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3 WORK-BASED LEARNING PROGRAM ACTIVITIES IN FEBRUARY Ongoing – 9 th Grade Health Careers Speaker Series o Speaker Series features panels of health service professionals. Participants are asked to share information about their educational path, career, challenges in their field and in the health care community, and other aspects of health services with our students. February 8, 2013 - 9 th Grade Field Trip to USC and the California Science Center o Students will tour USC’s campus and receive a presentation from current students and the Director of Cultural and Student Affairs. Following that presentation students will head to the California Science Center to investigate topics that they’ll present at a later date in their Medical Science 9 class. February 19 th and 21 st 2013 – 11 th Grade Field Trip to California State University, Long Beach o Students will receive tours and presentations of departments and labs within the College of Health and Human Services (Family and Consumer Science, Kinesiology, and Nursing). February 27, 2013 – Westside Family Health Center’s Mobile Clinic on campus February 28 th and March 14 th – 10 th Grade Field Trip to California State University, Los Angeles o Students will go on a campus tour and a tour of the Forensics Center housed on CSULA’s campus. They will also receive a presentation from CSULA’s Forensic Science professors.

4 WORK-BASED LEARNING PROGRAM ACTIVITIES IN MARCH Ongoing – 9 th Grade Health Careers Speaker Series o Speaker Series features panels of health service professionals. Participants are asked to share information about their educational path, career, challenges in their field and in the health care community, and other aspects of health services with our students. Saturday, March 2, 2013 – 10 th Grade Field Trip to UCLA HSA students will participate in UCLA’s CityLab program. Students will receive hands on experience conducting a Forensic DNA fingerprinting experiment under the guidance of UCLA professors and students. March 5, 2013 – 9 th Grade Field trip to UCLA and the School of Medicine’s Simulation Lab Students will tour UCLA’s campus and get a chance to tour the university’s Simulation Lab. There students will get the chance to see and use some of the same technology that medical students and future physicians train on. March 18 th -22 nd - 11 th Grade CPR/First Aid Re-Certification during Medical Science 11 class

5 STUDENT OPPORTUNITIES STEP-UP High School Program STEP-UP is a program designed for students that have completed the 11 th grade. The purpose is to expose participants to research in: diabetes, endocrinology, metabolism, nutrition, obesity, and digestive, and hematologic diseases. Students receive a participation allowance (stipend) Application must be completed by February 15 th. Program Dates : June 17-August 9, 2013 Location: Charles Drew University with a culminating experience and presentation at the University of Maryland Project STRIDE (Students Training in Research Involving Disparity Elimination) This is a 10-week clinical research program that requires to students to work full-time under a mentor on a research project of their interest surrounding diseases prevalent in underserved minority and low-income communities. Students who will have completed the 11 th grade by the program start date are eligible to apply. Students will receive a participation stipend at the middle and end of summer. Application must be completed by March 15 th. Program Dates : June 10 th – August 9, 2013 Location: A research facility close to the participant’s home. Special Note: An HSA Senior participated in this program last year – Charles Drew is excited for more HSA students to participate this summer. Cedars-Sinai Teen Volunteer Program Summer/Academic 2013-2014 Students between the ages of 14-18 may submit an application to participate in Cedars-Sinai’s Teen Volunteer Program. Students will volunteer for one 4-hour shift a week during the summer, or one 2-hour shift during the academic year. Participation in this opportunity will allow participants to apply for other Cedars-Sinai internship opportunities in the future. Application must be submitted online. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Program Dates: Dates are provided during the acceptance interview.

6 COUNSELING NEWS Revolution Prep We have organized for Revolution Prep, a company that offers test preparation courses for standardized achievement tests, to offer classes at H.S.A. ALL juniors have been offered to take this course. Students must see Ms.Rivas if they have not signed up for the classes. Calendar for Revolution Prep

7 COUNSELING NEWS Advisory Healthy Relationships  10 th -12 th grade students will begin a new program in Advisory addressing healthy relationships. Listed below are the benefits of the program. A. Students become aware of them selves and learn to communicate with others. B. Students will become better citizens-build their interpersonal, social, emotional, and relationship skills. C. The skills students learn from these curricula will assist them as they attend college and become adults. CAHSEE Prep  10 th grade students will begin CAHSEE prep in their advisory class in addition to Saturday Bootcamp CAHSEE sessions ( March 2 nd and March 9 th )

8 COUNSELING NEWS Allied Treatment Center  Allied Treatment will provide drug/alcohol counseling and anger management counseling for HSA students on our campus. The program will be free of charge to HSA student. Ongoing Counseling for all Students Guidance and support for students and parents with college exploration, college funding, college admissions test and more.

9 SENIORS NEWS Financial Aid ( SSN through Deferred Action does not qualify. You must complete the Undocumented students process. See below ) FAFSA - Due: March 2 nd, 2013 PIN (electronic signature) – Takes 1-3 days (maybe more) to be verified. Apply early!!! Both parent and student need a PIN. Cal Grant Verification Form - Due: Friday, February 8 th, 2013 Undocumented students Dream Act Application – Non-SSN Cal Grant Form- ssn_gpa_verification_form.pdf ssn_gpa_verification_form.pdf Foster Youth CHAFEE Grant - Scholarships  Students  Counselor Connection  Scholarships

10 SENIORS NEWS These notices are as of today. Students will continue to receive admission notices until late March.

11 UPCOMING PARENT MEETINGS Parent University Saturday, February 9 th at 9am Parent Conferences Thursday, February 21 st at 4pm Parent Association Thursday, March 7 th at 4pm Parent University Saturday, March 16 th at 9am Spring Break No school beginning Monday, March 25 th until Monday, April 1 st. School will resume Tuesday, April 2 nd.

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