives:  Define core content of academic programmes  Work with NHIR and other funders/providers of academic programmes to promote the full academic pathway

13 Recruitment Achievements  100% of applicants placed  91.2% of applicants got into their first choice foundation school  Reduced cost to applicants for clinical assessments (those out of practice for “ years)

14 Careers management Achievements:  Identified careers leads in each university and deanery  Established joint careers advisory group between universities and deaneries  Guidance on “tasters”  Worked with PMETB on Annual Trainee Survey to include career-related questions

15 Stakeholder engagement Face-to-face communication:  15 conferences, events and workshops in 2009/10  9 UKFPO stakeholder groups/committees  50 + scheduled meetings per year  9 groups developed by other organisations of which UKFPO are members  Regular requests for a UKFPO representative to speak at national and international conferences

16 Stakeholder engagement Other methods of communication with stakeholders:  Website: c.14,500 unique users on busiest day  E-updates: 7,500 subscribers  Podcasts: approx 250 downloads  Email correspondence: approx 30 email enquiries per day; peaking at 150 per day  Press and PR: features placed in BMJ Careers, BMA News, BMA Student News, DoctorPortal, Medical Student and Quack! (Over 75 articles in the past year)

17 Insert Lost tribe of SHOs WALES

18 Foundation training aims  Recognise and manage the acutely ill patient  Broad based training  Wider experience in number of specialties  More informed careers guidance  Place the doctors in the locations and specialties that the NHS requires

19 Surgery in Foundation  What does a good foundation surgery job look like?  Clinic time, theatre time, emergency experience. Teaching!  What do they actually get?  What is the role of simulation training?

20 Surgery  Over representation in F1  Real need to understand the future of the NHS  We still have the John Collins review into Foundation  Review of training and EWTD

21 Surgery  Increased emphasis on community placements  Overall reduction in surgical training numbers  Role of themed F2 rotations  Placement of exams  Another lost tribe

22 Surgery  Cannot look at Foundation in isolation  Core surgical training (how long?)  Mismatch between core and higher training numbers  Career advice  What is plan B?

23 Surgery  We need surgeons!  How many?  Where?  Trained to what level?  What are the transferable competences that the NHS and the individual can use to change career pathway?

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