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Introduction to Functional MRI
MAIN SOURCES: FMRI Graduate Course (NBIO 381, PSY 362) Dr. Scott Huettel Duke-UNC Brain Imaging & Analysis Center (BIAC) Jody Culham Brain and Mind Institute Department of Psychology University of Western Ontario Karla L. Miller FMRIB Centre Oxford University
The First “Brain Imaging Experiment”
… and probably the cheapest one too! E = mc2 ??? Angelo Mosso Italian physiologist ( ) “[In Mosso’s experiments] the subject to be observed lay on a delicately balanced table which could tip downward either at the head or at the foot if the weight of either end were increased. The moment emotional or intellectual activity began in the subject, down went the balance at the head-end, in consequence of the redistribution of blood in his system.” -- William James, Principles of Psychology (1890)
M R Timeline of MR Imaging 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
1972 – Damadian patents idea for large NMR scanner to detect malignant tissue. Pauli suggests that nuclear particles may have angular momentum (spin). 1937 – Rabi measures magnetic moment of nucleus. Coins “magnetic resonance”. 1985 – Insurance reimbursements for MRI exams begin. 1973 – Lauterbur publishes method for generating images using NMR gradients. MRI scanners become clinically prevalent. 1944 – Rabi wins Nobel prize in Physics. 1952 – Purcell and Bloch share Nobel prize in Physics. M R NMR becomes MRI 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1973 – Mansfield independently publishes gradient approach to MR. 1990 – Ogawa and colleagues create functional images using endogenous, blood-oxygenation contrast. 1946 – Purcell shows that matter absorbs energy at a resonant frequency. 1959 – Singer measures blood flow using NMR (in mice). 1975 – Ernst develops 2D-Fourier transform for MR. 1946 – Bloch demonstrates that nuclear precession can be measured in detector coils. FMRI – Week 1 – Introduction Scott Huettel, Duke University
M R I f Timeline of MR Imaging 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
1972 – Damadian patents idea for large NMR scanner to detect malignant tissue. Pauli suggests that nuclear particles may have angular momentum (spin). 1937 – Rabi measures magnetic moment of nucleus. Coins “magnetic resonance”. 1985 – Insurance reimbursements for MRI exams begin. 1973 – Lauterbur publishes method for generating images using NMR gradients. MRI scanners become clinically prevalent. 1944 – Rabi wins Nobel prize in Physics. 1952 – Purcell and Bloch share Nobel prize in Physics. M R I NMR becomes MRI f 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1973 – Mansfield independently publishes gradient approach to MR. 1990 – Ogawa and colleagues create functional images using endogenous, blood-oxygenation contrast. 1946 – Purcell shows that matter absorbs energy at a resonant frequency. 1959 – Singer measures blood flow using NMR (in mice). 1975 – Ernst develops 2D-Fourier transform for MR. 1946 – Bloch demonstrates that nuclear precession can be measured in detector coils. FMRI – Week 1 – Introduction Scott Huettel, Duke University
The Rise of fMRI… Schleim & Roiser, 2009, Front. Hum. Neurosci.
Friston, 2010, Science
… and the Decline of PET
FMRI – Week 1 – Introduction Scott Huettel, Duke University
Spatial vs. Temporal Resolution of Selected Brain Imaging Methods FMRI – Week 1 – Introduction Scott Huettel, Duke University
The Brain Before fMRI (1957)
Polyak, in Savoy, 2001, Acta Psychologica fMRI for Dummies
The Brain After fMRI (Incomplete)
reaching and pointing motor control touch eye movements retinotopic visual maps grasping executive control motion near head memory orientation selectivity motion perception moving bodies social cognition static bodies faces objects scenes 9
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner
fMRI Setup [Source:]
K-Space Source: Traveler’s Guide to K-space (C.A. Mistretta)
K-Space Data gathered in k-space (Fourier domain of image)
transform ky kx k-space image space Data gathered in k-space (Fourier domain of image) Image is Fourier transform of acquired data How k-space is sampled has implications for image
Partial k-space EPI Reduces TE (sacrifices some functional contrast)
EPI acquires one image per TR Due to symmetry, can actually collect less than full k-space ky kx Reduces TE (sacrifices some functional contrast) Must acquire slightly more than half (Hermetian symmetry is approximate) Slight blurring added to image
Spiral FMRI Currently, only serious alternative to EPI
Short apparent TE (center of k-space acquired early) Fast and efficient use of gradient hardware Different artifacts than EPI (not necessarily better)
Parallel imaging (SENSE, SMASH, etc.)
Single coil 8-channel array Surface coils Coil sensitivity encodes spatial information Can “leave out” large parts of k-space Theory: For n coils, only need 1/n of k-space Practice: Need at least ~1/3 of k-space In general, incurs loss of SNR More coverage, higher resolution, faster imaging, etc.
MR Safety Pacemaker malfunctions leading to death
At least 5 as of 1998 (Schenck, JMRI, 2001) E.g., in 2000 an elderly man died in Australia after being twice asked if he had a pacemaker Blinding due to movements of metal in the eye At least two incidents (1985, 1990) Dislodgment of aneurysm clip (1992) Projectile injuries (most common incident type) Injuries (e.g., cranial fractures) from oxygen canister (1991, 2001) Scissors hit patient in head, causing wounds (1993) Gun pulled out of policeman’s hand, hitting wall and firing Rochester, NY (2000) FMRI – Week 1 – Introduction Scott Huettel, Duke University
MRI vs. fMRI MRI fMRI … low spatial resolution (~3-5 mm) high spatial
I is for Imaging Imaging parameters are different MRI ”Anatomicals” aim to maximize tissue contrast fMRI to maximize functional contrast. … one 3D volume (collected over several minutes) series of 3D volumes (i.e., 4D data) (e.g., every 2 sec for 5 mins)
PET and fMRI Activation
Source: Posner & Raichle, Images of Mind
fMRI Experiment Stages: Prep
1) Prepare subject Consent form Safety screening Instructions and practice trials if appropriate 2) Shimming putting body in magnetic field makes it non-uniform adjust 3 orthogonal weak magnets to make magnetic field as homogenous as possible 3) Sagittals Take images along the midline to use to plan slices [Source: Wikipedia]
fMRI Experiment Stages: Anatomicals
4) Take anatomical (T1) images high-resolution images (e.g., 0.75 x 0.75 x 3.0 mm) 3D data: 3 spatial dimensions, sampled at one point in time 64 anatomical slices takes ~4 minutes 64 axial slices (3 mm)
Slice Terminology VOXEL (Volumetric Pixel) IN-PLANE SLICE
Slice Thickness e.g., 6 mm Gap, here 0 mm Number of Slices e.g., 10 Slice prescription (on SAG slice) VOXEL (Volumetric Pixel) 3 mm 6 mm Matrix Size e.g., 64 x 64 In-plane resolution e.g., 192 mm / 64 = 3 mm IN-PLANE SLICE Field of View (FOV) e.g., 19.2 cm
fMRI Experiment Stages: Functionals
5) Take functional (T2*) images images are indirectly related to neural activity usually low resolution images (e.g. here 3 x 3 x 6 mm) all slices at one time = a volume (sometimes also called an image) sample many volumes (time points) (e.g., 1 volume every 2 seconds for 136 volumes = 272 sec = 4:32) 4D data: 3 spatial, 1 temporal …
Region of interest (ROI)
fMRI Simplified Time fMRI Signal Intensity ROI Time Course Condition ~2s Region of interest (ROI) Condition 1 Time Simplified fMRI experiment, we take multiple volumes of BASELINE, and then turn on some visual stimulation for the next 3 volumes CONDITION 2. repeat. All fMRI data is: an intensity value of every voxel every time point , plot “Time Course” perform our analysis on., and colorful blobs are what end up in publications *When a brain region is working, it requires more oxygen, the signal in those tissues rises and falls in a way that is correlated to the testing paradigm….. As we can see in the time course Condition 2 ... ~ 5 min Ignoring: HRF, subject motion, multiple comparisons
BOLD Time Course Blood Oxygenation Level-Dependent Signal
The metabolic signal we track is actually time-lagged from neural activity… Positive BOLD response Initial Dip Overshoot Post-stimulus Undershoot 1 2 3 BOLD Response (% signal change) Time Stimulus “HRF” (Hemodynamic response function)
The Canonical FMRI Experiment
Stimulus pattern on off Predicted BOLD signal time Subject is given sensory stimulation or task, interleaved with control or rest condition Acquire timeseries of BOLD-sensitive images during stimulation Analyse image timeseries to determine where signal changed in response to stimulation
BOLD/Signal Time Courses
Observed signal (ARBITRARY UNITS) MR SIGNAL Predicted HRF 100*(y - baseline)/baseline TIME BOLD signal has arbitrary units: varies from coil to coil, voxel to voxel, day to day, subject to subject
BOLD/Signal Time Courses
Observed signal MR SIGNAL (% Change) Predicted HRF 100*(y - baseline)/baseline TIME Signal usually converted into units of % change: Typically on the order of ½ - 4 %.
Final Statistics For convenience/summarization, time course at each voxel can be converted to a scalar measure Most common: parametric test of significance (e.g., t-test) “statistical parametric map”: voxel-wise parametric test results
Stats on Anatomical
2D 3D
Multiple Comparisons Problem
Voxel-level statistics assume independence of all voxels (not true) Also, by virtue of the number of tests involved, conventional p-values are far too loose p < 0.05 implies 5% chance of a false positive Acceptable for one test, but with 100,000 tests (~ ½ brain size) that would be 5,000 false positives!… Many options: Bonferroni (conservative), familywise error rate (FWE), false discovery rate (FDR), cluster level significance, and others
Limitations of Neuroimaging
Physical Limitations spatial limitations (~1 mm) temporal limitations (~50 ms to several seconds) Physiological Limitations noise head motion artifacts (respiration, cardiac pulse) localization of BOLD response vasculature Current Conceptual Limitations how can we analyze highly complex data sets? brain networks how are neural changes manifested in fMRI activation?
Limitations of Neuroimaging
Canonical cerebral microcircuit (excitatory in red, inhibitory in black) BOLD signal may Increase or decrease, and this doesn’t necessarily tell what the “neural input” or “neural output” was. More complicated than just “task related neurons firing” Logothetis, 2008, Nature
BOLD Signal Dropout BOLD Non-BOLD Dephasing near air-tissue boundaries (e.g., sinuses) BOLD contrast (using long TE) coupled to signal loss (“black holes”)
Additional Topics Practical steps for image analysis (next)
Biological sources of the BOLD signal Physics and underpinnings of MR signal Computational background on image processing steps Experimental design
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