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การดูแลผู้ป่วย Tracheostomy

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Presentation on theme: "การดูแลผู้ป่วย Tracheostomy"— Presentation transcript:

1 การดูแลผู้ป่วย Tracheostomy
นพ.เธียรไชย ภัทรสกุลชัย ภาควิชา โสต ศอ นาสิกวิทยา คณะแพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่

2 Tracheostomy patient’s care
Pre-operative assurance Intra-operative period Post-operative tracheostomy care Long-term tracheostomy care

3 Pre-operative assurance
Indications Advantages over endotracheal tube Post-tracheostomy status speaking eating Complications

4 Intra-operative period
Immediate complications Patient’s position Skin incision - Tracheal incision Tracheal suture Tracheostomy tube Type Size Length Skin closure

5 Post-operative tracheostomy care
Early complications Secretion →( Nebulizer ) Color, Quantity, Viscosity Dyspnea Infection Dysphagia Communication

6 Long-term tracheostomy care
Late complications Communication Home care Try off tube


8 Indications for tracheostomy
Upper airway obstruction Severe aspiration Prolonged intubation ʘ

9 Advantages of tracheostomy
Reduces patient discomfort Reduces need for sedation Ability to maintain oral and bronchial hygiene Reduces risk of laryngotracheal trauma Reduces dead space and work of breathing ʘ

10 Immediate complications
Apnea due to loss of hypoxic respiratory drive Bleeding Pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum Injury to adjacent structures Postobstructive pulmonary edema ʘ

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12 Tracheal incision

13 Tracheal incision

14 Tracheal incision ʘ

15 Types of tracheostomy tube
Material Metal (Silver-Stainless steel) Plastic (Polyvinyl chloride) Silicone Cuffed or Uncuffed Single or double tubes Fenestrated tubes



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19 Early complications Early bleeding Subcutaneous emphysema
Plugging with mucus Displacement Atelectasis Tracheitis Cellulitis ʘ

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21 Late complications Bleeding Granulation Tracheomalacia Scarring
Stenosis Tracheoesophageal fistula Tracheocutaneous fistula Granulation Scarring Failure to decannulate ʘ

22 Home tracheostomy care
Care for your stoma Clean the inner cannula Tracheostomy tube holder Know basic safety and what to do in an emergency

23 Basic safety Bathing: Trouble breathing: Secretion: Tube dislodgement:
Protection of foreign body:


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27 Complications of tracheostomy
Immediate complications Early complications Late complications

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