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2012 Group 2 First Place AdWheel Entries The Fort Worth Transportation Authority.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 Group 2 First Place AdWheel Entries The Fort Worth Transportation Authority."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 Group 2 First Place AdWheel Entries The Fort Worth Transportation Authority

2 Print Media – Brochure Year In Review – Target: T Board and Stakeholders, residents of FW. – Situation/Challenge: Communicating prior year accomplishments and financial information. – Strategy/Objective: Highlight T’s progress, celebrate successes. – Results/Impact: Distributed to 75,000 within budget using Star-Telegram and Business Press newspaper insertion.

3 Year In Review

4 Print Media – Direct Mail Transport Yourself self mailer – Targets: Commuters (peak), leisure/event rider. – Situation/Challenge: Further refine target segments AO6,B03, F01– respond to an offer? – Strategy/Objective: Analyze free pass program results and target 2 specific cells with direct mail. – Results/Impact: 20,00 pieces mailed (10k & 10k) Received 1 % return. Commuter out drew leisure 2/1.

5 Buxton Research

6 Responder segments A06: Small-town success. – White-collar, college educated, middle-aged working couples living in newly developed subdivisions outside the nation’s beltways. B03: Urban Commuter Families – Upscale, college educated Baby Boomer families and couples living in comfortable, single detached homes in city neighborhoods on the metropolitan fringe F01: Steadfast Conservatives – High-school educated mature singles and couples living in middle-class urban blue-collar neighborhoods.

7 Transport Yourself Responders Household Level Profile Summary Age Range of 35-64 Income level of $50K+ 2+ Persons in the HH 40% of Responders have Children Present Length of Residency 6+ Years

8 Transport Yourself Responders The responders have known interests in outdoor activities, reading, personal travel, fitness, gardening, do-it-yourself projects, and tend to lead an affluent lifestyle. This information can be used to help improve understanding of responder lifestyles and demographics allowing for more effective communication and better targeted prospecting efforts.

9 Direct Mail Campaign By comparing responder households with other households in the same trade areas, pre-selection criteria (or hard selects) are determined for TRE mail campaigns. The following hard selects were chosen for the TRE acquisition targets: -Two or More Adults in the Household -Two or Fewer Children in the Household -Lives in a Single Family Dwelling Unit -Household Income >$50,000 -Likely or Extremely Likely to Have Some College Education, a Bachelor’s Degree, or a Graduate’s Degree

10 Direct Mail Strategy First mailing – Spring 2012 – Execute using two test cells Commuter (peak) message Leisure/event (off-peak) message Second Mailing – Fall 2013 – Analyze first mailing and test two more variables i.e. Single vs. Married

11 Commuter

12 Results – Commuters Responders who meet between 17 and 21 selects account for 71% of results from 67% of pieces mailed 73% of responders come from >8min, from 69% of pieces mailed

13 Entertainment

14 Results – Entertainment Responders who meet less than 21 selects account for 80% of results from 76% of pieces mailed 63% of responders come from >8 min, from 69% of pieces mailed

15 Print – Newsletter T Rider News (quarterly e-mail newsletter) – Target: T’s ridership – Situation/Challenge: Needed way to communicate service information to riders in cost effective way. – Strategy/Objective: Engage riders on regular basis and inform riders of service changes and special services. – Results/Impact: List now has over 6000 recipients at very little cost.

16 T Rider News Quarterly E- Newsletter

17 Postcard

18 Special Event - Promotion SPUR Launch – Target: local elected officials, stakeholders and Fort Worth residents – Situation/Challenge: Communicate new 60’ artic. bus benefits and corridor improvements. – Strategy/Objective: Create as much buzz as possible at minimal cost. – Results/Impact: Great turnout and media coverage including broadcast news.

19 SPUR* Launch Event 0kbg&list=UUbUjcgrml5wrPOIbb3Qrk9g&inde x=11 0kbg&list=UUbUjcgrml5wrPOIbb3Qrk9g&inde x=11

20 SPUR* Launch Event

21 SPUR* Handout

22 Social Media - Facebook – Target: T riders and stakeholders – Situation/Challenge: offer real-time info about T services and community events. – Strategy/Objective: Increase “Likes” through series of Facebook ads and text campaign contests offering free Mavs BBall and Stars hockey tickets. – Results/Impact: 156 % inc in Likes, 118% inc in monthly active users, 131% inc in post feedbacks.

23 T Facebook

24 Final thoughts Volunteer to judge awards. Great learning experience. Submit multiple entries. You never know what will resonate with judges. It’s your committee – get involved, join a task force.

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