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Illinois PowerSchool User’s Group 2011 Spring Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Illinois PowerSchool User’s Group 2011 Spring Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Illinois PowerSchool User’s Group 2011 Spring Meeting

2 Agenda TimeTopic 9:00 – 9:15 AMWelcome Training Opportunities PSUG-IL: 2011-12 Planning 9:15 – 10:15 AMPowerSchool 7 10:15 – 10:30 AMBreak 10:30 – 11:30 AMIllinois State Reporting 11:30 – 12:30 PM“Ask the Experts”

3 Welcome and Special Recognition Nick Peronti, Lincolnwood SD74 – Congratulations on becoming a Dad to Zoe Michelle Peronti on May 13th!! Bill Chapin, Warren Township HS – Congratulations on retiring from Warren Township High School after 33 years of service! Others???

4 Summer Training Opportunities PowerSchool University – June 26-30, 2011 in Chicago – June 19-23, 2011 in Charleston, SC – July 10-14, 2011 in San Diego, CA PSUG National Information Exchange & Vendor Expo – July 25-28, 2011 in Las Vegas, NV – See for more info

5 PLANNING FOR 2011-12 Workshops – What topics do we want workshops on? Meetings – Do we want a Fall and Spring meeting? – If so, what topics do we want to cover? **Workshop and Meeting announcements will be posted at

6 PowerSchool 7 Welcome Eric Zorr and Brian Molitor from Pearson

7 LET’S TAKE A BREAK….! ….back by 10:30

8 What’s new?” (Jay Duff) Support Update – Welcome Mike Connolly from Pearson! IL State Reporting Focus Group ILLINOIS STATE REPORTING

9 What’s Due for EOY 2011-12? All enrollments must be exited by 4PM on 7/31/2011 – ELL Data – PreK Follow-up Data – Early Childhood Data – Early Childhood Outcomes Data – Homeless Data – Discipline Data – Student Course Assignment – Outside Course Assignment

10 What’s New for 2010-11? Changes for Early Childhood: – Must use Combined PreK/Demographics – PreK at Risk eliminated Changes for ELL: – TBE (Part / Full / No Time) – TPI (Y / N) NEW REPORTS: – Birth-to-3 years old (Grade level 00) – Teacher Course Assignment Provided by *SERVING school

11 – Transcript Coding Project: School Districts must map their courses to the statewide course classification system for purposes of State reporting. TRANSCRIPT CODING PROJECT – Student Course Assignment: Student transcript information, including courses completed and grades earned shall be reported to ISBE. – Outside Course Assignment: Student transcript information for students who transfer into your district (effective with the 2010- 11 school year), including courses completed and grades earned shall be reported to ISBE. WHAT IS IT?

12 – High school only for 2010-11 school year (yes, I know that is BAD news for high school districts….) TRANSCRIPT CODING PROJECT THE GOOD NEWS……. – It’s coming for all districts….. THE BAD NEWS…….

13 STUDENT COURSE ASSIGNMENT Mandatory IL State FieldsOptional IL State Fields TermLocal Course ID State Course CodeLocal Course Title Student Course Start DateActual Attendance Section NumberTotal Attendance Course LevelSingle Parent including a Single Pregnant Woman Course CreditDisplaced Homemaker Articulated CreditCourse Numeric Grade Dual CreditMaximum Numeric Grade Student Course End Date Course Setting Course Final Letter Grade

14 STUDENT COURSE ASSIGNMENT I.STEP 1 – Update Courses A.Update the following IL State fields in Courses set-up 1.State Course Code ([02]IL_State_Course_Code) 2.Course Level ([02]IL_Course_Level) 3.Course Setting ([02]IL_Course_Setting) 4.Articulated Credit ([02]IL_Articulated_Credit) 5.Dual Credit ([02]IL_Dual_Credit)

15 STUDENT COURSE ASSIGNMENT B.Il State fields are located at the bottom of the Course set-up screen

16 STUDENT COURSE ASSIGNMENT B.You may also mass-update your courses using the Quick Import function <Special Functions, Importing & Exporting, Quick Import)  **You will need to manually enter data for one course to create the new IL State fields before you import.**

17 STUDENT COURSE ASSIGNMENT C.Section Override – you may also enter the IL state field data on the Section Set-up screen 1.Use this when a particular section has a different course level or course setting that what is entered at the course level 2.Section level settings (for IL State fields) override what is entered on the course set-up screen

18 STUDENT COURSE ASSIGNMENT I.STEP 2 – Storing Grades A.Historical grades that are stored using the “Permanently Store Grades” process will pull IL State data from the courses (*sections) set-up 1.State Course Code 2.Course Level 3.Course Setting 4.Articulated Credit 5.Dual Credit *IL State data stored in the Sections set-up will override what is stored in the Courses set-up.

19 STUDENT COURSE ASSIGNMENT B.Other “mandatory” fields” 1.Term (Stored Grades) 2.Student Course Start Date (CC ) 3.Section Number (Stored Grades) 4.Course Credit (Stored Grades) 5.Student Course End Date (CC)

20 STUDENT COURSE ASSIGNMENT C.Optional State Fields 1.Local Course ID (Stored Grades) 2.Local Course Title (Stored Grades) 3.Actual Attendance (not included) 4.Total Attendance (not included) 5.Single Parent including a Single Pregnant Woman (Students, State/Province – IL, General tab) 6.Displaced Homemaker (State > General tab) 7.Course Numeric Grade (Stored Grades) 8.Maximum Numeric Grade (Default is 100)


22 STUDENT COURSE ASSIGNMENT D.Refer to the Illinois State Reporting Guide for a detailed list of data elements and definitions as well as the Report Output table and field names (page 390). E.Refer to ISBE website for Data Elements, Templates, etc.

23 STUDENT COURSE ASSIGNMENT E.Storing Grades Manually (when course exists in PS) 1.When entering a new grade and the IL State fields need to be entered/changed, you MUST use the Single New Entry option to enter a grade 2.When entering a new grade and there is not a valid section number, leave the section number BLANK

24 STUDENT COURSE ASSIGNMENT F.Storing Grades Manually (when course does not exist in PS) 1.Use the Single New Entry option to enter grades 2.Leave the Course Number, Section Number and Teacher name fields BLANK 3.Enter other fields (e.g., course name, grade, etc.) 4.Click on (Show) Additional State Fields 5.Enter the following IL State fields: 1.State Course Code, State Course Setting, Term, Student Course Start Date, Student Course End Date, Articulated Credit, Dual Credit

25 STUDENT COURSE ASSIGNMENT G.Important Note about Student Course Start Date and Student Course End Date 1.The Student Course Start Date and Student Course End Date must fall within the student’s enrollment dates in SIS. a.If an student’s entry date is 8/25/2010 and their exit date is 12/22/2010, the course start and end date must fall within that range.

26 STUDENT COURSE ASSIGNMENT H.Excluding Grades from State Reporting 1.To exclude a grade from state reporting, check the box following “Exclude this Historical Grade from State Reporting”

27 OUTSIDE COURSE ASSIGNMENT I.STEP 1 – Entering Grades for Transfer Students A.Grades for students that transfer into your District from a non- public Illinois School will need to be including in State reporting (OCA) B.Grades for students that transfer into your District from a public Illinois School need to be excluded from State reporting as those grades need to be reported by the IL school they transferred from A.Check the box following “Exclude this Historical Grade from State Reporting”

28 OUTSIDE COURSE ASSIGNMENT I.STEP 2 – Entering Grades from any school that is NOT a PUBLIC Illinois School: A.Leave Course number, Section Number and Teacher name BLANK. B.Complete the remainder of the standard fields (e.g., Course name, grade, etc.) C.Click (Show) Additional State Fields

29 OUTSIDE COURSE ASSIGNMENT C.Required Illinois State Fields for transfer grades: 1.OC Facility Type: (01) Out of State, (02) Out of Country, (03) Home Schooled Student, (04) Illinois Non-Public High School, (05) Other 2.State Course Code 3.State Course Level 4.State Course Setting 5.Term 6.Student Course Start Date - ? 7.Student Course End Date - ? 8.Articulated Credit 9.Dual Credit

30 REPORT SET-UP I.Letter Grade Mapping A.Map your District grade scales to the IL State-required grades B.You must map each gradescale

31 CodeValueDescription 01A+Student received course term credit 02AStudent received course term credit 03A-Student received course term credit 04B+Student received course term credit 05BStudent received course term credit 06B-Student received course term credit 07C+Student received course term credit 08CStudent received course term credit 09C-Student received course term credit 10D+Student received course term credit 11DStudent received course term credit 12D-Student received course term credit 13FStudent did not receive course term credit 14SSatisfactory or Pass. Student received course term credit 15UUnsatisfactory. Student received course term credit 16IIncomplete. Student was enrolled on Course End Date. Student did not receive course term credit 17WWithdrew from course. Student did not receive course term credit. Student not enrolled on Course End Date. 18WPWithdrew from course. Student did receive course term credit. Student was not enrolled on Course End Date. 19AuditStudent audited the course. Student did not receive course term credit. 20XStudent waived from course requirement. Student did not receive course term credit. Student did not receive final grade. 99ErroneousRecord entered in error. School district mistake.

32 REPORT SET-UP Click “Edit” to open the grade scale mapping screen


34 REPORT SET-UP II.Term Grade Mapping A.Use the Term Grade Mapping to map the state-required Term Period to its respective store code and Term ID for each school in your District. B.You must enter for EACH school.

35 IL Course Assignment Report May be run at District or School level Select to include all or selected students Enter RCDTS number Select MODE: – Student Course Assignment (SCA): The stored grade must not have an OCA Facility Type populated – Outside Course Assignment (OCA): The stored grade must have an OCA Facility Type populated Select Year Select Term Note: these report take a while to run.

36 Ask the “Experts”

37 Thanks for Coming! HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

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