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 Facebook  Youtube  Twitter  Google +  Pinterest.

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Presentation on theme: " Facebook  Youtube  Twitter  Google +  Pinterest."— Presentation transcript:


2  Facebook  Youtube  Twitter  Google +  Pinterest

3  Brand  Opt-ins (list building)  Followers  Influence  Traffic  Backlinks (SEO) Make Sales!


5  Images  Video  Quotes  Questions  Polls  Groups  Fan Pages  Facebook Events  * Facebook Ads

6  Funny  WOW  Great quote  Baby, animals  Tips:  Post URL on Photo (back to FB page or URL)  Ask to share (Please)  Ask for comments (Please)


8  Inspiring  Funny  Famous (quote or author)  Tips:  Put quote on an image  Make a video around quote (  Ask to share  Ask to comment

9  Hot topic (in the news)  Controversial  Fun to answer  Easy to answer  Tips:  Add an image  Reply to all responses with call to action (Example apps)  Interaction (always reply with @ - shows up on their page/feed – they get notified) Keep it alive

10  Search & Join (alive/interaction – everyone can post)  Avoid groups with host only posts unless interaction is very high  Participate  No spamming  Tips  Answer/Reply with helpful info  Contribute  Ask for share, follows, likes

11  Create one!  Search & Like other pages (through your page)  Interact on other pages (that are alive)  Tips  Don’t oversell  Engage, interact, always reply  Consistency

12  Set one up (webinars, product launches,  Photos  Update page  Email all members (under 5000 invited)  Tips  Don’t overdue it (annoying)  Clear call to action (register, signup: free gift)


14  Why Youtube  Social network?  How to get lots of views

15 “Video is where the Internet is going.” –Digital Marketer  2 nd largest search engine  4 th site in the world for traffic  Google OWNS Youtube (since 2006)  By 2015 -> 90% of internet traffic will be video (Cisco’s prediction)  ½ of all website traffic after 5pm is video traffic (Youtube, Netflix, etc.)

16 Videos help people make purchasing decisions Does this apply to you? See a review, how to use something, etc. 46% of consumers who shop online prefer shopping on retail sites that have video Video emails have 2-3% higher click through rate

17  Yes!  Interaction  Friends/Subscribers  Likes  Views  Comments *The more the better! *Social Proof

18  File name is keywords  Title – keywords  Description – keywords  Description – URL  Well designed Youtube channel  Tips:  Get likes, comments, video comments, views, friends/subscribers


20  Grow Your Following  Tweet often (use quotes)  Update with images – and ask for interaction (example – guess where I am)  Reply to other Tweets  Have an automated DM (Direct Message)  Ask (and you shall receive)

21  Learn from your competitors  What strategies are working for them ?  What kind of tweets are bringing the best interaction?  Use their strategies as inspiration to improve upon to make your messages become viral!


23  Who owns Google +  SEO  Circles  Business Pages  Update Often



26  What is pinterest?  Getting started  Setting up your profile  What to “pin”  Making money off of “pins”

27  New Social media site – one of the fastest growing (followers/following)  Image driven traffic  7 million new visitors/mo.  Women  Pinterest is sending more REFERRAL TRAFFIC to peoples websites than Youtube, Linkedin& Google + combined!

28  Need an invitation  Profile  Start following people


30  Pin  Edit URL  Where do you want to send traffic to?  Affiliate link?  Tweet your link (your pin)

31  Affiliate Links  High Quality backlinks  Link to your product  Board is indexed by Google  Integrate it with Facebook and Wordpress


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