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Scientific prepreparation New subject of curriculum in UME at JFM CU (from 2006) Why new subjet was created and involved in curriculum? What are the main.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific prepreparation New subject of curriculum in UME at JFM CU (from 2006) Why new subjet was created and involved in curriculum? What are the main."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific prepreparation New subject of curriculum in UME at JFM CU (from 2006) Why new subjet was created and involved in curriculum? What are the main aims of the subject? Answers: * Modern medicine is based on the scientific informations, so, medical students and physicians have to have essential knowledge on scientific methods and their use in medical practice * One of the goals of the „Learning outcomes“ of JFM CU is to provide the students with essential knowledge on modern methods used in medical-biological research, on handling and processing obtained data, and on presentation them at conferences and in journals

2 * Medical students and doctors should be able to distinguish in the flood of medical informations which are the result of high quality research and which are doubtful * Medical students and doctors should be able to withstand the pressure created by representatives of non-scientific methods which are used now and will be used in future in diagnostic and treatment processes of patients. Well prepared doctors should be able to reject such a methods Medical doctors should be the real partner for representatives of pharmaceutical corporations, not just the executor of their wishes

3 Content of the subject Types of research methods Methods used in gain and collection of scientific informations Methods used for processing and evaluation of scientific data Phases of research process Kinds of research, development of scientific project Ethical principles of research work and publication of results Evidence Based Medicine Kinds of scientific and professional publications Students research work at JFM CU in Martin

4 Lectures Week T o p i c s Hours Teacher 1st Introduction to subject „Scientific Preperation“ 1 Prof. Hanacek Students research work at JFM CU - 1 Assoc Prof Mokry aims, organisation 2nd The kinds of research-basic, applied, 2 Assoc Prof.Plevkova 3rd Phases of research process 2 Prof. Hanacek 11th Evidence Based Medicine- principles, 2 Prof. Mesko how to use it in medical practice

5 Seminars Week T o p i c s Hours Teachers 4th Methods used for collection of scientific data-first part: 2 Mgr. Lepiešova observation, interview, questionaire 5th Kinds of research methods – experiment, 2 Prof. Tatar quasi-experiment,, non-experimental research methods 6th Clinical research- clinical sudies, ethics 2 Prof. Svihra 7th How to create a research project 2 Assoc Prof Plevkova 8th How to prepare a review of literature 2 Assoc Prof Plevkova 9th Survey of statistical methods used 2 Assoc Prof. Javorka in evaluation of research

6 10th Publication of research results-oral, 2 Assoc Prof. abstract, papers, other kinds; authors Plevkova law, plagiarism 12th How to write diploma thesis 2 Prof. Hanacek Prof. Javorka 13th Presentation of students project 2 Prof. Hanacek Assoc Prof Plevkova 14th Final test 1 Prof. Hanacek Mazurova- technician 15th Compensation of missing seminars, 2 Prof. Hanacek repeating of final test (if failed), Assoc Prof Plevkova result of study Administration L. Mazurova

7 Organisation of teaching process Lectures: Place – lecture hall at Sklabinska Road Dates – 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 11 th weeks of teaching Content – introductions to key parts of subject Seminars: Place – seminar room at Sklabinska Rd Dates – 4th-10th, and 12th-13th weeks according plan Content – training of mental abilities, and discussion on the planned topics New textbook „Introduction to research work“ is now ready for students in Medical faculty libraryand

8 Control of students knowledge on subject during semester – Control of study during semester will be done by the informal discussion of teachers with students on the topic planned for seminars. – Students will prepare research project and present it at seminar in 13th Week of semester

9 Final control – Will be done by test in 14th week of teaching. – Test will be composed of 50 questions type “multiple choice” with 3 possible answers from which only one is correct. – Time limit for test is 50 minutes. – To pass the test minimally 33 correct answers have to be done. Each correct answer is equal to 1 point. – Test questions will be prepared from textbook “Introduction to Research Work”. – If student obtain less than 33 correct answers, she/ he has to repeat the test. Student can repeat the test not more than 2 times. – The date for repetition of test will be determined by agreement of student with Prof. Hanacek or Assoc. Prof. Plevkova. – If student does not pass the test even at last try, she/he can not obtain the credits.

10 Compensation of missed seminars It will be done by preparation of writen seminary work on the missed topic during semester or 15th week of semester and they can hand it personally in “paper form” or send it by e-mail to Prof. Hanacek. Size of the written repor will be 2 to 5 pp. Written report can not be copy of handout, copy of chapter or its part from textbook or copy of written report of other student. Conditions for obtaining the credit To pass 7 from 8 seminars presented in the programme  To present project To pass the final test

11 Literature  Hanacek J, Javorka K and co-workers. Introduction to Research Work, JFM CU in Martin, 2011  Handouts published at web page of Dept of Pathophysiology  Wikipedia

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