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Jim Peterson, Bloomington District 87 Brandon Williams, Illinois State Board of Education Lou Eriquez, CPSI STATS-DC 2012 Data Conference July 13, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Jim Peterson, Bloomington District 87 Brandon Williams, Illinois State Board of Education Lou Eriquez, CPSI STATS-DC 2012 Data Conference July 13, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jim Peterson, Bloomington District 87 Brandon Williams, Illinois State Board of Education Lou Eriquez, CPSI STATS-DC 2012 Data Conference July 13, 2012

2 rely on operating expenditures instead of capital expenditures access state of the art computing storage and network resources utilize resources efficiently, with little overhead and expense Making it possible for districts to:

3 IlliniCloud Challenges District IT scramble 860+ school districts Similar services/varying levels of implementation and success Challenges of data collection and integration Data reporting

4 Services Offered Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) Software as a service (SaaS) Disaster recovery Self service portal Training and professional development

5 IlliniCloud Partnerships University of Illinois, NIU, ISU, Community Colleges National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) @ University of Illinois Illinois Century Network Illinois State Board of Education Advance Illinois Illinois Chief Technology Officers/ICE/IVS ICCP Grant Shared Learning Collaborative Gates/Carnegie Foundation Currently in talks with other states and multi-state funding opportunities

6 The Vision Automate students and teachers integrate decisionmaking Automate the data collection activities for students and teachers from five school districts and integrate that data with the statewide initiatives for better decisionmaking at schools and districts.

7 Created at Northern Illinois University Funded by the Illinois State Board of Education Primary web site for test results School Improvement information

8 ICCP Pilot Districts Bloomington District 87 Murphysboro CUSD 186 Belleville Township HSD 201 Niles Township HSD 219 DeKalb CUSD 428

9 Pilot Project Objectives Allow educators access to data, resources, and tools that will enhance student performance by incorporating: Real-time extract, transform, load (ETL) and validation options A cloud-based data store available for districts with data validation and correction error reporting services analytical tools Interoperability between student data, assessments, and other data related to student achievement and learning

10 Illini Architecture

11 Key Steps Move data to snapshots in timely fashion for reporting (once a week, once a day, etc.). Repopulate assessment files with State Unique ID. Train system administrators/IIRC developers. Train-the-trainer for districts on error reporting and xDTools. Reports development.

12 State Support Move from compliance to customer service Support the have’s and have-not’s Growth of state-wide data initiatives Longitudinal Data System Illinois Shared Learning Environment RTTT 3 SLC Technology Research Collaborative Data to inform PRACTICE, not just POLICY

13 Shared Learning Collaborative Illinois one of nine pilot states Funded by the Gates Foundation Brings educators and vendors together who are passionate about using technology to enhance education Driven by Common Core State Standards Increased need for differentiated instruction CCSS enable efficiencies & interoperability

14 14 The Four Key Components of SLC Technology A secure, multi-tenant data store Aspiration: Real-time feedback about where students are in their learning journey and where they need to focus next A secure, multi-tenant data store Aspiration: Real-time feedback about where students are in their learning journey and where they need to focus next Set of application programming interfaces Aspiration: “Apps stores” that will give teachers and students access to the latest tools and content to help them succeed Set of application programming interfaces Aspiration: “Apps stores” that will give teachers and students access to the latest tools and content to help them succeed Metadata schema Aspiration: Faster discovery of relevant, Common Core-aligned resources Learning maps Aspiration: Track and predict individual student and cohort progress

15 Shared Learning Collaborative 15 Greater personalization requires improved interoperability between data, content, assessments and applications 15

16 Ms. Harrison Student Data Vendor Data Source Systems Dashboard John Viewing all classes English Social Studies Math Ms. Harrison chooses the best option Learning Map Dashboard John Viewing all classes English Social Studies Math John’s experience becomes one more useful data point to inform learning for students like him. Students John Reading Comprehension Ms. Harrison uses John’s prior record to determine: Reading Comp Assessment John does the assignment Vendor app sends data to the SLI SLC Ms. Harrison rates assignment SLC Recommendation Engine Filtered by age, effectiveness rating, etc. Learning Map SLC From multiple sources, such as the LRMI and Data Store SLC API SLC API SLC API

17 The SLC collects and enables data from millions of Ms. Harrisons and Johns across… …districts… …states… …and multiple states.

18 Illini Architecture

19 District/LEA 19 Data is collected in the ODS, where the Data Validation Rules Engine runs to check for errors If the data is rejected, an error message is generated to the user Teacher/Staff Data Valid data is moved to the Data Marts Better Research Leads to Better Decisions Analyze the data in a spreadsheet Prepare a report Create a presentation Data can now be analyzed –longitudinal data analysis can be performed Student Information Data is Stored in the Longitudinal Data Warehouse IlliniCloud User corrects data and resubmits Data Validation Process NO ERRORS REAL TIME REPORTS ERRORS Data Entry

20 All the Data – All the TimeConstant Data CorrectionNo Human InterventionScheduled CollectionNo Flat File Upload Real Time Data Collection

21 Based on best practices, a standardized data model, and standard infrastructure Vertical Infrastructure Real time data collection and correction process ensures accurate data reporting Data Validation Data collection requirements based on standards throughout the agency and other agencies in the future Data Standardization Automatically populate the Data Dashboards with cleansed quality data Data Dashboards Error Reporting, xDAdHoc, Dashboards, and xDTools Access to Data Project Goals

22 Key Steps Install software on centrally located designated servers using CPSI Toolset. Install xDUA or xDMover at school districts. Develop the collected data set (objects and elements). Develop and deploy the data collection and data automation. Enable real-time data validation and district error reports.

23 Jim Peterson - Brandon Williams - Lou Eriquez –

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