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CLOSER TO WORK. Max Mobiel - biography Started as a part of a project “Sustainable commutertraffic in Gent” Initiative of the City Department of Economy.

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Presentation on theme: "CLOSER TO WORK. Max Mobiel - biography Started as a part of a project “Sustainable commutertraffic in Gent” Initiative of the City Department of Economy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Max Mobiel - biography Started as a part of a project “Sustainable commutertraffic in Gent” Initiative of the City Department of Economy Non-profit organisation (vzw) founded in november 2007 with the support of the Flemish Gouvernment “Pendelfonds” – “Commuting fund” Integrated long term project Social economy

3 Max Mobiel is active as 1. Shuttleservice several buslines to distant industrial sites: Gent - St.Pieters <> Drongen Gent - Dampoort <> Zeehaven-Oost (Skaldenpark) Gent - St.Pieters <>Zelzate (Arcelor) Gent - St.Pieters <>Zwijnaarde (Technologiepark) New lines + Coördination of the new shuttle service project in the Harbour of Antwerp 2. Fietspunt (Bicycle Point) Gent Sint-Pieters and Gent-Dampoort Cooperation with the NMBS (Railway Company) Maintenance and supervision of bicycle parkings Bicycle renting Small Bicycle repair for commuters

4 3. Bicycle renting (short and long term) Commuters Tourists – NMBS daytrips Companies – groups 4. Bicycle delivery service 5. Civitas partner Gent is the leading City in the “ELAN” project. Promoting and improving sustainable mobility and quality of life in cities.

5 Max Mobiel shuttle at the 2 trainstations in Gent 1. Shuttle service

6 How does the shuttle service work ? Costumer (commuter or company) reservates a busride on the website The bus/taxi company checks online how many vehicels are needed The employees are dropped of at the gate of their companies After their workingday or –night they are picked up at the same place at the time given in their reservation

7 Customers Interimsector:85 % Regular employees: 13 % Other: people applying for a job – trainees 2 % Rates 3,5 euro (excl. BTW) for a ride back and forth 120% deductable on revenu-tax for employing companies

8 2. Bicycle Point

9 Bicycle Points Gent Sint-Pieters/Dampoort Maintenance, clearing and cleaning, supervision of bicycle parkings around the train stations Removing abandoned bicycles Small bicycle repair for commuters Bicycle registration as anti-theft measure Subcontracting for NMBS


11 3. Bicycle renting Makes commuting easier (optimising the modal split) Advantages: efficiënt, fast, fun, less traffic jams, less CO2, less noise, no parking difficulties, good for one’s health, … All bicycle commuters are welcom for small reparations in the workshop of Max Mobiel Short term rent (day basis) or for group activities Renting to companies on a long term basis - Enhances mobility to and within the company Tourists visiting the city or the surroundings of Gent

12 Rates Bicycle renting Modern city bike type Renting rates incl. BTW: ½ day7,00 euro 1 day 9,00 euro 1 week 20,00 euro 1 month 25,00 euro 1 year 195,00 euro Maintenance of the bicycle and surveyed parking place are included in the renting prices

13 Mailbox service Daily emptying of mailboxes on fixed times Separate ride A one-time ride on call at any time of the day Scheduled rides According to a prefixed timeschedule Grafic materiaal Print material Judicial documents for courts, lawyers, notaries Tickets Medical photographs Lunches Mail Packages Keys.… What do we deliver for you? 4. Bicycle delivery service fast – reliable –sustainable NIEUW PROJECT

14 Our costumers Courts Lawyers NotariesCompanies Docters Pharmacies Private persons Architects Communication companies Other delivery services City Departments

15 5. CIVITAS ELAN European project in cooperation with the city council of Gent and other local partners in the field of mobility Gent is leading city in a group of five European Cities Term 2008-2012 26 measures on sustainable mobility and life quality for Gent Max Mobiel is responsable for 5 measures Emphasis on: Innovatif projects – Citizens engagement Exchange between partner cities

16 CIVITAS 1.Vehicel for mobile bicycle repair on sustainable fuel (hybidre: petrol /CNG)

17 CIVITAS 2.House of the Bicycle centralised information- and service point for all bicycle related matters at the back entrance of the renewed trainstation Gent Sint-Pieters.

18 CIVITAS 3. Public Bike System feasibility study on public bicycles for short distances in the city – alternatives ? low rates

19 CIVITAS 4. Bicycle boxes P+R parkings offer commuters the possibility to swap their car or public transport for a bicycle (P+B)

20 CIVITAS 5. Neighbourhood bicycle sheds A solution for densly populated neighbourhoods with small housing and lacking private parking spaces for bicycles.

21 Financial 1)Flemish Gouvernment – “Commutingfund” (50%) 2)Own revenues & subsidised (50%) Companies (shuttle & bike) Private clients (bike rental) Local authorities (infrastructural support) Other incomes: - Bicycle Points: NMBS assignment - Bicycle repair shop

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