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Writing Easy-to-Read Documents C H A P T E R 7. How Do You Write Clear Sentences? How Do You Write Effective Paragraphs? How Do You Write Coherent Documents?

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Easy-to-Read Documents C H A P T E R 7. How Do You Write Clear Sentences? How Do You Write Effective Paragraphs? How Do You Write Coherent Documents?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Easy-to-Read Documents C H A P T E R 7

2 How Do You Write Clear Sentences? How Do You Write Effective Paragraphs? How Do You Write Coherent Documents? Presentation Overview

3 Make actors the subjects of your sentences. Use the active voice when appropriate. Put the action in verbs. Keep the actor and the action together. Emphasize the important information in your sentences. How Do You Write Clear Sentences?

4 Actor: who or what is performing the action in the sentence Subject: whom or what the sentence is about Make Actors the Subjects of Your Sentences

5 Actor not the subject A brief satisfaction survey was taken by all customers who purchased a vehicle from our dealership last month. A $50 gas card was the incentive for customers to complete the survey. Actor as the subject All customers who purchased a vehicle from our dealership last month took a brief satisfaction survey. They received a $50 gas card for completing it. Make Actors the Subjects of Your Sentences

6 Passive voice either moves the actor after the verb or leaves it out altogether. Passive voice = object of the action + “to be” verb + past participle (+ “by” + actor) object of the action past participle The results will be presented at our next meeting by “to be” verb “by” the district sales manager. actor Use the Active Voice When Appropriate

7 Active voice keeps the actor in the subject position. Active voice = actor + verb + object of the action actor verb At our next meeting, the district sales manager will present the results. object of the action Use the Active Voice When Appropriate

8 Passive Sales representatives who received positive feedback will be awarded by management with a $1000 bonus. Active Management will award sales representatives who received positive feedback with a $1000 bonus. Use the Active Voice When Appropriate

9 Nouns that contain action acceptance analysis commitment consideration discovery discussion evaluation expectation investigation recommendation request Verb forms accept analyze commit consider discover discuss evaluate expect investigate recommend request* Put the Action in Verbs * Certain words are spelled the same in their noun and verb forms.

10 Weak “to be” verbs am is are was were be being been Put the Action in Verbs

11 Action not in verb A complaint mentioned by more than one customer was that sales representatives seemed too pushy and rushed. Action in verb More than one customer complained that sales representatives seemed too pushy and rushed. Put the Action in Verbs

12 Action not in verb It is the decision of management to support the creation of a customer service training program. Action in verb Management has decided to create a customer service training program. Put the Action in Verbs

13 Actor/action separated Employees with the high scores in the survey, a solid sales record, and at least ten years of sales experience may have the opportunity to help build the customer service training program. Actor/action together Employees may have the opportunity to help build the customer service training program if they have high scores in the survey, a solid sales record, and at least ten years of sales experience. Keep the Actor and the Action Together

14 Poor emphasis The program will train new sales representatives to use more effective, less high- pressure techniques, according to management. Improved emphasis According to management, the program will train new sales representatives to use more effective, less high-pressure techniques. Emphasize the Important Information in Your Sentences

15 Begin the paragraph with a topic sentence. Put old information near the beginning of sentences. Use transitions. Repeat or restate key words or phrases. How Do You Write Effective Paragraphs?

16 Paragraph without a Topic Sentence As water from rain and snow seeps through the ground, it absorbs carbon dioxide produced by decaying organic matter and forms carbonic acid. The carbonic acid eventually reaches the limestone and penetrates it. Limestone is largely composed of calcite, which the carbonic acid dissolves. Once the carbonic acid holding the dissolved calcite is exposed to the air in the cave, the carbon dioxide is released, leaving only water and dissolved calcite. The dripping water deposits calcite on the ceiling, which builds slowly to form a stalactite. It may also make its way to the floor and build to form a stalagmite. Begin the Paragraph with a Topic Sentence

17 Paragraph with a Topic Sentence According to one theory, stalactites and stalagmites are formed through a slow process involving carbonic acid, a combination of water and carbon dioxide. As water from rain and snow seeps through the ground, it absorbs carbon dioxide produced by decaying organic matter and forms carbonic acid. The carbonic acid eventually reaches the limestone and penetrates it. Limestone is largely composed of calcite, which the carbonic acid dissolves. Once the carbonic acid holding the dissolved calcite is exposed to the air in the cave, the carbon dioxide is released, leaving only water and dissolved calcite. The dripping water deposits calcite on the ceiling, which builds slowly to form a stalactite. It may also make its way to the floor and build to form a stalagmite. Begin the Paragraph with a Topic Sentence

18 New information includes words or phrases unfamiliar to the reader because the writer did not use them in previous sentences. The first sentence usually contains nothing but new information. Old information includes words or phrases used in all previous sentences in the paragraph, not just the one right before. Put Old Information near the Beginning of Sentences

19 Poor old/new pattern To help them navigate, bats emit a high frequency sound wave. The size, distance, and movement of all objects in their path can be determined by the way the sound bounces off these objects and returns to the bat. Echolocation is the name used for their navigation system. Old/new pattern To help them navigate, bats emit a high frequency sound wave. They can determine the size, distance, and movement of all objects in their path by the way the sound bounces off these objects and returns to them. This navigation system is known as echolocation. Put Old Information near the Beginning of Sentences

20 Use Transitions Common Transitional Words and Phrases Additionagain, also, as well as, besides, furthermore, in addition, likewise, moreover, similarly Cause and effectaccordingly, as a result, consequently, for this reason, hence, so, so then, therefore, thus Comparison and contrast but, conversely, however, in contrast, instead, likewise, nevertheless, on one hand, on the other hand, on the contrary, otherwise, rather, yet Emphasisclearly, even, indeed, in fact, of course, truly Examplefor example, for instance, specifically, to illustrate Placeabove, adjacent, below, beyond, here, in front, in back, nearby, there, etc.

21 Use Transitions Common Transitional Words and Phrases Summary/Conclusionfinally, in the end, in short, in a word, on the whole, thus, to conclude, to summarize Timeafter, afterward, at last, before, currently, during, earlier, immediately, later, meanwhile, now, recently, simultaneously, then

22 No transitions Part of Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico, Lechuguilla Cave is the world’s fifth longest cave known to exist, and the deepest in the continental United States. It is so deep that inside there are five separate geologic layers. It is famous for its rare speleothems. Living inside the cave are rare, rock-eating bacteria. The cave is in pristine condition. The National Park Service limits access to protect the cave. Use Transitions

23 Transitions Part of Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico, Lechuguilla Cave is the world’s fifth longest cave known to exist, and the deepest in the continental United States. In fact, it is so deep that inside there are five separate geologic layers. It is also famous for its rare speleothems. Furthermore, living inside the cave are rare, rock-eating bacteria. The cave is in pristine condition; therefore, the National Park Service limits access to protect the cave. Use Transitions

24 Troglobites are cave-dwelling creatures. Key words and phrases These creatures have evolved to survive in the most extreme of conditions. Pronouns Most of them have no eyes or skin pigmentation because these features are unnecessary in total darkness. Repeat or Restate Key Words or Phrases

25 Summary words Other adaptations they have developed include lengthy legs and spiked feet that help them crawl on slick rocks; special sensory equipment and enhanced nervous systems that give them greater sensitivity to smells, tastes, vibrations, and changes in pressure and temperature; and a remarkably slow metabolism that allows them to survive extended periods of time without sustenance. Repeat or Restate Key Words or Phrases

26 Use overviews to introduce readers to your document. Use headings to show the organization of your document. Use lists effectively. How Do You Write Coherent Documents?

27 The three kinds of overviews: overviews that introduce the types of information in the document overviews that identify the specific sections of the text overviews that tell readers how to use the document Use Overviews to Introduce Readers to Your Document

28 This brochure will help you understand: the cause and symptoms of West Nile Virus, and the methods for preventing and treating it. Overviews That Introduce the Types of Information in the Document

29 The instruction manual for rehab aides is divided into these sections: “Section 1: Daily Duties” includes tasks performed daily such as updating the treatment board, coordinating patient admissions, gathering paperwork for patients, and assisting the therapist. “Section 2: Weekly Duties” describes tasks performed weekly, including auditing medical records, inputting therapy minutes, creating a report, and presenting the report at a case conference. “Section 3: Monthly Duties” details the complex procedure for billing patients. Overviews That Identify the Specific Sections of the Text

30 This newsletter provides resources for patients suffering from terminal illness and their relatives and friends. Articles intended for patients appear on the front, and articles intended for relatives and friends appear on the back. Overviews That Tell Readers How to Use the Document

31 Document without Headings Readers cannot tell easily if the document contains the information they need because they have little sense of its organization and scope. Readers cannot locate specific information in the document or in specific sections quickly without cues. Readers must process the information from top to bottom. Use Headings to Show the Organization of Your Document ______ ________________ ___________________ _________________ ___________________ __________________ ___________________ _____________ ___________________ ___________________ _________________ ___________________ __________________ ___________________ _____

32 Document with Headings Readers better understand the organization and scope of the document, helping them determine whether the document contains the information they need. Readers can quickly scan to locate specific information they need in the document and in specific sections using headings as cues. Use Headings to Show the Organization of Your Document ______ ________________ ___________________ _________________ ___________________ __________________ ___________________ _____________ ___________________ ___________________ _________________ ___________________ __________________ ___________________ _____ _____________________ ____________________ _______________ ________________ __________________ ________________ _____________________ ____________________ _____________________ ____________________ _____________________ ____________________ ______

33 Sentence without a List To log into Medisoft, double- click the Medisoft icon on the desktop to get to the User Log- in window, type the Log-in Name provided to you at orientation in the blank and press the Tab key, type your Password provided in the blank, and click OK. Sentence with a List To log into Medisoft: 1.Double-click the Medisoft icon on the desktop to get to the User Log-in window. 2.Type the Log-in Name provided to you at orientation in the blank and press the Tab key. 3.Type the Password provided in the blank. 4.Click OK. Use Lists Effectively

34 Questions?

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