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The entire life of an individual falls within a company organization, beliefs and culture specific, but in a universe in broader sense, including nature.

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Presentation on theme: "The entire life of an individual falls within a company organization, beliefs and culture specific, but in a universe in broader sense, including nature."— Presentation transcript:

1 The entire life of an individual falls within a company organization, beliefs and culture specific, but in a universe in broader sense, including nature and its laws.

2 Mircea Eliade describes rites of passage as follows: " 'rites of passage are a category of rituals that mark a person's life cycle, transition from one stage to another, from one role or social position to another, integrating human experience and cultural biological purpose: birth, reproduction and death”.

3 In a ritual ceremony, novices can try their creativity, their inner source of strength and spiritual potential through strong conversion factors. These elements include practices such as dancing in a state of trance, drunk in a certain pattern, position, physical or sensory isolation, a realistic confrontation with death, the ingestion of hallucinogenic plants and other techniques to alter consciousness.

4 How are structured Distinguish three types of rites of passage: rites of separation, rites of aggregation and ritual of border. There can be no development than by transformation, by the death of a previous condition for rebirth in a new condition of greater relative maturity.

5 Similarly, the child will have to accept the death of what was occurring through changes at puberty to revive the state of man or woman with a dynamic and new responsibilities

6 What do these rituals Rites of passage helps the individual in these stages that are actually necessary and beneficial development crisis that affects us all in moments of our life.

7 What are the effects of loss rituals of passage in our society? Rites of passage were related to ancient societies shamans, as a pre-religion that believes all life as a sacred act. So any profane-sacred separation, no sickness or dysfunction affecting the integrity of his being, from its psychological reality to the spiritual dimension.

8 Catholic Church in the West tried to eradicate all such practices shamans and all the rituals, at least those who did not meet its dogmas. It largely succeeded, although within the Church, priests still exorcist this function. Church took place in all the major events of life-birth / baptism, initiation / belief, marriage / commitment inseparably to God, death / extreme lubrication and funerals, despite all the rituals - often based on old rituals.

9 With the Enlightenment came a new religion called science, industrial revolution of the nineteenth century, technology launch century, ultraliberalismul and the new cult of "having". Result: Widespread sacred so-called archaic societies had to divide zones of influence with the profane to be not only an impression today.

10 All major religious holidays, such as Christmas, there are now only an orgy of consumption for most of our contemporaries. "In a world where the few existing celebrate than a few items purchased without - named the pompous''gift''and not revelations transmitted, the child often found mutilated substitute the tribe that reminds of his dreams. Lack of rituals is felt more cruel than the cruelty of these rituals, for this apparent cruelty is not free: it responds first need to face fear rather than suppress it, across hazards instead of buying insurance against all risks. This is the price for his freedom, discovery and rule their own faculties of his species. “ Christina Singer

11 Christina Grof believes that the absence of rites of passage and opening to a spiritual dimension in today's society in particular for young people is one of the key factors of increased negative behaviors, especially alcohol and drugs. Adolescents, finding a sociological context ritualized occasions to meet with who are living their experiences of overcoming themselves, of transcending and integrating feelings, emotions and negative images that bear within them, create situations replacement - such as rave parties, which are signal search of ways to overcome himself and to experience altered states of consciousness in a social environment - group.

12 Disasters that occur are incomparable. Identity crisis, loss of parts, excluding the elderly. There you go, or know how to get there. But the need for such rites and rituals is stronger, as is easily observed in young people, by the phenomenon of bandwidth, especially at the periphery of cities with no soul, where the sacred and parts left instead delinquency, drugs and violence. Young people do not know how to become adults, nor what this means. Then reinvent their own rituals. But a ritual is part of a chain showing a way, validated and supported by the elders, who represent the law's father. This is no longer there. And we can every day until which point the young are lost and we adults could not handle their problems.

13 How are lived today the rite of passage? Christina Singer says that for the loss rites of passage have found nothing but existential crises or serious diseases that may exist and something better. The foundation of the rite of passage is even death- rebirth process, but it is not proposed and supported the human community for each of its members. Yet these passages must be experienced. Each address them more or less one over his life, sometimes unconsciously, clumsy because we can not invent and design which is not yet clear.

14 These rites of passage often confined to administrative rituals not only desacralizate, but dehumanized. Consequence: the individual may live great crises, failures relating to either (Young, profession etc..) Or disease that blocks the way of life and the progress that is affected by all types are mourning for those who are neither trained nor accompanied.

15 A rite of passage must incorporate components of death and rebirth process. To leave what is old to go to again is the common denominator of all the traditional rites of passage. The cycle of death and regeneration of life reflects our constant transitions and it is recognized and shown awareness of its possibilities can open one's horizons, offering a useful map the evolution of life. Christina Grof

16 Realizator:Popescu Dragos Alexandru

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