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Published byWinifred Clarke Modified over 9 years ago
Extension Activity This week Palmer Masque & Sandal presents The Tempest Thursday 7 PM Friday 7 PM Saturday 2 PM matinee & 7 PM Attend, complete and turn in Extension Activity Sheet (see SharePoint)
Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Monday How was your weekend? Organize your notes for the mass Media Summative Assessment 1.Persuasive Notes (ethos, pathos, logos fill-in-the-blank) 2.Glossary of Persuasive Techniques (pink today) 3.Active Reading/Viewing Guide (parallel notes, 2 practices ads, 1 paragraph) 4.Formative practice (ARG, prewriting, essay for Coco Chanel) Homework: 1.Study your Glossary of Persuasive Techniques, think about what you accomplished today and what you still need to accomplish If you cannot completely finish the assessment within two class periods, you must make arrangements with Ms. Durland to work outside of class time. All assessments must be completed by the end of the day Wednesday. 2.What is your topic going to be for your persuasive essay/letter?!
Past, Present, Future Monday Formative practice (ARG, prewriting, essay for Coco Chanel) Summative Assessment Persuasive writing (essay or letter)
Persuasion & Manipulation Monday Standard 2 Reading for All Purposes Thinking critically about the ways we are manipulated by mass media and advertising Standard 3 Writing and Composition Analyzing in an organized and clear manner Relevance: Understanding how and why we are being manipulated is critical to our mental and emotional well-being Essential Questions: How can I use my powers of persuasion for my own good and the good of others? In what ways does the media attempt to manipulate me?
Activities: Obtain & Reflect I Do Monday Purpose: to answer any questions regarding the assessment before we begin Tasks: 1.Have out any items that may be helpful: 1.Persuasive Notes (ethos, pathos, logos fill-in-the-blank) 2.Glossary of Persuasive Techniques (pink today) 3.Active Reading/Viewing Guide (parallel notes, 2 practices ads, 1 paragraph) 4.Formative practice (ARG, prewriting, essay for Coco Chanel) 5.Dictionaries are on the shelf if you need them 2.Note, the assessment is 70 points; you will receive grades for the following: 1.Completing ARG & prewriting notes (10 points) 2.Extended Response (60 points) Reminder about written response…. (see next slide) Content 30 Organization 20 Language 10 (Write complete sentences! Use commas correctly - subordinating conjunctions, coordinating conjunctions!) Outcome: Questions, concerns, comments? If you cannot completely finish the assessment within two class periods, you must make arrangements with Ms. Durland to work outside of class time. All assessments must be completed by the end of the day Wednesday.
Reminder #1 of what you are creating over the next two days … Monday Product, Company, Sponsoring Organization (type) Purpose – to persuade (to act, to think, to buy, to join, etc.) Audience – who are they targeting (sex, age, income level, etc.) Main Idea – Message (what are they saying about the product etc.) Details – facts, images, colors, sounds/music, word choice Persuasive Techniques – ethos, pathos, logos, kairos – weasels, bandwagon, transfer, humor, snob, character, metaphor, problem, candy
Activities: Obtain & Reflect We Do- You Do Monday Purpose: to demonstrate your understanding of the persuasive techniques/appeals by identifying, exemplifying, and explaining. Tasks: 1.View the ad several times (Mon.) White Stripes Coke Commercial 1.Dissect the prompt (Mon.) 2.Complete ARG pre-writing and planning (Mon.) – 10 points! 3.Write the essay (Mon? Tues.) 4.Proofread (Tues.) 5.Turn in on the front desk (Mon./Tues.) Outcome: Completed Unit 2 Summative 1! If you cannot completely finish the assessment within two class periods, you must make arrangements with Ms. Durland to work outside of class time. All assessments must be completed by the end of the day Wednesday.
Persuasion & Manipulation Monday Standard 2 Reading for All Purposes Thinking critically about the ways we are manipulated by mass media and advertising Standard 3 Writing and Composition Analyzing in an organized and clear manner Relevance: Understanding how and why we are being manipulated is critical to our mental and emotional well-being Essential Questions: How can I use my powers of persuasion for my own good and the good of others? In what ways does the media attempt to manipulate me? If you cannot completely finish the assessment within two class periods, you must make arrangements with Ms. Durland to work outside of class time. All assessments must be completed by the end of the day Wednesday.
Extension Activity This week Palmer Masque & Sandal presents The Tempest Thursday 7 PM Friday 7 PM Saturday 2 PM matinee & 7 PM Attend, complete and turn in Extension Activity Sheet (see SharePoint)
Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Tuesday Organize your notes for the mass Media Summative Assessment 1.Persuasive Notes (ethos, pathos, logos fill-in-the-blank) 2.Glossary of Persuasive Techniques (pink today) 3.Active Reading/Viewing Guide (parallel notes, 2 practices ads, 1 paragraph) 4.Formative practice (ARG, prewriting, essay for Coco Chanel) 5.Yesterday’s assessment work (returned to you in a moment) Homework: What is your topic going to be for your persuasive essay/letter?! If you cannot completely finish the assessment within two class periods, you must make arrangements with Ms. Durland to work outside of class time. All assessments must be completed by the end of the day Wednesday.
Past, Present, Future Tuesday Summative Assessment (view ad complete ARG & pre-writing) Finish Summative Assessment (write essay) Persuasive writing (essay or letter)
Persuasion & Manipulation Tuesday Standard 2 Reading for All Purposes Thinking critically about the ways we are manipulated by mass media and advertising Standard 3 Writing and Composition Analyzing in an organized and clear manner Relevance: Understanding how and why we are being manipulated is critical to our mental and emotional well-being Essential Questions: How can I use my powers of persuasion for my own good and the good of others? In what ways does the media attempt to manipulate me?
Instruction: Obtain I Do Tuesday Purpose: to answer any questions regarding the assessment before we begin Tasks: 1.Have out any items that may be helpful: 1.Persuasive Notes (ethos, pathos, logos fill-in-the-blank) 2.Glossary of Persuasive Techniques (pink today) 3.Active Reading/Viewing Guide (parallel notes, 2 practices ads, 1 paragraph) 4.Formative practice (ARG, prewriting, essay for Coco Chanel) 5.Yesterday’s assessment work 6.Dictionaries are on the shelf if you need them 2.Note, the assessment is 70 points; you will receive grades for the following: 1.Completing ARG & prewriting notes (10 points) 2.Extended Response (60 points) Reminder about written response…. (see next slide) Content 30 Organization 20 Language 10 (Write complete sentences! Use commas correctly - subordinating conjunctions, coordinating conjunctions!) Outcome: Questions, concerns, comments? If you cannot completely finish the assessment within two class periods, you must make arrangements with Ms. Durland to work outside of class time. All assessments must be completed by the end of the day Wednesday.
Reminder #2 of what you are creating over the two days… Tuesday The purpose of this print ad is to sell Chanel NO. 5 perfume. Its message is “Wear Chanel, and you, too can feel beautiful, sexy, and wealthy.” The dominate persuasive techniques in the ad are celebrity testimonial and snob appeal. Nicole Kidman’s image is used as the celebrity testimonial for the product. A testimonial is like a personal recommendation, and although she is not speaking here, by having her, a famous actress, as the model in this ad, Chanel wants the viewer to understand she endorses and uses this perfume. The viewer would immediately notice her beauty and her seductive look. Leaning in to fill the ad, her slightly opened mouth, the up-turned eyes, her long, blonde hair, and feminine pink costume are all meant to catch the viewer’s attention. Chanel wants the viewer to transfer the feelings they have for Kidman to the product, No. 5, so that the perfume now becomes sexy and alluring. It’s no secret that people like to feel attractive, so by using an attractive, well-known actress/model, the advertiser builds a need to buy a product that will make the audience feel attractive. Many popular magazines are devoted to following the lives of movie stars, so Chanel famous people, so it is not surprising that Chanel would use Kidman’s image to sell their perfume. Another persuasive craft in the ad is snob appeal. This technique appeals to the viewer’s needs for superiority and symbols of status. First, Kidman’s long diamond earrings, expertly done hair, and soft pink gown show a woman of wealth, style and sophistication. This image awakens the viewer to think that, by purchasing and using this perfume, others may see them as superior, perhaps wealthy, and even talented. Second, the understated size of the perfume bottle in the ad actually may emphasize its higher status. After all, if something (or someone) is excellent, it does not need to announce its excellence; people will already know and recognize its greatness. The person wearing the perfume is what will be noticed. Even if a person is not wealthy, Chanel is hoping that their desire to appear this way will make them buy this perfume. Chanel’s print ad for NO. 5 perfume conveys the idea that wearing this perfume will make you beautiful and sexy, like Nicole Kidman. Marketers use people’s desire to associate themselves with the rich and famous to sell their products to us. Whether we agree or not, if you flip open any popular magazine at the grocery store, you’ll see it, so it must be working on some level.
Activities: Develop & Apply We Do - You Do Tuesday Purpose: to demonstrate your understanding of the persuasive techniques/appeals by identifying, exemplifying, and explaining. Tasks: 1.View the ad several times (Mon.) 1.Dissect the prompt (Mon.) 2.Complete ARG pre-writing and planning (Mon.) 3.Write the essay (Tues.) 4.Proofread (Tues.) 5.Turn in on the front desk (Mon./Tues.) 6.Read your choice novel silently Outcome: Completed Unit 2 Summative 1! If you cannot completely finish the assessment within two class periods, you must make arrangements with Ms. Durland to work outside of class time. All assessments must be completed by the end of the day Wednesday.
Persuasion & Manipulation Tuesday Standard 2 Reading for All Purposes Thinking critically about the ways we are manipulated by mass media and advertising Standard 3 Writing and Composition Analyzing in an organized and clear manner Relevance: Understanding how and why we are being manipulated is critical to our mental and emotional well-being Essential Questions: How can I use my powers of persuasion for my own good and the good of others? In what ways does the media attempt to manipulate me? If you cannot completely finish the assessment within two class periods, you must make arrangements with Ms. Durland to work outside of class time. All assessments must be completed by the end of the day Wednesday.
Extension Activity This week Palmer Masque & Sandal presents The Tempest Thursday 7 PM Friday 7 PM Saturday 2 PM matinee & 7 PM Attend, complete and turn in Extension Activity Sheet (see SharePoint)
Begin Your Research 4.Research and Reasoning 1. Collect, analyze, and evaluate information obtained from multiple sources to answer a question, propose solutions, or share findings and conclusions 2. An author’s reasoning is the essence of legitimate writing and requires evaluating text for validity and accuracy
Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Wednesday/Thursday If you were absent Monday or Tuesday, you may use research time today (50 minutes) to finish your assessment, but you will miss out on research time and will have to make this up on your own. 10 Minutes: Proofread Your Summative! Turn it in & grab a ½ sheet to read Halloween Letter Everyone has opinions…. An outspoken woman in North Dakota told a local news station that she will be distributing the following note to overweight trick-or-treaters tomorrow evening. What’s important enough for you to write about? HOMEWORK: Persuasive writing (essay or letter) Decide on a specific topic/opinion/assertion (by tomorrow) At least one possible article in order to be prepared to read, annotate & fill out Gathering Research sheets (by tomorrow) Read, annotate & fill out Gathering Research sheets (by next week)
Halloween Letter Everyone has opinions…. In Lieu of Candy, Woman Handing Out This Letter That Says Child Is Fat: By James Hamblin An outspoken woman in North Dakota told a local news station that she will be distributing the following note to overweight trick-or-treaters tomorrow evening. "I just want to send a message to the parents of kids that are really overweight," the author, known only as Cheryl, told Fargo Y-94 morning radio. "I think it's just really irresponsible of parents to send them out looking for free candy just 'cause all the other kids are doing it."Fargo Y-94 morning radio Dr. Katie Gordon, a professor at North Dakota State University, told the station that childhood obesity is best dealt with between parents, pediatricians, and the child. She is correct. The epidemic is serious, and it's everyone's problem, but its nature demands tact. Unsolicited neighborhood intervention like this is, as Gordon says, the "kind of thing that for some kids, if they're vulnerable, might trigger major problems." Good intentions can't justify adversarial execution. In case you're late to the obesity-shaming conversation, making people feel bad can worsen rather than improve diet/lifestyle decisions, and shame-based campaigns do not go over well.can worsen rather than improve diet/lifestyle decisionsdo not go over well What’s important enough for you to write about? Remember, to be responsible with your opinion Use research to back up your ideas! This article available online at: says-child-is-fat/281002/
Past, Present, Future Wednesday/Thursday Finish Summative Assessment (write essay) Persuasive writing (essay or letter) – Research general topic A multi-paragraph persuasive essay/letter (500-800 words) with works cited. You will chose topic of current relevance, research the topic, and utilize your research and the elements of persuasive rhetoric (ethos, pathos, logos, kairos) to craft your argument. Persuasive writing (essay or letter) – Research specific topic A multi-paragraph persuasive essay/letter (500-800 words) with works cited. You will chose topic of current relevance, research the topic, and utilize your research and the elements of persuasive rhetoric (ethos, pathos, logos, kairos) to craft your argument.
Persuasion & Manipulation Wednesday/Thursday Standard 4 Research and Reasoning 1. Collect, analyze, and evaluate information obtained from multiple sources to answer a question, propose solutions, or share findings and conclusions 2. An author’s reasoning is the essence of legitimate writing and requires evaluating text for validity and accuracy Relevance: Understanding how and why we are being manipulated is critical to our mental and emotional well-being Essential Questions: How can I use my powers of persuasion for my own good and the good of others? What are ethos, pathos, logos, kairos? How can I use these to my advantage? ArguingwithAristotle.pdf In what ways does the media attempt to manipulate me? What are some of the other techniques we’ve seen? Be aware of these in your research.
Instruction: Obtain I Do – You Do Wednesday/Thursday Purpose: to understand the process and available resources Tasks: 1. View practice model Palmer Web Page Library Media Center (left side of screen) EBSCO (under The Student Reference Center, 2 nd down on left) Points of View (4 th down on left) Find Sports Click on Outdoor Recreation Note: introduction, understanding the discussion, history, today Related Information (left side of screen) – Points of view Note: overview, point, counterpoint Note : Ponder this (bottom) – may be competed in place of or in-conjunction with sources sheet MLA Works Cited Page(right side of screen) Scroll to MLA Cut & paste into Word Doc: adjust font, spacing, & margins 2. Go to lab and research general topic Outcome: Specific topic (and at least one possible article) in order to be prepared to read, annotate & fill out Gathering Research sheets
Active Reading Guide As you look through the articles, consider the ARG elements to determine if the article will be useful: Author, Title, Publication Purpose – to inform or persuade Audience – who they are targeting (sex, age, interests, etc.) Main Idea - pro or con Supporting Details Craft Tools – personal experiences, facts/statistics/data, etc. Once you select two articles (or decide on two sources), you will need to fill out the Gathering Research Sheets (model to come)
Persuasion & Manipulation Wednesday/Thursday Standard 4 Research and Reasoning 1. Collect, analyze, and evaluate information obtained from multiple sources to answer a question, propose solutions, or share findings and conclusions 2. An author’s reasoning is the essence of legitimate writing and requires evaluating text for validity and accuracy Relevance: Understanding how and why we are being manipulated is critical to our mental and emotional well-being Essential Questions: How can I use my powers of persuasion for my own good and the good of others? What are ethos, pathos, logos, kairos? How can I use these to my advantage? ArguingwithAristotle.pdf In what ways does the media attempt to manipulate me? What are some of the other techniques we’ve seen? Be aware of these in your research. HOMEWORK: Persuasive writing (essay or letter) – Steps 1-3 Decide on a specific topic/opinion/assertion Read, annotate & fill out Gathering Research sheets A multi-paragraph persuasive essay/letter (500-800 words) with works cited. You will chose topic of current relevance, research the topic, and utilize your research and the elements of persuasive rhetoric (ethos, pathos, logos, kairos) to craft your argument.
Extension Activity This week Palmer Masque & Sandal presents The Tempest Thursday 7 PM Friday 7 PM Saturday 2 PM matinee & 7 PM Attend, complete and turn in Extension Activity Sheet (see SharePoint)
Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Friday What is your topic? What articles did you find? HOMEWORK: Persuasive writing (essay or letter) – Steps 1-7 Read & annotate 2 articles & fill out Gathering Research sheets Source 1 & 2 (by next week) If one of your sources is an interview (or video or something else) you still need to fill out a Source on the Gathering Research sheet A multi-paragraph persuasive essay/letter (500-800 words) with works cited. You will chose topic of current relevance, research the topic, and utilize your research and the elements of persuasive rhetoric (ethos, pathos, logos, kairos) to craft your argument. (Due in December --- 13 th ?!)
Past, Present, Future Friday Finish Summative Assessment (write essay) Persuasive writing (essay or letter) – Research general topic Persuasive writing (essay or letter) – Research specific topic Persuasive writing (essay or letter) – Read, annotate & fill out Gathering Research sheets A multi-paragraph persuasive essay/letter (500-800 words) with works cited. You will chose topic of current relevance, research the topic, and utilize your research and the elements of persuasive rhetoric (ethos, pathos, logos, kairos) to craft your argument.. (Due in December --- 13 th ?!)
Persuasion & Manipulation Friday Standard 4 Research and Reasoning 1. Collect, analyze, and evaluate information obtained from multiple sources to answer a question, propose solutions, or share findings and conclusions 2. An author’s reasoning is the essence of legitimate writing and requires evaluating text for validity and accuracy Relevance: Understanding how and why we are being manipulated is critical to our mental and emotional well-being Essential Questions: How can I use my powers of persuasion for my own good and the good of others? What are ethos, pathos, logos, kairos? How can I use these to my advantage? ArguingwithAristotle.pdf In what ways does the media attempt to manipulate me? What are some of the other techniques we’ve seen? Be aware of these in your research.
Instruction: Obtain Friday Steps 1 – 7 Make sure you have at least one printed article, read & annotated Gathering Research (see handout & sample slide) Read Annotate (use ARG & model article) Fill out Gathering Research for each source (may substitute Ponder This Q&A for paragraph) If one of your sources is an interview (or vice or something else) you still need to fill out a Source on the Gathering Research sheet As you work, create an MLA Works Cited Page (you can always later remove sources you don’t use) EBSCO MLA Works Cited Page (right side of screen) Scroll to MLA Cut & paste into Word Doc: adjust font, spacing, & margins
Practice Gathering Research General Topic: eating habits/diet Specific Topic: a vegetarian diet is better for you Source 1 Title: “Vegetarian Diet May Reduce Risk of Death, Research Say” Author: Nicole Ostrow Publication: The Record, Kitchner, Cambridge, Waterloo, ON., June 5, 2013. Credibility Check (circle one) Unbiased OR Biased If biased, is it pro or con? Explain. While the study presents “pro” findings, it does not seem that the author is necessarily biased. (see paragraph 5) How does this source help you with your research? It gives me data and expert quotes from a recent study. I also have some vocabulary words to use in my paper. Main Idea (What is the biggest idea of article or interview?) A study shows that a vegetarian diet can may help people, especially men, live longer. Author’s Purpose (What does the author/speaker want you to know, believe, and/or do?) To explain a recent study that was conducted in Canada and its findings concerning a vegetarian diet and longevity. What vocabulary words do you need to know, look up, and/or use in your own writing? Vegan, vegetarian, semi-vegetarian, meat-eater, chronic disease Paragraph or Ponder This -----
MLA Format for Citation Page Works Cited Martinez, Victor. “National Book Award.” Interview by Elizabeth Farnsworth. PBS Online Newshour. MacNeil/Lehrer Productions, 2011. Web. 4 Feb. 2011.. - - -. Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida. New York: Harper Collins, 1996. Print.
Persuasion & Manipulation Friday Standard 4 Research and Reasoning 1. Collect, analyze, and evaluate information obtained from multiple sources to answer a question, propose solutions, or share findings and conclusions 2. An author’s reasoning is the essence of legitimate writing and requires evaluating text for validity and accuracy Relevance: Understanding how and why we are being manipulated is critical to our mental and emotional well-being Essential Questions: How can I use my powers of persuasion for my own good and the good of others? What are ethos, pathos, logos, kairos? How can I use these to my advantage? ArguingwithAristotle.pdf In what ways does the media attempt to manipulate me? What are some of the other techniques we’ve seen? Be aware of these in your research. HOMEWORK: Persuasive writing (essay or letter) – Steps 1 – 7 Read, annotate & fill out Gathering Research sheets
Extension Activity This week Palmer Masque & Sandal presents The Tempest Thursday 7 PM Friday 7 PM Saturday 2 PM matinee & 7 PM Attend, complete and turn in Extension Activity Sheet (see SharePoint)
10 th Standards 1. Oral Expression and Listening 1. Content that is gathered carefully and organized well successfully influences an audience 2. Effectively operating in small and large groups to accomplish a goal requires active listening 2. Reading for All Purposes 1. Literary and historical influences determine the meaning of traditional and contemporary literary texts 2. The development of new ideas and concepts within informational and persuasive manuscripts 3. Context, parts of speech, grammar, and word choice influence the understanding of literary, persuasive, and informational texts 3. Writing and Composition 1. Literary or narrative genres feature a variety of stylistic devices to engage or entertain an audience 2. Organizational writing patterns inform or persuade an audience 3. Grammar, language usage, mechanics, and clarity are the basis of ongoing refinements and revisions within the writing process 4.Research and Reasoning 1. Collect, analyze, and evaluate information obtained from multiple sources to answer a question, propose solutions, or share findings and conclusions 2. An author’s reasoning is the essence of legitimate writing and requires evaluating text for validity and accuracy
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