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Practical Challenges Faced by Evaluation Professionals in Undertaking Consultancy Assignments in Evaluation IDEAS Conference 2011, Amman Presenter Preethi.

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Presentation on theme: "Practical Challenges Faced by Evaluation Professionals in Undertaking Consultancy Assignments in Evaluation IDEAS Conference 2011, Amman Presenter Preethi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical Challenges Faced by Evaluation Professionals in Undertaking Consultancy Assignments in Evaluation IDEAS Conference 2011, Amman Presenter Preethi De Silva, Sri Lanka

2 Objective of the Presentation In order to highlight common practical problems encountered by the Evaluator in conducting evaluation assignments, to discuss such problems at a larger audience to share experience and how best they could be overcome or remedy in order to make evaluations more realistic, meaningful and productive.

3 Need for Evaluation  Requirement by donor/s, Executing Agency  Further assistance for extension of the project  Replication of the project  Design of a new project

4 Experience Encountered  Inadequate or limited time  Mostly at the end of the project/just after the project completion  Quantum of funds allocated low  Budgetary constraints for completing the assignment – lack of planning at the beginning of the project

5 Unavailability of project related documents for document review prior to commencing the assignment  Terms of Reference  Lack of commitment

6 Poor Project Documentation  Lack of proper Reporting System/Library  Lack of commitment by the project management ( project financial progress reports, project physical progress reports, Aid Memos, mid- term and on-going evaluation reports)

7 Lack of Sound M&E System  Baseline Data  No baseline established  Absence of right Indicators  Reporting Performance  No right indicators selected  No reporting on selected indicators

8 Rigid Field Locations for Beneficiary Contact  Terms of Reference  Common reasons/excuses  Security  Easy access/mobility  Acceptable accommodation

9 Restrictions on Selection of Samples and Sample Size  Show pieces  Pre-conditioning

10 Issues at the Project Management Level  Reluctance to accept failures by project implementers  Pressurizing evaluators to soften negative tone of the report in miserably failed situations (specially where serious technical errors are made) and to delete adverse remarks  Depriving of future prospects with the same agency due to unbiased evaluation report

11 How would you overcome such practical problems? Thank you for your time and attention! Preethi De Silva Email:

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