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Revision How to do it.. 1. Establish what you need to learn for each subject You should have a checklist for each subject. In some cases this will be.

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1 Revision How to do it.

2 1. Establish what you need to learn for each subject You should have a checklist for each subject. In some cases this will be broken down into different exams and different topics. Section 2: The Peace settlement 1918-1928 Topic The Armistice The Treaty of Versailles- the big 3, key features, impact on Germany The key features of the Treaty of Trianon The key features of the Treaty of St Germain. If you don’t have one you need to ASK for one from your subject teacher

3 1. Establish what you need to learn for each subject Section 2: The Peace settlement 1918-1928 Topic The Armistice The Treaty of Versailles- the big 3, key features, impact on Germany The key features of the Treaty of Trianon The key features of the Treaty of St Germain. Do I know what I will need to know about the topic in order to answer any exam question? If not I need to see the teacher to ask! I must know what sort of questions I will get in the exam and how to answer them to get the marks available. If not I need to ask my teacher to go through these.

4 1. Establish what you need to learn for each subject Section 2: The Peace settlement 1918-1928 Topic The Armistice The Treaty of Versailles- the big 3, key features, impact on Germany The key features of the Treaty of Trianon The key features of the Treaty of St Germain. I have no notes on this- I need to take this to the teacher to ask, I could look through my revision guide. I am confident I know the necessary information here- not a priority In the meantime I have these notes but am not green yet. I am going to start my revision here.

5 The Timetable- when will I study what? TimeThursdayFriday 5-6 (incl 15 min break) History- The other peace treaties D&T catering- food groups 6-7(incl 15 min break) Maths- percentages and ratios Physics- electrical circuits 7-8Watch Eastenders Out with Friends 8-9(incl 15 min break) Chemistry- balancing equations Out with Friends It will really help to ensure that I revise all the things I need to properly if I have organised a revision timetable. Note the timetable is specific to topics not just subjects. Tonight I have decided to look at the ‘other peace treaties’ between 5 and 6 I will need breaks. 45 minutes is probably all I can revise at a time. I will reward myself with a night off on Friday because I have worked well this week. I want to average between 2 and 3 hours/night. Tip: I can get some good work done on Saturday and Sunday morning when I am fresh. This reduces the pressure on other times

6 Making some revision notes from my written notes/a revision guide. The aims of the all the peace treaties were to ensure that the defeated could not cause any future conflict. They were also designed to give peoples of different nationalities who had been living under the control of the Austro-Hungarian and German empires the right to govern themselves. This was known as self determination. The treaty with Austria was known as the Treaty of St Germain and was signed in 1919. Austria accepted the break up of the Austro Hungarian empire: Austria and Hungary became separate states and new countries were made from parts of the Empire- such as Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia (what had been Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia). Austria’s army was reduced to 30,000 men and Austria agreed to pay reparations (damages) towards the costs of the war. The treaty had a serious impact on Austria- it led to economic problems and the collapse of the banks- this meant that reparations were never actually paid. 1. I highlight the key points (I know the key points because I know what I may be asked to use this information for in the exam The aims of the all the peace treaties were to ensure that the defeated could not cause any future conflict. They were also designed to give peoples of different nationalities who had been living under the control of the Austro-Hungarian and German empires the right to govern themselves. This was known as self determination. The treaty with Austria was known as the Treaty of St Germain and was signed in 1919. Austria accepted the break up of the Austro Hungarian empire: Austria and Hungary became separate states and new countries were made from parts of the Empire- such as Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia (what had been Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia). Austria’s army was reduced to 30,000 men and Austria agreed to pay reparations (damages) towards the costs of the war. The treaty had a serious impact on Austria- it led to economic problems and the collapse of the banks- this meant that reparations were never actually paid. Now we need to turn this information into something useful.

7 I know that I need to be able to explain 1. At least one cause/aim 2. At least one thing that was in it and 3. At least one effect/impact of each Treaty because my teacher has explained this to us. St Germain- Austria 1919 Reparations Not paid bank collapse Military reductions Army 30,000 men Aim: to get back costs of war Impact: economic collapse Empire broken up and loss of land Aim: Self determination Impact: New counties created – Czechoslova kia and Yugoslavia Aim: To stop Austria causing any future conflict

8 Revision is about repetition- Upon looking at my notes for a second time I might try to use pictures and symbols for all the information- I find that I can remember pictures more easily. I could draw a stick man with a happy face and a flag to represent self determination for example. St Germain- Austria 1919 Reparations Not paid bank collapse Military reductions Army 30,000 men Aim: to get back costs of war Impact: economic collapse Empire broken up and loss of land Aim: Self determination Impact: New counties created – Czechoslova kia and Yugoslavia Aim: To stop Austria causing any future conflict

9 Testing- An important part in establishing whether I really know something! Once I have revised a topic I will get a member of my family or a friend on the course to test me. A friend might be very good as they will also be learning the information- talking to them will be another way of reinforcing the information in my head. I could give them my revision card and ask them to test me on the information- can I explain a cause, what was in the treaty and an impact? I could practice an exam question on this topic and ask for it to be marked. Can you remember any of this information now? What about if you drew your own mindmap and used funny pictures or symbols?

10 If I feel that I have understood the topic and have a fairly good grasp then I will highlight it as green on my sheet Section 2: The Peace settlement 1918-1928 Topic The Armistice The Treaty of Versailles- the big 3, key features, impact on Germany The key features of the Treaty of Trianon The key features of the Treaty of St Germain. Have I got The Armistice notes yet? Do I understand it now? If so I might look at this next If I am left with red or even amber- what will happen if these topics come up in the exam?

11 So overall 1.I make sure what I need to learn (Checklist from teacher) 2.I make sure I know how I will need to use this information to answer any question in the exam. (check with teacher) 3.I check that I have the necessary notes and that I understand them. (Red/Amber/Green). 4.I get help with anything that is missing or that I do not understand- ask teacher. 5.I plan my revision using a timetable. 6.I make sure that my revision has a PRODUCT. 7.I get tested on what I have learned. 8.I go over things more than one (adapting notes perhaps) 9.Get tested again! 10.Doing ANY of these things will help- the more I do the more chance of success and happiness! Use a revision guide or your notes to produce your own revision notes on a particular topic that will be in the mock- get a classmate to test you

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