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3rd project meeting Poland Raba Wyzna May 2013 ZŠ a MŠ Hranice, Šromotovo, příspěvková organizace.

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2 3rd project meeting Poland Raba Wyzna May 2013 ZŠ a MŠ Hranice, Šromotovo, příspěvková organizace

3 Tento projekt byl realizován za finanční podpory Evropské unie. Za obsah publikací (sdělení) odpovídá výlučně autor. Publikace (sdělení) nereprezentují názory Evropské komise a Evropská komise neodpovídá za použití informací, jež jsou jejich obsahem.


5 Czech ponds, lakes and rivers teem with animals - fish of all kinds, annoying insects, frogs and small snakes. This is our typical fish – a carp.

6 Catfish Pike

7 Zander Trout

8 Eel Perch

9 Sturgeon Carp

10 Beaver Otter

11 MosquitoWater beetle

12 TreaderDragonfly

13 Toad

14 Grass snake Slow - worm

15 Marsh marigold Water buttercup grows to 30-50 cm, rarely about 1 meter. Marsh marigold is widespread in Europe (in the south just a little) and grows in large areas of Asia and North America.

16 Algae Algae are simple photosynthetic organisms traditionally classified as lower plants. In fact algae grouping unrelated groups of organisms, and some of them are close to plants. Algae can be, depending on the type used both as food and fuel or raw material for the production of hydrogen, methane and biofuels.

17 Waterlily Its leaves spread on the water surface. Most are located in the middle of ponds, streams and stagnant water. Creeping rhizome is firmly anchored in the muddy bottom (in heavy soil and poor in nitrogen).

18 The human body contains: 23 % of carbon 2,6 % of nitrogen 1,4 % of calcium - trace amount of more than 30 other elements The most important is oxygen and hydrogen = water.

19 The water content in the human body by age : infants 4/5 water adults about 2/3 water old people about half the weight The human body contains 72% water.

20 Effects of water: diluted nutrients and waste products of fission allows nutrient absorption and transport to the place of their further transformation in the body allows elimination of unwanted substances from the body (urine, sweat) a person should drink 2-3 liters a day of water


22 Two groups of the VI A class made a research with their Physics teacher, our headmaster. We would like to present their work and results. Each group performed measurements, wrote the report, constructed charts and created a slide show depicting measurements.


















40 Conclusion: The difference between the density of seawater determined by calculating a density measured with a hydrometer does not exceed even one case of 1%. We can say that the measurement of both procedures is comparable. The biggest mistake was loaded volume measurement. The density of salt water varies depending on the salinity linearly. It is interesting that the average salinity of sea is about 3.6% salinity Dead Sea 33%.


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