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Is a Great Destination for Foreign Study NAFSA Annual Conference – Montreal May 25, 2006 Margaret M. Y. Li Director, Cultural Division Taipei Economic.

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Presentation on theme: "Is a Great Destination for Foreign Study NAFSA Annual Conference – Montreal May 25, 2006 Margaret M. Y. Li Director, Cultural Division Taipei Economic."— Presentation transcript:

1 is a Great Destination for Foreign Study NAFSA Annual Conference – Montreal May 25, 2006 Margaret M. Y. Li Director, Cultural Division Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Washington, D.C.

2 2 Outlines World trends for university/ college students studying abroad –US’s situation Taiwan is a great destination for foreign studies –Educational opportunities –Academic standards –Economy –Tuition & cost of living –Financial aid –Hospitality –Travel

3 3 World Trends for University & College Students Studying Abroad Case of American students

4 4 US Congress declared: 2006 is the year of studying abroad From 2003 to 2004: US students studying abroad rose by 9.6% From 2000 to 2004: US students studying abroad rose by 20% Source: IIE & International Educators

5 5 Case of American students Studying abroad is becoming a desirable component of higher education experience for US students US Assistant Secretary of State, Ms. Dina H. Powell said: “I am pleased that American students are studying abroad, which signals their keen interest in learning more about the people and nations beyond our borders.” Learning Mandarin has been a boom in the US and worldwide Source: IIE & International Educators

6 6 Therefore: International educators need to: –Evaluate what’s happening in education abroad –Provide students with opportunities to study abroad Where to study abroad?

7 7 Taiwan Taiwan is a great destination for foreign study

8 8 Educational Opportunities Education is strongly emphasized in Taiwan A large share of Taiwan’s National budget is targeted for educational purposes. –15% National –25% Provincial –35% Municipal Budget Source: Yearbook

9 9 The Percentage Higher Education Students of Total Population in Select Countries Source: MOE Unit: %

10 10 Entry Rates to Higher Education Source: MOE

11 11 International students studying in Taiwan by select fields (2004-2005) Source: MOE

12 12 High Academic Standards World-Class science fields, including: –Semi-conductivity –Computer Science –Information Technology –Agricultural –Biotechnology Source: MOE

13 13 High Academic Standards Achievements in the Humanities, including : –Multiculturalism –Human rights –Democratization –Arts –Civil Society Source: MOE

14 14 Taiwan is a great destination for foreign study Premier location to learn the essence of classic Chinese literature, history, philosophy, art, etc. More than 120 departments of 20 universities & colleges providing courses taught in English (2005/06) More than 20 universities offering Chinese language programs Source: MOE

15 15 Government proposed $1.56 billion over 5 years To further enhance the quality of higher education –Establish integrated universities & colleges networking systems : To facilitate joint research: particularly in 1. Biosciences 2. Mathematical science 3. Humanities –Implement strict evaluation systems for professors, universities, and colleges. Source: MOE

16 16 Goal:Over the next 5 years to have more Taiwanese universities to be among the world top institutions Source: MOE

17 17 Economy, a Brief Profile : Taiwan is considered one of the “Four Dragons of Asia” (others: Japan, Korea, Singapore) Per capital income : US$1527.3 Average economic growth rate between 1952 and 2005 : 7.6%

18 18 Economy, a Brief Profile: Growth competitiveness: #1 (Asia); #5 (World) Technological competitiveness: #3 (World) Economic intelligence unit: #3 (Asia) 8th largest US trading partner; 10th largest US export market Source: Economic Div., TECRO

19 19 Tuition and Cost of Living Tuition –Public Universities & Colleges : US$781 to 937 / Semester –Private Universities & Colleges: US$1,437 to 1,687 / Semester Foreign and native students pay the same tuition Source: MOE

20 20 Cost of Living Dormitory: US$62 to 206 /month Apartment: US$156 to 281 /month Dining : US$1.25 to 4 /per meal Source: MOE

21 21 Financial Aid - Scholarship DegreeMandarin Enrichment Intensive Mandarin Study FundingJointly by MOE, MOFA, NSC, MOEA MOE # of Students713 (2005-’06) 850 (2006-’07) 167 (’05) 300 (’06) Newly established Program Duration3-4 years1 year3 weeks or longer Scholarship/ month $781 – $938$781$5,000 for groups of 10 More Information Source: MOE

22 22 Multiple Sources of Taiwan-Sponsored Scholarships Note: Scholarship Quotas of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and National Science Council are limited to study at technical colleges Source: MOE No. Scholarships

23 23 Hospitality People are open, warm, and friendly English will become the country’s sub- official language within the next 6 years. Resident Visa available Working Permit available Source: MOE

24 24 Travel Formosa, the beautiful island Rich natural resources: beaches, mountains, lakes, rivers Advanced transportation system Metro-Rail, National highway system Diverse cuisines Eastern, Western & everything in between Mild weather Sight-seeing all year round Democratic & free society Source:Taiwan at a Glance 2005-2006

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36 36 Closing: Three Taiwan foreign students’ experience: Danielson (Canada, NCCU) “People in Taiwan are nice, polite, respectful and open to discuss any topic, because they respect freedom of speech.” Tamaru (Japan, NTNU) “I find Taiwan easy and convenient to get around, There are so many convenience stores and supermarkets around here.” Hawkins (America, ICLP, NTU) “Before coming back to Taiwan, I went to China to experience a different kind of Chinese society, Nonetheless, I still prefer Taiwan, that’s why I came back and decided to study classical Chinese.”

37 37 General Information about Taiwan Application Procedures University/College Guide Scholarship Information Living in Taiwan Where to Learn Chinese Other Related Information

38 38 For this copy, please visit website at

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