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Field Engineer Development Program

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1 Field Engineer Development Program

2 LEAD Program Expanding
Structured employee development program Initial focus on developing field engineers with engineering / technical degrees Secondary focus will be on remaining field personnel Other disciplines in the future Includes Competency based progression in all product lines Expanded EDP curriculum Applies to Field Engineers – June 1, 2009 Field Specialists – December 31, 2009 (What is it?) The LEAD program has been expanded beyond the current EDP and XDP curriculum. It is designed to promote and accelerate the development of field engineers with engineering and technical four-year degrees. In addition to EDP/XDP, it includes a competency base progression system for each product line Field positions will be split into specialist title and engineer title. The LEAD program will apply to entry level field positions. The current competency program is directed to degreed engineers. Future programs will address field specialists and other categories.

3 LEAD Progression – Field Engineer
This graphic illustrates the Field engineer progression. The program is based on a three year development path The candidate advances one grade each year Ready for opportunities in year 4 Opportunities in year 4 are not automatic Candidate goes through a structured review process every twelve months. Progression through grades is automatic if requirements are met. Each product line has specific Specialist “slope” is in development

4 The New Field Engineering Job Family
The Field Engineering Job family will have 4 distinct levels: Field Engineer I. Entry level into the LEAD program, learns the basics of the product line, attends all applicable technical training. Field Engineer II. Second year of LEAD program, is able to provide resolution to an assortment of typical technical challenges within the product line, attends all applicable technical training. Field Engineer III. Third and final year of the LEAD program, is able to provide resolution to an assortment of challenges of moderately complex scope within the product line, attends all applicable technical training. Acts as a mentor to the lower level Engineers. Field Engineer IV. Fully fledged and qualified, career-oriented Engineer. Has a sound knowledge of the product line’s application of tools and/or services. Is able to provide resolution to a diverse scope and range of complex challenges within the Product Line

5 Compensation Guidelines for the Field Engineer Job Family
Field Engineers in the Grade 1 through 18 salary structure will receive a base salary and be eligible for Baker Hughes annual variable pay programs. Field Engineers in the Field Grade 61 through 72 salary structure will receive a base salary and field pay. All Field Engineers regardless of what salary structure they reside in will not be eligible for merit, instead they will be on a salary step progression program. In this type of compensation program the employee is entitled to step salary increases after successful completion of all the LEAD requirements.

6 Employee Co-Owner Of Career Development

7 Mentor Guides Employee

8 Supervisor Co-Owner of Career Development Schedule Activities
Evaluation/Competency Assessment

9 Field Career Development Manager
Monitor Learning Progression Mentor Management Plans Reviews Schedules Core Classes

10 Executive Leadership Actively Support & Promote Program

11 Employee Development Manager
Product Line Competency Structure Technical Training


13 Competency-based system
Employees prove competency by consistently demonstrating specific skills at a defined proficiency level Level 1 – Awareness Level 2 – Working under supervision Level 3 – Stand alone / competent Level 4 – Expert / Mastery Competency - Identifiable, definable, and measurable knowledge, skills, abilities and/or other deployment-related characteristics (e.g. attitude, behaviour, physical ability) which a human resource may possess and which is necessary for, or material to, the performance of an activity within a specific business context The program is based on developing competency in the product line technology as a requirement for progression. Candidates’ skills are evaluated on the basis of the level of proficiency.

14 New EDP Curriculum EDP 1 - Functional & Technical skills
Nine-day course New-hires – during first year EDP 2 – Technical & Communication skills Six-day course During second year EDP 3 Front Line Managers (Supervisory Cornerstone) Five-day course During third year EDP 4 - Graduation Presentation to Region management

15 People as a Competitive Advantage
Recruit Attract Best-In-Class college graduates Changing global market Demographic changes in workforce Develop Faster time to market Known quality Enhanced focus on leadership development Sustainable talent pipeline Retain Engage and challenge employees Broader opportunities Lead the industry (Why do we need it?) Finding qualified candidates for developmental and leadership positions is a major problem today Organizational development We need to improve the way we identify develop and prepare candidates LEAD process and competency development establishes a structure and road map to develop candidates It insures that we have an efficient way of developing a population of candidates Competitive advantage We are competing for the best candidates at the recruiting stage and beyond. We musty have a way to engage the employees and keep them challenged in the early stages of their career. An established program is an attractive tool to potential new-hires. It can assure that employees do not become bored with their careers or feel they are being neglected. Our new organization will need motivated individuals who a technicaly competent and have cross-product line experience. Attracting and developing strong candidates will help us to become recognized as leaders in the industry Labor market Our markets will continue to shift geographically making it critical to develop mobile candidates from a variety of backgrounds. Candidates must be versatile and flexible. Changing age demographics make it critical to recruit and develop candidates for mid-grade level leadership roles in all areas; management, technical support, sales, marketing, training, etc. The time frame is critical so we must accelerate this development process Applies to existing employees as well Known quality – consistent standard Lead the industy – lower attrition Sustainable for managers

16 Improved process will benefit:
Management Accelerates employee development “Push vs. Pull” system Strengthens succession planning Improves service quality Improves profitability Employee Defines career progression and path Increases ownership in career development Identifies skill gaps and training needed Prepares employee for future roles Accelerates development (What’s in it for me?) Employees are developed and prepared to fill future needs in leadership positions Adequate pipelines means more candidates to choose from Defined program should lead to faster development Standards are established. Skills and experience should be more uniform and predictable. Better trained employees should raise level and quality of service. Employees Can expect to have a plan and understand what is expected of them Will not feel neglected but challenged It will be easier to identify individual and organizational gaps Other: Outpace competition Overcome new-hire “de-railers” Improves branding Leverages talent Safeguards critical business capabilities

17 Success Measurement Number of candidates on schedule
Employee Retention Competency skill levels Succession plan candidates Others? (How do we evaluate success?)

18 Implementation Timeline
(What’s the timeline?) Implementation Timeline Program roll-out - June 2009 Competency mapping complete - October 1, 2009 Mentor program defined – October 1, 2009 Field Specialist progression maps – December 15, 2009

19 What We Need From You Leadership commitment Initial roll-out
Culture change Sustainability Management accountability People Resources Mentors Assessors Review boards Feedback (How do we support it?) Local CDMs will be responsible for overseeing the program Making sure it is working Criteria are being met Assessments will be ongoing

20 What tools do we have? Career progression guides
Product line competency programs EDP curriculum Web page in development (need link) LearnLink: competency management tool Competencies Records Reports

21 Field Engineer Development Program

22 FAQs When will this program begin? Answer
What is the definition of a “Field Engineer”? For LEAD, “field engineers” are defined as those who ... have a Bachelor’s degree in engineering or applied science work currently as a field engineer (BA, INT, HCC, BHDF) or are engineers who work in a field/operations support role (BOT, CL, BPC) are just beginning their career with Baker Hughes

23 FAQs Why were field engineers selected first?
There was a higher attrition rate in this employee segment in the organization, especially those with engineering degrees and 1 to 3 years of experience One of the main reasons expressed in exit interviews for leaving BHI was the lack of a visible career path Is there a plan for other field employees? Yes. Field Technicians / Specialists will be addressed this year with a similar program launched in 2010

24 FAQs Will compensation be impacted?
Answer Will employees be “grandfathered” into this program?

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