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Cycling development A cycle-friendly settlement Dr. György Kukely Terra Studio Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "Cycling development A cycle-friendly settlement Dr. György Kukely Terra Studio Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cycling development A cycle-friendly settlement Dr. György Kukely Terra Studio Ltd.

2 Good practices (experiences of field assessments) Suitable cycle infrastructure (quantity and quality) Safety storage Lot of people cycling to work CHARACTERTISTICS OF BIKE FRIENDLY SETTLEMENTS

3 Good practices (experiences of field assessments) Cycle paths for spare time cycling The management of the settlement is committed to cycle developments Well-established developments (hálózati terv) CHARACTERTISTICS OF BIKE FRIENDLY SETTLEMENTS

4 BIKEFRIENDLY SETTLEMENT ADVENCED LEVEL Further conditions – rarely experienced: Settlements – not to be car-oriented Do not „protect” the cars from the cyclists Reintegration of pedestrians, cyclists to the same transport surface level as cars Abolish the obstacles of settlement for cyclists (junction without crossings, bridges, overpasses etc) More active social awareness raising, education Slow progression to the fulfilment of „ADVANCED” conditions of cycle friendly settlement!

5 NOT BIKEFRIENDLY CHARACTERISTICS Tipical problems One-sided facilities Cycle lanes on pavements Not expected behaviour of cyclists and pedestrians Missing connections Obstacles in bike paths (bridges, overpasses, crossings)

6 NOT BIKEFRIENDLY CHARACTERISTICS Tipical problems Not enough and not safety capacity of bike stands Missing traffic signs information boards Lack of maintenance Suggestions: Decrease car traffic– political decision Take away place from cars! Create good precedent – there are no good examples

7 INTEGRATED APPROACH Integrated approach doesn’t work enough 592 town development projects  104 have cycle element 511 road development projects  31 have cycle element Suggestions: If we have an investment  take into consideration all transporter Integrated approach  appear in project ideas and tender documents Potential cycle element  draw attention for it

8 Everyday transport mode Bike stands at train and bus stations Not bikefriendly stations Not closed, not safety bike stands Good practices for railway crossings at the same surface level Problems of railway over and underpasses Carrying cycle on public transport INTERMODALITY, MODAL-SPLIT Suggestions: Public transport and cycling increase the attractiveness of each other The goal: change from the car to an alternative transport mode Development of modal-split

9 MAINTENANCE 1.476,9 km mainly new facilities Who has to/can sustain these facilities? Self-governments undertake it. Suggestions: Changing of approach in development policy Ensure money for the maintenance of cycle infrastructure Intermediate Body– more emphasize on annual control Kőbánya Fehér útNagybajom 61-es főútBékés-Mezőberény

10 AWARENESS RAISING Goal of the awareness raising projects: Cycling would be safety + Cycling would be more popular Projects: Infrastructure development  compulsory element  ROP Awareness raising  environmental projects Target groups: Schools The whole settlement

11 CYCLE TRANSPORT Types of these projects: Campaign in order to popularize cycling Cycling race Cycling tour Bike to work Bike to school education + Cycle stands, purchase cycles, cycle hire, service

12 CYCLE TRANSPORT Self-governments build and maintenance of infrastructure Education, awareness rising is the role of schools, NGO’s Who should deal with it? rough-and-ready local effects Lot of small, independent projectsregularity is missing missing of coordination do not fit to national programs Different motivation in the popularization of cycling Small villages  Budapest, bigger cities

13 CYCLE TRANSPORT Awareness raising It has most significant role than we think about it!!! Suggestions: He role of coordination  institutions Guidelines to the sleg-governments Propagandize the good practices Continuity, predictability Strengthen education

14 Development of urban-suburban public transportation system for sustainable urban development

15 The urban-suburban public transportation system plays down in the development of the transport Amount contracted between 2004-2013 (billion HUF) NFÜ Térképtér, 2013. 04. 11.

16 Requirements of the new projects: sustainability and efficiency Financial and environmental sustainability and efficiency: – Environmental sustainability: focusing on zero emission – Financial sustainability: Because of the decreasing of the resources, care must be taken to the most effective projects: 1. reach of minimum requierments of services, 2. above this limit supporting the most effective projects. Instead of the investment approach in any way, less projects, minimal investments. Prefer the development of services with more soft components (awareness raising of the potential passangers and the staff too)

17 Requirements of the new projects: focusing on the passengers Focusing on the passengers: – Covering of the total travel-chain – Integrated development projects: Managing the travel and urban development projects together, Provide the interchanges between the transport modes Integrating the public transport firms making proposals on the formation of the effective institutional background in NTS (eg. common local fares). – Intensification of the service-character: Aims: make the car-users to change and keeping the current passengers „selling” the public transport: marketing is needed! projects have to contain awarness raising component.

18 Best practice – example of city of Szeged Integrated, strategic way of thinking Applied instrumentsStrategic aims Other types of project elements could be linked to transportation projects Other types of projects could contain transport elements if it is possible and necessary Supporting zero emission transport modes Schedule discussions, bus stops development (quality of service and security of passengers) Creating public transport associations This is how to increase the popularity of public transport Moving towards a sustainable transport system Territorial spacing up: equal opportunities in worse traffic status settlements too No progress so far

19 Projects in Szeged Development of tracks: zero emission – 2 projects for construncting and reconstructing tracks of trams and trollybus ways, – joins: traffic management, informations for passengers, bicycle path, road and pavement reconstruction. Development of terminals: integration – 2 subcenters with terminals in the city, – Safe and comfortable waiting, informations for passengers, rest room for bus drivers, upgrading the cityscape. Development of bus stops in the suburbs: territorial spacing up – 5 projects in 15 settlements, – Bus shelters, cycle storages, speedometers, benches, plants. Urban development projects: integration – Biopolis park: transport elements integrated to a mainly R+D project – Integrated urban development: tram track, bicycle paths besides urban renewal.

20 Thank you for your attention!!!

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