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PRESENTED BY: Dave Heller, President Main Street Communications November 16, 2012 The Best & Worst of Times: Political Advertising and the 2012 Elections.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTED BY: Dave Heller, President Main Street Communications November 16, 2012 The Best & Worst of Times: Political Advertising and the 2012 Elections."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTED BY: Dave Heller, President Main Street Communications November 16, 2012 The Best & Worst of Times: Political Advertising and the 2012 Elections The National Association of Business Political Action Committees 2012 NABPAC POST-ELECTION CONFERENCE

2 The Campaigns Spent Lots of $$$ o $6 Billion Spent in 2012. o More than One Million Ads. o 40% More Ads than in 2008.

3 What Makes A Good Ad? THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES | 3 o A Good Ad Tells A Story. A good story has a beginning, where a sympathetic person encounters a difficult situation, a middle where the character confronts and attempts to resolve the situation, and an end where the outcome is revealed. A good story is also something to which most viewers can relate. o Priorities USA is a good example.

4 What Makes A Good Ad? THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES | 4 o A Good Ad is Completely Credible. The most important characteristic of any ad is that it be believable – which is different than it being “true.” Even if the economy is getting better nationally, for example, if unemployment in your area is up, no one will believe that things are getting better. o The Crossroads GPS Ad is a good example.

5 What Makes A Good Ad? THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES | 5 o A Good Ad Uses Humor. People hate political ads, and the dirty little secret in politics is most people won’t watch them. Humor is a great way to cut through the clutter of a crowded market to deliver a message in a memorable way. o Republican Ted Yoho’s Ad is a great example.

6 What Makes A Good Ad? THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES | 6 o A Good Ad is Current & Employs Cultural References. Voters live busy and complicated lives. When you can tap into what they are thinking – and employ current cultural references – the ad is more likely to succeed. o Andy Barr’s attack ad does this very well.

7 What Makes A Good Ad? THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES | 7 o A Good Ad Honors The Voters by Talking About the Issues Voters Care About Most. Too many candidates think the race is about them – “I did this” and “I did that.” Voters want to know how you – or your opponent – will impact their lives. o Alan Grayson used a movie trailer format and the most important issue in a GOP primary – taxes – to beat the GOP frontrunner.

8 What Makes A Good Ad? o A Good Positive Ad is Beautifully Shot and Makes an Emotional Connection with the Viewer. There is no reason why a political ad should look like a used car ad. Nor should it be boring. A good ad touches your emotions and leaves you feeling good about the candidate. o Allen West’s ad takes a perceived weakness – that he’s too extreme – and turns it into a strength.

9 What Makes A Good Ad? THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES | 9 o A Good Contrast Ad has a Strong Message – and Offers A Clear Distinction – while Telling A Story. The language & images used in ads should "make sense" to the audience. The viewer should leave the ad with a clear idea of why one candidate is better than another. o Mike McIntyre’s ad draws an effective contrast on outsourcing, which Democrats used in races all over the country.

10 What Makes A Bad Ad? o A bad TV ad can turn a candidate into a joke in a matter of minutes. o Roland Sledge achieved this goal with his 1- minute ad. He earned less than 10% of the vote in the GOP primary for Texas Railroad Commissioner.

11 What Makes A Bad Ad? o A bad ad is one where there is no message, the visuals have no relationship to the copy, and the viewer is left wondering, “What did I just see?” o Democrat Pam Gulleson’s first congressional ad is a good example. She lost by 14 points. o Bonus ad: Herman Cain’s “Rabbit” ad.

12 What Makes A Bad Ad? THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES | 12 o A bad ad is one where the viewer either cannot relate to the person on camera or, even worse, does not like the person on camera. o The DCCC’s I.E. ad (for) Charlie Wilson in Ohio is stunningly bad. mvUAMY

13 What Makes A Bad Ad? THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES | 13 o A bad ad is one where the language and the visuals are completely offensive to the viewer – so much so that the viewer either turns away or breaks out laughing. o Republican Craig Huey’s Internet ad attacking Democrat Janice Hahn in the 2011 special election for Congress may be the worst ad I have ever seen! bedded bedded

14 Thank You THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES | 14 Dave Heller Main Street Communications (202) 321-1855

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