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Instructions On Using this Template – Delete After reading Begin by replacing the category titles on the next slide (Slide 2) with the category titles.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions On Using this Template – Delete After reading Begin by replacing the category titles on the next slide (Slide 2) with the category titles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructions On Using this Template – Delete After reading Begin by replacing the category titles on the next slide (Slide 2) with the category titles you assigned. Once complete, place each member-provided question and answer in their corresponding slides (Slides 3-52). Each slide is clearly marked with what is to placed within it. After this, you can begin the game. When a category and value is chosen, simple click on the specific value under its category to see the question. Click on the “Answer” button to see the answer. On the answer slide, click on “Back to Board” to return to the game board. Make sure to keep score!

2 Acts Loyalists Patriots Declaration Revolution 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500

3 This war led Britain to raise taxes and place other restrictions on the American colonies. Answer

4 What is The French and Indian War? Back to Board

5 This law required colonists to pay taxes on all printed papers. Answer

6 What is The Stamp Act? Back to Board

7 A law that required colonists to provide British soldiers with a place to live and necessary supplies. Answer

8 What is The Quartering Act? Back to Board

9 This law came as a result of attack by Native Americans on settlers. Answer

10 What was The Proclamation of 1763? Back to Board

11 Name of the law that prevented ships from entering or exiting Boston Harbor causing some colonists to lose their jobs. Answer

12 What was the Boston Port Act? Back to Board

13 This preacher stated, “Disobeying the king is like disobeying God, as the king’s power comes from God.” Answer

14 Who is Jonathon Boucher Back to Board

15 This Loyalist leader stated that colonists had a duty to obey British laws as the colonies were a part of Britain. Answer

16 Who is Lord Dunmore? Back to Board

17 This individual used warships to travel the James River and attack Patriots’ homes and plantations. Answer

18 Who is Lord Dunmore? Back to Board

19 Patriots broke into this Loyalist’s home and stole money and broke furniture due to his enforcement of the Stamp Act and the British Port Act. Answer

20 Who was Thomas Hutchinson? Back to Board

21 The groups of people who primarily made up the Loyalists. Answer

22 Who were the rich landowners, religious leaders, and governors? Back to Board

23 Patriot best known for the plays she wrote and for holding Patriotic meetings in her home. Answer

24 Who was Mercy Otis Warren? Back to Board

25 Patriot who attended Harvard and later became a full time politician. Answer

26 Who was Samuel Adams? Back to Board

27 Leader who was successful in helping get the Stamp Act repealed. Answer

28 Who was Benjamin Franklin? Back to Board

29 This Patriot often used newspaper articles, speeches, and town meetings to spread his Patriotic beliefs. Answer

30 Who was Samuel Adams? Back to Board

31 This Patriot firmly believed that Britain was to far away to understand the colonists’ needs and daily lives. Answer

32 Who was Mercy Otis Warren Back to Board

33 The title of a booklet that influenced many colonists to believe that they should be independent from Britain. Answer

34 What is Common Sense? Back to Board

35 Crime committed by the delegates who signed the Declaration of Independence. Answer

36 What was treason? Back to Board

37 Names of the two individuals who Thomas Jefferson showed a draft of the Declaration of Independence. Answer

38 Who were John Adams and Benjamin Franklin? Back to Board

39 Name of the document declaring the colonies to be free of British rule. Answer

40 What is the Declaration of Independence? Back to Board

41 Name given to the group of delegates who organized the colonies for war, chose a general to lead the army, and decided to declare independence. Answer

42 Who was the Second Continental Congress? Back to Board

43 Army composed of professional soldiers who were paid and well trained. Answer

44 What is the British Army? Back to Board

45 The members of this army were primarily poor farmers, merchants, and workers. Answer

46 What was the Continental Army? Back to Board

47 The countries who were the primary allies of the Continental Army. Answer

48 Who were France and Spain? Back to Board

49 This army faced obstacles such as not knowing the land they were fighting, inability to obtain supplies, and were spied upon by women. Answer

50 What was the British Army. Back to Board

51 Title of the document in which Britain recognized the colonies as an independent country, as well as providing a huge amount of land from the Appalachian Mts. to the Mississippi River. Answer

52 What is the Treaty of Paris? Back to Board

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