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1 Robyn Jacobs-Spaulding, Internet Broadcasting June 2011 Digital Sales Solutions How Do I Measure My Campaign’s Performance?

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Presentation on theme: "1 Robyn Jacobs-Spaulding, Internet Broadcasting June 2011 Digital Sales Solutions How Do I Measure My Campaign’s Performance?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Robyn Jacobs-Spaulding, Internet Broadcasting June 2011 Digital Sales Solutions How Do I Measure My Campaign’s Performance?

2 2 Utilize IB Reporting Suite Understand & Forecast Inventory Accurately Track & Optimize Campaign to Ensure Delivery How Google Analytics & DFP Can Help Introduction

3 3 Dana is working on securing new business with McDonald’s. Meet Dana the AE … We will walk through what reports & tools Dana can use to ensure she gets the most money out of her new campaign.

4 4 What Should Dana Do Before Her Campaign is Sold? What Should Dana Do While Her Campaign is Running? What Should Dana Do After Her Campaign has Ended? Summary & Questions Today’s Agenda

5 5 What Should Dana Do Before Her Campaign is Sold?

6 6 Before she can sell the campaign, Dana needs to understand how much inventory her website has available. Forecasting Impressions What is an impression? im·pres·sion [im-presh-uhn] –noun A single display of online content to a user’s web-enabled device; a single appearance of an advertisement on a web page. IB uses DFP, our ad server, to predict forecasted impressions & track booked inventory. DFP (DART for Publishers) is an ad server which enables us to manage, serve, and track ad delivery. It offers detailed inventory forecasting, an efficient trafficking workflow, advanced targeting capabilities and tools for comprehensive reporting.

7 7 6-Month Inventory Forecast Avails On Demand Google Analytics What Tools Should Dana Use to Forecast Impressions?

8 8 Quick way to look at inventory without pulling a report from a website 6-Month Inventory Forecast * Please contact your Campaign Specialist if you would like to receive this report. Link to report is emailed every Wednesday or can be found under “Reporting Suite” in WebScan Can break down by section & month Forecasted, available & booked inventory for IAB & Video Pre-roll Ads

9 9 6-Month Inventory Forecast FAQs How does the Inventory Forecast Report forecast? This report is a forecast based on 7 days of historical delivery data, therefore actual available impressions may differ from reported impressions based on future site traffic and ad position availability. What are booked impressions? Booked impressions are impressions entered into the system as a set impression goal. They will show up on the report after your WebScan order has been approved & processed by IB. What is not counted in the report? Sponsorships, which are entered in the system as “weighted” or “exclusive”, are not counted in the report. For example, if my client has an exclusive Leaderboard Ad on the Homepage for one day, the impressions it will receive are not reflected as “booked impressions”.

10 10 My site has a Leaderboard Ad and 2 Medium Rectangle Ads on all of the pages I see. Can I take our page views and multiply it by 3 to get available ROS impressions? No. Even though most pages on your site are built the same, with the same number of positions, there are pages that are different. Some homepages only have 1 Medium Rectangle Ad or just a Leaderboard Ad. The best way to estimate ROS impressions is from our 6 Month Inventory Forecast or Avails on Demand as the numbers are from DFP, our ad server. Do impressions equal page views? No. Once a user gets to a page, that is one page view. But on that page there may be a Leaderboard Ad (1 impression), Medium Rectangle Ad (1 impression) and Wide Skyscraper Ad (1 impression). 6-Month Inventory Forecast FAQs

11 11 Dana has looked at the 6 Month Inventory Forecast but it is Monday and she wants a more timely look at inventory. She knows to turn to the Avails on Demand tool within WebScan for this data.

12 12 Pull inventory for IAB & Video Pre-roll Ads by month & section. Updated through yesterday. Access is found in WebScan – under the “Ad Reporting” section. Avails On Demand

13 13 Dana used the 6 Month Inventory Forecast and Avails on Demand to estimate the number of Medium Rectangle, Leaderboard & Pre-Roll Video Ads she can offer McDonald’s. The client is also requesting a Hover Ad. Dana knows she can use Google Analytics to give McDonald’s an estimate of how many impressions they could receive.

14 14 Estimate how many impressions a rich media unit, such as a Hover Ad or Pushdown Ad, will receive Forecast impressions for a fixed or weighted position Estimate how many impressions a client would receive if they choose to geo-target their campaign Using Google Analytics for Forecasting Google Analytics is how IB tracks website traffic and counts pageviews, visitors & more. Each page on IB’s websites includes a Google Analytics tag which records the user activity and complies it within the Google Analytics website.

15 15 Dana Wants to Sell a Hover Ad … How can she find out how many impressions she can estimate the ad will receive if it is running on the News front page? Once you log in to Google Analytics, from the dashboard click on Content in the left navigation. A sub-navigation will drop down – click on Top Content.

16 16 Dana Wants to Sell a Hover Ad … Next you will see the pages on the site with the most traffic. Google knows the website so it leaves it out of page name (i.e. Dana wants to take the Unique Pageviews in the news index line Dana would look at the line “/news/index.html” = News front page

17 17 Dana’s Client Wants to Geo-Target … How can she estimate how many impressions her client would receive if they choose to geo-target their campaign?

18 18 Dana’s Client Wants to Geo-Target … From the dashboard, click on Visitors in the left navigation. A sub-navigation will drop down – click on Map Overlay. How can she estimate how many impressions her client would receive if they choose to geo-target their campaign?

19 19 Dana’s Client Wants to Geo-Target … Dana’s client wants to only run in El Paso. In Google Analytics she will need to drill-down until she reaches the city level. She should click on United States, then Texas and then she will see the traffic by city.

20 20 Dana’s Client Wants to Geo-Target … Once she clicks on El Paso details for that city load. The part she wants to look at is the visits and the % of Site Total. * This data can only be pulled by city, state or country. GA does not record visits by DMA, zip code or area code. For her site, El Paso traffic is 56% of the overall total. If Dana has 100k ROS impressions available and McDonald’s only wants to run in El Paso, she can give them 56k as an estimate for the ROS impressions available if the campaign is geo-targeted.

21 21 Things to Consider When Forecasting Impressions Third-party tracking – when an advertiser uses a third-party vendor for their tags, almost always their tracking differs from ours, and it’s usually they are seeing less. A good rule of thumb is to pad 10-15% more impressions to the total goal to make up for any discrepancies. 3 rd party will only pay you what THEY see delivered! Special targeting: dayparting, geo-targeting, frequency capping – adding any of the above to your campaign will hinder the impressions available and make reaching a goal more difficult. Other campaigns (exclusive, weighted) – if I’m interested in running my campaign on the homepage but another advertiser has a takeover there, no impressions will be available to me.

22 22 What Should Dana Do While Her Campaign is Running?

23 23 Reporting Suite Campaign Status Report Campaign Pacing Report Optimization Report There are multiple reports from the Reporting Suite Dana will be looking at while her campaign is live to ensure it runs smoothly.

24 24 Reporting Suite The IB Reporting Suite provides multiple access points to allow you to track the progress of your campaign – from production to completion. Visit the Reporting Suite Dashboard in WebScan to view all archived reports

25 25 Campaign Status Report Allows Dana to track her campaign to ensure an on-time launch * Please contact your Campaign Specialist if you would like to receive this report. Shows status of all campaigns currently in production or trafficking Delivered every weekday via email or in the “Reporting Suite” within WebScan Highlights campaigns ending in next 10 days

26 26 Campaign Pacing Report Dana uses this to track each flight within her campaign and easily see if flights are falling behind * Please contact your Campaign Specialist if you would like to receive this report. Shows campaign pacing by line item for the current month Delivered every weekday via email or in the “Reporting Suite” within WebScan Reflects ad delivery exported from DFP as of the end of two days previous

27 27 Optimization Report Every week Dana and her management team will look over this report together to see if her campaign is in jeopardy of losing money due to it pacing behind. * Please contact your Campaign Specialist if you would like to receive this report. Delivered every Monday via email or in the “Reporting Suite” within WebScan The Optimization Score is the daily revenue at risk due to the level of under-delivery for the current month. A score of 0 or a negative score means the line is on pace to deliver in full. Applicable to those groups who enter dollar information in to WebScan

28 28 Dana knows she can also utilize our ad server to track her campaign’s performance even further. Using DFP (DART for Publishers) DFP (DART for Publishers) is the system IB uses to serve each ad campaign. DFP is one product of the ad serving giant DoubleClick, which is owned by Google. Popular sites that use DoubleClick include YouTube, Amazon & Yahoo.

29 29 Utilize our ad server to track your campaign’s performance DFP (DART for Publishers) Log in to DFP - click on “Trafficking”. A search box will pop up. Type in the name of your advertiser before the asterisk. If you only know part of the name you can put in the first few letters.

30 30 Find the advertiser you need and click on it. All orders for that advertiser will load. Click on the “Order ID” for the campaign you want to look at. Utilize our ad server to track your campaign’s performance DFP (DART for Publishers)

31 31 Utilize our ad server to track your campaign’s performance DFP (DART for Publishers) You will see all of the flights that have been entered in WebScan – the line name, impressions & dates all come straight from the WebScan order

32 32 What should Dana be looking for to ensure her campaign delivers in full? DFP (DART for Publishers) OSI – On Schedule Indicator 100 is on pace – if the OSI is below 90 Dana might want to make adjustments to increase delivery

33 33 Dana sees her campaign is pacing behind. What can she do to help it deliver in full? DFP (DART for Publishers) 1. Consider limitations which might be hindering delivery: Geo-targeting Frequency cap Dayparting Placement (only running in specific sections) Other exclusive or weighted campaigns – these will run before impression based campaigns

34 34 Dana’s campaign is pacing behind. What can she do to help it deliver in full? DFP (DART for Publishers) Increasing priority (ask her Campaign Specialist) Extend campaign flight dates (WebScan change order) Add sections the flight is targeted to (WebScan change order) Remove special targeting i.e. geo-targeting or freq cap (WebScan change order) 2. Optimize! Either via a WebScan change order or her Campaign Specialist, Dana can make the following changes to her existing order:

35 35 What Should Dana Do After Her Campaign Has Run?

36 36 1.Creative Display Report 2.Understanding the Click-through Rate 3.Finding Pageviews in Google Analytics Dana knows there are a few easy things she can do to provide McDonald’s with useful data after the campaign is over. Along with giving them great information Dana knows this will help with a renewal.

37 37 Creative Display Report IB-built tool to help you deliver the client’s performance in an easy to read & easy to pull format Delivered on-demand: send a CSV pulled from DFP to an email address and receive the report as a link in seconds See which sizes, images and messages are performing best Shows ad campaign performance with images of the creative * Please contact your Campaign Specialist to learn how to pull the CSV report in DFP.

38 38 Creative Display Report The Campaign Specialists label each creative with the product name and any applicable descriptors such as date or creative theme. These labels become the “Creative Name” in this report. If you click on any of the “Creative Names” the report will bring you to that creative below. BEST PRACTICE – send this to the client throughout the campaign, not just at the end.

39 39 Dana Has Pulled Her Creative Display Report … How does she know if the results are successful?

40 40 Click-through Rates Online video ads experience click-through rates ranging from 0.4% to 0.74%. What is a good click-through rate? US average click-through rate is 0.07%.* As a rule of thumb: RM placements, pushdowns, and all other "out of box" placements are about double the IAB's. A ‘fixed’ ad will garner high impressions but the click-through rate will be low as a user will not click on each time they receive it. In Q1 2011 the IB Hover Ad averaged a 1.20% click-through rate compared to the 0.07% average US click-through rate. Know Your Client’s Goal & Measure of Success *Source:

41 41 Dana Has Pulled Her Creative Display Report … And the client notices there are third-party discrepancies – what can be done to prevent this? When entering the order in WebScan, pad 10-15% of the total impressions. One option is to add it to the original goals. Or you can enter additional lines with the padded impressions and $0 for the CPM to accurately reflect revenue. IB also suggest running DFP Internal Redirect tags for the ads if possible. If you can request this from the client these often mean the discrepancies can be less. All third parties have different ways of implementing their tags – if they don’t give us instructions it could throw off the reporting. Request implementation instructions at the beginning to avoid losing money in the end.

42 42 Dana’s Campaign Included a Single Page Ad … Can she see how much traffic went to the page? YES! By using Google Analytics she can see how many pageviews the page had – and more!

43 43 Dana’s Campaign Included a Single Page Ad … From the dashboard, click on Content in the left navigation. A sub-navigation will drop down – click on Top Content. Make sure the right dates are selected and they match the live dates of the campaign.

44 44 Dana’s Campaign Included a Single Page Ad … Dana’s client’s page URL is so she is going to copy those eight digits – 27783642. Dana will put that number in the search box at the bottom of the page.

45 45 Dana’s Campaign Included a Single Page Ad … Once she hits Go the data for her page will compile. She can find the pageviews, unique pageviews & average time on page – good data to take to the client! She also has the option to export the data to send to the client.

46 46 Dana’s Campaign Included a Single Page Ad … IB also suggests adding a Clicktracker in WebScan when ordering a Contest Page or Single Page Ad. The IB team will implement the Clicktracker and DFP will track the clicks from the page to the linking URL provided. Within the order in DFP you are able to find the clicks. This are direct leads – very valuable information for the client!

47 47 Steps Dana Took to Success … 1.Forecasted Correctly – using the 6 Month Inventory Forecast, Avails on Demand & Google Analytics Dana provided her client with smart & accurate goals. 2.Tracked Diligently – throughout the campaign Dana used the Campaign Status Report, Campaign Pacing Report, Optimization Report & DFP to ensure her campaign would deliver as sold. The flights started pacing behind so Dana optimized her campaign and all goals were met. 3.Compiled Data – after the campaign ended Dana pulled a Creative Display Report and walked through it with the client, answering questions on what the numbers meant. She also pulled traffic using Google Analytics, tracked clicks using DFP and the client was very impressed.

48 48 Dana has secured more business with McDonald’s because she used the reporting tools that are always at her fingertips.

49 49 Questions? THANK YOU! Next DSS Sessions: AD STRATEGY - Making Sense of SEO, SEM and Google Analytics This session will teach you all about Search Engine Optimization & Marketing and how you can incorporate them into your meeting. We will also review CPC campaigns and how your site can enhance results. Monday, June 20 1pm CT Friday, June 24 8:15am CT AD SOLUTIONS - Design 101 Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a.jpeg and.gif? Design 101 is an easy to understand overview of basic design terminology and principles. We will also review IB’s design specs and software as well as best practices when providing collateral. Friday, July 8 1pm CT Monday, July 11 8:15am CT (making up for July 4th holiday)

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