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2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder: Patient Safety Science & Technology Summit 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder: Patient Safety Science & Technology Summit 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder: Patient Safety Science & Technology Summit 2014

2 2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder: Michael Ramsay, MD, FRCA Chairman, Department of Anesthesiology, Baylor University Medical Center, President Baylor Research Institute

3 2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder: Failure to Rescue

4 2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder: Failure To Rescue When a complication is not recognized in a timely manner or treated appropriately – Many deaths and permanent disabilities could be avoided if: –Adopted safe practices Implemented systems that facilitate patient safety Failure to Rescue is a measure of hospital quality More dependent on the hospital characteristics than the acuity of the patient –Jeffrey Silber 1992

5 2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder: Failure to Rescue Post-Operative Surgical Patients Opioid analgesics are associated with adverse effects and cause respiratory depression - 0.5% of post-surgical patients Opioid-related adverse drug events – including deaths –reported to The Joint Commission’s Sentinel Event database (2004-2011) - 47% wrong dosing medication errors - 29% improper monitoring of the patient - 11% other factors including dosing, med interactions, adverse drug reactions

6 2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder:

7 2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder:

8 2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder: APSF Recommendations (2011) All patients should have oxygenation monitored by continuous pulse oximetry (Patient Surveillance System) Measure adequacy of ventilation when supplemental oxygen is needed Intermittent checks of oxygenation (oximetry) and ventilation (nursing assessment) are inadequate Assessment of consciousness/sedation is critical Alarm fatigue and inadequacy of threshold-based alarms

9 2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder: Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alert (August 8, 2012) Causes of adverse events Lack of knowledge about potency Improper prescribing/multiple opioids Inadequate monitoring

10 2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder: CMS Proposed Quality Measure #3040 (2013) Calls for “appropriate monitoring of patients receiving PCA” Defined as maximum period between documented respiratory rate, sedation score and pulse oximetry does not exceed 2.5 hours Intermittent monitoring would meet the minimum requirement CMS received significant feedback that monitoring should be continuous Final determination not announced yet by CMS

11 2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder: The Baylor Breathe Team Mission: To eliminate patient harm from postoperative respiratory depression Physicians Nurses Pharmacists Administrators Safety officers Respiratory Therapists

12 2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder:

13 2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder: Actions Standardized post-operative opioid (PCA) order sets. Over 50 different sets existed. Stopped continuous PCA in opioid naïve patients Instituted the :Oxygen Withdrawal Trial” in PACU Screened pre-operatively for patients at increased risk for respiratory depression and applied blueberry wrist band

14 2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder: Considerations Sedation precedes respiratory pauses. (Rising PaCO2) Sedation drugs can potentiate respiratory depression. (esp. phenergan, benadryl) Avoid rapid dose escalation in opioid tolerant patients Avoid using opioids to meet an arbitrary pain rating Dosing should be based on individual’s need and condition Take extra precautions when transferring between departments and facilities Deployment of continuous monitoring of respiration, oxygenation with a closed loop notification

15 2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder: OUTCOMES Orthopedic Surgical Floor 0.83 Rapid Response Team (RRT) Calls per Month All Hospital: 8 RRT Calls per month reduced to 3.58 No Postoperative Respiratory Depression deaths

16 2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder: Failure to Rescue Steven C. Moreau President & CEO, St. Joseph Hospital Julianne Morath, MS, RN President & CEO, Hospital Quality Institute, California J.P. Abenstein, MD ASA President Elect, Division of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Anesthesiology, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Mayo College of Medicine, Rochester, MN Dean Chittock, MD Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of British Columbia Andreas H. Taenzer, MD, MS Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Pediatrics, Director, Pediatric Acute Pain Service, Dartmouth- Hitchcock Medical Center, Director of the Dartmouth Patient Deterioration Prediction Laboratory (DP2L) Susan Lorenz, DrNP, RN, NEC-BC, EDAC Vice President of Patient Care Services/Chief Nursing Officer, Princeton HealthCare System Helen Haskell Founder of Mothers Against Medical Error

17 2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder: Failure to Rescue

18 2014 Summit Co-Convener:Founder: Patient Safety Science & Technology Summit 2014

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