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1775-1783 VS.. The Continental Army and local militias had to fight more experienced and better equipped British troops. Each side had certain advantages.

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Presentation on theme: "1775-1783 VS.. The Continental Army and local militias had to fight more experienced and better equipped British troops. Each side had certain advantages."— Presentation transcript:

1 1775-1783 VS.

2 The Continental Army and local militias had to fight more experienced and better equipped British troops. Each side had certain advantages and disadvantages that effected the outcome of the war. The Battle of Saratoga was the turning point in the war.

3 Militia A military force that is raised from volunteer civilian population to supplement a regular army Minutemen Companies of civilian soldiers who were ready to fight on a minute’s notice Mercenaries Soldiers for hire (paid soldiers) Guerrilla Warfare A hit-and-run technique used in fighting a war; fighting by small bands of warriors using tactics such as sudden ambushes

4 Lexington and Concord, April 1775 June 15, 1775- The Second Continental Congress selects George Washington to command the new army

5 Problems General Washington Faced: Approx. only 1/3 of the colonists were initially in favor of Revolution (other 2/3 were neutral or loyalists) Congress could not tax to raise money for the Continental Army Poorly trained troops

6 Just outside Boston, MA Americans hold off multiple British advancements before retreating William Prescott, “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!” Helped build American confidence Showed the colonists they could stand up and compete with the world’s most feared army General Gage replaced by General William Howe

7 July 4, 1776 Colonies officially become United States of America

8 August 1776- 32,000 troops (Continental Army rarely had more than 20,000 at one time) Hessians (mercenaries) Navy Blockade on Colonies

9 British Advantages Well-Trained, well- supplied army and navy Wealthy nation with substantial resources Strong central government American Advantages Fighting on home ground Good decisions by generals Fighting for freedom & rights French alliance providing loans, naval support, and troops Time: the longer the war dragged on, the more likely the British were to give up

10 British Disadvantages Fighting in unfamiliar, hostile territory Fighting far from Britain Many troops were mercenaries, many indifferent to the cause Half-hearted support at home American Disadvantages Untrained Soldiers Food and Ammunition shortages Weak and divided central government

11 British capture New York City in summer of 1776 American Spy Ring (Nathaniel Hale) December 25, 1776- Washington Crosses the Delaware 2,400 men attack British camp at Trenton, NJ First significant victories of the war for Washington March 1777- British capture Philadelphia Continental Congress escapes

12 Bitter cold and food shortages kill nearly 2,500 men American Troops get some help Improve discipline and boost morale Marquis de Lafayette (France) Baron Friedrich von Steuben (Prussia)

13 British troops under General Burgoyne surrounded at Saratoga, NY October 17, 1777- General Gates forces British to surrender Over 5,000 British troops taken prisoner Improved American morale French decided to commit troops to the war

14 As a result, United States sign first two treaties as a nation 1. France officially recognizes U.S. as an official nation 2. Military alliance formed between France and United States Battle of Saratoga Video (6:00-end)

15 Violence in the west often included Native Americans vs. Militias Very vicious battles between the two groups John Paul Jones led the American effort at sea

16 May 12, 1780- Charlestown, SC captured 14,000 British capture city and 5,500 Americans Largest defeat of war for the Americans October 7, 1780- Battle of Kings Mountain Turning point in the southern campaign Militia carried out hit-and-run attacks on British supply units as Continental Army battle British Francis Marion, “The Swamp Fox” By late 1781, the British controlled very little territory in the South

17 September 28, 1781- American and French forces surround Yorktown, VA and bombard it Washington’s troops control Yorktown on land French Navy cutoff access to the sea October 19, 1781- Approx. 8,000 British troops under control of General Charles Cornwallis surrender at Yorktown Yorktown Video

18 John Jay, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams negotiate peace with British British recognize United States as a nation with Mississippi River as Western border France got back colonies in Africa and Caribbean they had lost in French & Indian War November 24, 1783- last British troops leave New York Revolution Conclusion Video


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