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SUPPORTING INQUIRY BASED TEACHING & LEARNING The Inquiry Based Science Teaching and Learning Framework

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Presentation on theme: "SUPPORTING INQUIRY BASED TEACHING & LEARNING The Inquiry Based Science Teaching and Learning Framework"— Presentation transcript:

1 SUPPORTING INQUIRY BASED TEACHING & LEARNING The Inquiry Based Science Teaching and Learning Framework

2 SUPPORTING INQUIRY BASED TEACHING & LEARNING What is the Learning Framework? The Discover Sensors framework has been developed by a group of Discover Sensor facilitators and teachers working with Irish education consultants and academics. The DS Framework is designed to be used when planning the teaching of a topic or a theme on the syllabus. This is referred to as a 'learning activity'.


4 Topic/Learning Activity Title and syllabus reference: Student Cohort Student level: Prior knowledge required by the students: Stimulus to Engage How do you get the students interested in the topic to start? Science Questions Current Electricity OP50 / 3C3 Static electricity, atomic structure, energy conversions Phet, Circuits set up, Electrstorm, Wire wool and battery What is Electric Current? What makes it happen?

5 Learning Outcomes Content Knowledge: Process: Skills: Working with others Communicating ICT – Phet, dataloggers Managing myself Investigation – Big Circuit, Ropes for Resistance. Ohms Law inv. Data representation /Graphing Questioning Logical Thinking As per Syllabus: current as a flow of charge; measuring current; measuring potential difference (voltage) and resistance (for metallic conductors). Establish relationship between voltage, current and resistance.

6 Questions during Activity Questions to drive student learning (directing them to the learning outcomes): Questions to probe understanding: Questions to get students thinking about their own learning (metacognition): Where are electrons coming from? What makes them move? Can I slow them down? Can I get them to go faster? What do you think will happen if I -------? How could I make bulb brighter, dimmer -------? Why does bulb dim when graphite is put into the circuit? Why no current when stick is in circuit? Do connections to battery make a difference? Can we measure the energy in the circuit What use can I make of this learning? Who else is interested? Could I do a project on this

7 Developing the Activity How do you stimulate students to ask even more questions/think further? Possible supporting activities: Questions for supporting activities: Put in two bulbs – what will happen? Different batteries. Different wires. Is V always proportional to I?- try a bulb Develop models of electrical resistance Phet Series and parallel circuits Electrostorm – what is happening – link static and current Can you show series and parallel with Phet?

8 Reflecting back to Learning Outcomes How many of your intended outcomes were achieved? Do any of your intended outcomes need to be revised? Additional Resources Stimulus materials, websites, etc.: Phet IOP cds Virtual Physics lab Crocodile Clips Des Bishop ESB videos

9 How has the use of ICT enhanced the learning? Evidence of enhancement: Additional Comments A difficult topic to teach. Big Circuit proven to work.

10 Topic/Learning Activity Title and syllabus reference: Student Cohort Student level: Prior knowledge required by the students: Stimulus to Engage How do you get the students interested in the topic to start? Science Questions Initial questions leading to the questions students will work on during the activity: Learning Outcomes Content Knowledge: Process: Skills: Questions during Activity Questions to drive student learning (directing them to the learning outcomes): Questions to probe understanding: Questions to get students thinking about their own learning (metacognition): Current Electricity OP50 / 3C3 Static electricity, atomic structure, energy conversions Phet, Circuits set up, Electrstorm, Wire wool and battery What is Electric Current? What makes it happen? Working with others; Communicating; ICT – Phet, dataloggers; Managing myself Investigation – Big Circuit, Ropes for Resistance. Ohms Law inv. Data representation /Graphing; Questioning; Logical Thinking As per Syllabus: current as a flow of charge; measuring current; measuring potential difference (voltage) and resistance (for metallic conductors). Establish relationship between voltage, current and resistance. Where are electrons coming from? What makes them move? Can I slow them down? Can I get them to go faster? What do you think will happen if I -------? How could I make bulb brighter, dimmer -------? Why does bulb dim when graphite is put into the circuit? Why no current when stick is in circuit? Do connections to battery make a difference? Can we measure the energy in the circuit What use can I make of this learning? Who else is interested? Could I do a project on this

11 Developing the Activity How do you stimulate students to ask even more questions/think further? Possible supporting activities: Questions for supporting activities: Reflecting back to Learning Outcomes How many of your intended outcomes were achieved? Do any of your intended outcomes need to be revised? Additional Resources Stimulus materials, websites, etc.: How has the use of ICT enhanced the learning? Evidence of enhancement: Additional Comments Where are electrons coming from? What makes them move? Can I slow them down? Can I get them to go faster? What do you think will happen if I -------? How could I make bulb brighter, dimmer -------? Why does bulb dim when graphite is put into the circuit? Why no current when stick is in circuit? Do connections to battery make a difference? Can we measure the energy in the circuit What use can I make of this learning? Who else is interested? Could I do a project on this Put in two bulbs – what will happen? Different batteries. Different wires. Is V always proportional to I?- try a bulb Develop models of electrical resistance Can you show series and parallel with Phet? A difficult topic to teach. Big Circuit proven to work.


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