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Please check, just in case…. Announcements 1.Bring a draft of your current work on your final essays to class next week. We will have time to work on.

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Presentation on theme: "Please check, just in case…. Announcements 1.Bring a draft of your current work on your final essays to class next week. We will have time to work on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please check, just in case…

2 Announcements 1.Bring a draft of your current work on your final essays to class next week. We will have time to work on that collaboratively, so please come prepared. 2.Divide up the readings for Nov. 19, as it will be a jigsaw on a special issue of Journal of Learning Disabilities. 3.Guest presenter that night – Stephanie Nieto.

3 Quick questions or quandaries?

4 APA Tip of the Day: Quotes When you want to use a quote, you must: 1.Include the quote exactly as written (note exceptions for capitalization of first word, final punctuation, and quotes within quotes). 2.Enclose the quote in quotation marks (unless 40 or more words). 3.Provide the page number, either directly before or after the quote. 4.Include the author(s) last name and year of publication.

5 However! If you find a quote that is taken from another source, look up the original – do not include quotes that one author has taken from another except in very special cases. So, whenever possible: 1.Paraphrase the material. 2.If the quote is a must, use the original source. 3.Include the page number where you read it.

6 Topic: Portfolios November 5, 2014

7 Portfolios “…a systematic collection of student work and related material that depicts a student’s activities, accomplishments, and achievements in one or more school subjects.” (Venn, 2000, p. 530)

8 Portfolios include MORE than just work samples! evidence of student reflection and self-evaluation, guidelines for selecting the portfolio contents, & criteria for judging the quality of the work. (Venn, 2000)

9 Types of Portfolios:

10 Product Portfolios learning task or a set of learning objectives and contains only the best work.” This kind of portfolio “demonstrates mastery of a (Venn, 2000, p. 533)

11 Process Portfolios This kind of portfolio “documents the stages of learning and provides a progressive record of student growth… Teachers use process portfolios to help students identify learning goals, document progress over time, and demonstrate learning mastery.” (Venn, 2000, p. 533)

12 What goes in it? Purpose statement, including learning objectives. Criteria for evaluating the extent to which students have met the learning objectives. Samples of student work. Reflections. Teacher observations. Conference records.

13 Portfolio Planning:  What do you want to demonstrate with this portfolio?  What will go in it?  How will you keep track of everything?  How will the components be evaluated?  What about portfolio conferences?

14 Purpose Before you can design the portfolio assignment, clarify the story the portfolio will be telling. Develop learning objectives. The selection of products and reflections will be based on the meaningful purpose(s).

15 Determine your audience The student Teacher(s) Parents Peers Potential employers Administrators

16 Consider your audience Can each of them identify the purpose of the portfolio? Can they navigate around and through the portfolio? Do they know why each artifact was included? Does the evaluation of the portfolio products appear reasonable and justified to your audience(s) Is the language used appropriate for the portfolio audience(s)?

17 Format of the Portfolio Paper Portfolio: Compilation of student work in paper. Electronic Portfolio: An electronic compilation of student work. Hybrid Portfolio/Mixed Media: Combination of paper and electronic.

18 Portfolio Management Schedule for entry selection When a sample of work is completed At periodic intervals… At the end of … Storage Who will be responsible? Who will have access to the storage? Where will entries be stored? How will possible entries be stored?

19 Portfolio Organization From the beginning of the portfolio development, you need to determine HOW the portfolio will be organized and provide some sort of explicit organizational system (e.g. table of context and tabs).

20 Work Products and Artifacts Student work, such as Paper products such as essays, test, homework, writings, letters, projects, etc. Audio and videotapes, CD, DVD, two- and three-dimensional pieces of art, posters, designs, etc.

21 Work Products and Artifacts Related materials, such as Notes and evaluations from teacher/student conferences, teacher/small group conferences, student to student conferences Observations, teacher data

22 Portfolios include MORE than just work samples! evidence of student reflection and self-evaluation, guidelines for selecting the portfolio contents, & criteria for judging the quality of the work. (Venn, 2000)

23 Common student reflections Why were specific samples selected? What students liked and did not like in the samples? How did they develop specific products or performances? Yippee!!! More reflection ideas at the end!

24 Criteria How will you demonstrate the extent to which students have met the learning objectives? Best work Evidence of growth Evidence of achievement Evidence of standards met Favorite/most important piece One or more of the above

25 Setting “criteria” for criterion-referenced assessments The “criteria” could be looked at as the individual items on your assessment. All items need to be written in terminology that is as objective as possible. All ratings of items need to have explicit criteria (yes/no, correct/incorrect, rating scale, prompting hierarchy, etc.)

26 Setting criteria, cont. Criteria also refers to how the FINAL grade/score/rating is determined. This needs to include some specification of “how high is high.” NOTE: Rubrics already include descriptions/ definitions of performance levels. Your overall (final) assessment criteria should be linked to an instructional response: SO: If a student scores at a particular level for a certain amount of time, what will you do?

27 By setting criteria, you move from simply collecting data to actual assessment. In order to know whether a student has reached a target, the target performance must be specified (e.g. criteria).

28 Quick Write: What experiences with portfolios have you had? Have you learned anything new or different so far tonight? How so? How do you think you might use rubrics now in your learning/clinical context?

29 Important!!!! Portfolios are NOT: Put together all at once. Done by the teacher alone. Ever really finished.

30 Portfolio Conferences: Teacher - student Teacher – small group Student - student

31 Teacher-Student Portfolio Conferences One-on-one, a few minutes Schedule it: −during class or −outside of class time Recap progress, ask questions, and consider suggestions or strategies for improvement.

32 Small Group Portfolio Conferences A few students at a time Discuss issues and questions, sharing common problems and reflections across students.

33 Student-Student Portfolio Conferences Teacher-directed (e.g., "share with each other a sample of work you recently selected for your portfolio") Student-directed (e.g., students use the time to get feedback on some work for a purpose they determine).

34 Portfolio Presentations Invite an audience to observe and celebrate students' progress and accomplishments −Portfolio Night −IEP preparation Practice the presentation −Student partner Presentation to the audience −Students are present −Invite feedback from the audience

35 Reflection Ideas: Use student writing prompts: One skill I could not perform very well but now can is.... From reviewing this piece I learned.... A feature of this portfolio I particularly like is.... In this portfolio I see/show evidence of....

36 Reflection Ideas More student writing prompts: What would you like your _____ (e.g., parents) to know about or see in your portfolio? What does the portfolio as a whole reveal about you as a learner (writer, thinker, etc.)?

37 More writing prompts: What are the strengths of this work? Weaknesses? What would you work on more if you had additional time? How has your ______ (e.g., writing) changed since last year? What do you know about ______ (e.g., the scientific method) that you did not know at the beginning of the year (or semester, etc.)? Reflection Ideas:

38 Write a: “Biography" of a piece of work tracing its development and the learning that resulted Periodic journal entries about the progress of the portfolio m#whyuse

39 Reflection Ideas Have students write: A letter to a specific audience about the story the portfolio communicates An imaginary new "chapter" that picks up where the story of the portfolio leaves off box/portfolios.htm#whyuse

40 Time to talk among yourselves Where are you with your final portfolio? How can you make it “real”, even though it’s a UNM class assignment? What do you need to collect now, so you can get it done by the end of the semester? How could you integrate your previous assignments (e.g. assessment) into your portfolio? A critical piece is linking assessment to instruction. How will you make this visible in your portfolio?

41 Please take a minute for the minute paper. And don’t forget to turn your phone back on.

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