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PITTMED STUDENT EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Intro to Leading a Student Group or Interest Group March 21, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "PITTMED STUDENT EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Intro to Leading a Student Group or Interest Group March 21, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 PITTMED STUDENT EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Intro to Leading a Student Group or Interest Group March 21, 2012

2 What is the SEC  SEC = Student Executive Council  The Bylaws state: “The purpose of this organization shall be…  to act as a representative government of the students of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine  to promote communication within the student body  to promote communication among the student body, the faculty, the administration, and other student organizations at the University of Pittsburgh  and to consider other pertinent aspects of the medical students' curricular and extracurricular concerns.

3 What Does the SEC Do?  Oversee & Fund Student Groups & Student Organizations  Oversee the student activities calendar  Establish the budget for all student groups & events (excluding Departmental Interest Groups)  Oversee many major Annual Activities/Resources/Traditions: Black Bag Ball, Talent Show, SARC Manual, FAST, Murmurs, Scaife Improvements  Run Meetings on the 2 nd Wednesday of Each Month  A Forum for timely student concerns re: curriculum, student life, upcoming activities, etc.  Represent the student body as a whole to the administration and via the GPSA, to the University of Pittsburgh at large  Serve as a forum for cooperation & collaboration between student groups & students in general

4 Who Makes Up The SEC?  President – coordinates, mediates, administrates, & delegates  VP: Internal – coordinates between class councils, SEC committees, SEC special activities, maintains the bylaws  VP: External – communicates & negotiates, maintains the SEC website, publicizes meetings & elections, maintains agendas & minutes, represents us to the GPSA  VP: Finance – oversees the budget, maintains financial records, oversees reimbursements for travel grants and student activities  VP: Academic - SEC’s Representative on Curriculum & Admissions committees, provides updates re: curriculum & academics at monthly SEC meetings, facilitates student forms to discuss academic life at PittMed

5 How Does the SEC Affect Me & My Group?  If you are an officer for a group:  the SEC will set your budget for next year  Reimbursements for expenditures are processed through the SEC  You are required to enter activities on the SEC Events Calendar  If you want to go to a conference:  You can apply to the SEC for a travel grant  If you want to start a new group:  You must turn in a constitution & budget to the SEC  New Groups must be ratified by the student body at an SEC meeting  Groups must be approved by the SEC to reserve space in the SOM or use its email services and to have a site on the Zone  If you have an issue, concern, or event that you want to draw attention to:  You can bring it up at an SEC meeting

6 Additional requirements for funding:  In order to receive funding for the coming fiscal year, all groups must have the following UPDATED information in addition to the EOYR + Budget (on each group website):  Group constitution  Student leaders

7 SEC LOGISTICS OR “HOW DO I…?” SEC Tech Committee

8 Topics  SEC Zone Site  SEC Calendar  Room Reservation  ListServs  Student Leader Contact Information

9 SEC Zone Site  Zone>Student Groups>Student Executive Council

10 SEC Zone Site






16 Calendar  Located on SEC Zone Site  Is one of the sources for the main Zone calendar visible to all students  Posting events on the SEC Calendar is required in order to receive reimbursement

17 Calendar  2 ways to get there:  SEC Zone Site  Student Groups Home

18 Calendar

19 Calendar: Adding Events



22 Reserving Rooms  Zone>Student Groups

23 Reserving Rooms

24 ListServs

25 How to send to lists  Addresses on Zone Student Groups Page  C/O 2011:  Informal 2011:  AMSA:  You can only send to a list if already subscribed

26 List Etiquette  If sending mass emails, include all lists in “To:” field, instead of one at a time  Please use these lists for group activities, and only send to class lists if truly school-wide activities

27 Leadership Contacts  Very important that these stay up to date  Include position, name, email (at least)  Office of Student Affairs uses these lists to contact groups  SEC will withhold group funding if these lists are not up to date

28 Student Group Contact Info


30 2012/2013 BUDGETING Survey Results

31 09/10 SEC Funding Breakdown Lunch Talks: 41.6% Community Service: 8.5% Schoolwide/Social: 25.1% Conferences: 13.4% Classes: 11.5% Workshops: 0% Journal Clubs: 0% Transition: 0%

32 10/11 SEC Funding Breakdown Lunch Talks: 18.3% Community Service: 15.3% Schoolwide/Social: 27.8% Conferences: 21.9% Classes: 10.6% Workshops: 2.9% Journal Clubs: 1.8% Transition: 1.4%

33 11/12 SEC Funding Breakdown

34 12/13 SEC Funding Breakdown

35 Where to find this slide show

36 THANK YOU! 2012 SEC Officers

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