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 What were the causes of the Great Depression?  Explain what it means to buy on margin.  How did people “escape” from the Depression?  What were the.

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Presentation on theme: " What were the causes of the Great Depression?  Explain what it means to buy on margin.  How did people “escape” from the Depression?  What were the."— Presentation transcript:

1  What were the causes of the Great Depression?  Explain what it means to buy on margin.  How did people “escape” from the Depression?  What were the purposes of the New Deal programs?


3  After Civil War, African Americans Republican  After New Deal, turn Democrats  Today, majority Dems  Coalition – African-Americans, farmers, laborers, minorities, women, progressives, intellectuals

4 19281932 19362008

5 20002008

6  Rep. candidate – Alfred Landon: Gov. KS  FDR popular still  Faced opposition from left and right  Huey Long assassinated Sept. 1935  Hopes of 3 rd party candidacy dashed  Wins one of largest landslides in U.S. history

7  Worried about constitutionality of New Deal  NRA, AAA  Increase # of Court justices  Any justice, serving 10+ years, didn’t retire after 6 mos from 70 th bday, FDR could appoint another  FDR could get up to 6  Undermine court’s independence, separation of powers  Conservative Dems work with Republicans in Congress against more New Deal programs

8  1937 – unemployment jumped  Cut gov’t spending –  balance budget as first SS checks went out  Economy dropped

9  Some argued recession = people too dependent on gov’t spending  Spring 1938 – no recovery, ask Congress for money for programs

10  1938 – protected workers, abolished child labor, 40-hr work week  Republicans and Southern Democrats (conservative w/i party) blocked New Deal Programs

11  Many now looked to gov’t to protect their interests  Farmers, laborers, homeowners  Broker state – gov’t work out conflicts b/w different interests  Safety net – relief programs to protect against economic disaster

12  Explain Roosevelt’s court-packing plan and how it was received.  What groups made up the New Deal coalition?  How did the New Deal change American’s attitudes toward government?

13  Change political balance on Supreme Court, seen as interfering with separation of powers  African-Americans, farmers, laborers, immigrants, women, intellectuals, progressives  Americans felt the gov’t had a duty to maintain a safety net

14  Changed the role of the First Lady  roosevelt-9463366/videos/eleanor-roosevelt- full-episode-2073091336 roosevelt-9463366/videos/eleanor-roosevelt- full-episode-2073091336  Biography: Eleanor Roosevelt Full Episode (17:45)

15  Why did Mrs. Roosevelt scale back the White House social calendar?  What was the name of Eleanor’s newspaper column?

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